Thursday, July 30, 2009
New and Re-new

Party On!
So come on, let's party like it's the end of the summer. Bring your best dishes (ideas) and we'll get this party started.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Water Color Summer
And a kit just isn't a kit without its embellishments. So to these lovely papers we add a length of polka-dot ribbon, some cute little blooms with rhinestone centers, a great summer tag, a summer ticket and some mini brads -- in none other than swimming pool blue.
With your kit on the way, are you ready to play? Have your photos picked, or even in mind? No? Well, you've still got a couple days until that little red and blue box appears on your porch step.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Front Porch Thoughts
Added to the papers are a bunch of lovely accents: puffy ones, sticker ones, floral ones, felt ones, title ones, journaling ones and buttons ones (both regular and chipboard with vintage prints). Makes my fingers itch to play with it all.
Look for your own simple-moment photos to pair up with your set of October Afternoon papers.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Patriotic (or not) Pages
This kit would also be great for any picnic or BBQ, not just those on the 4th, baseball or softball games and the bright color scheme would look great with winter activities.
So if you've had a done-nothing day, or you've been on a scrapbooking hiatus, take your cue from this kit, or any of the July kits that are just calling to you and get something accomplished.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Holy July 4th Sale, Batman!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Road Trip!
Now, just because there is a map and some travel related items, don't think this kit can only document a vacation trip. Let it help you tell about your cross-country move, or moves if you do so on a regular basis, taking a child off to college, even heritage photos of how your family came to be where they are. There's enough paper in here to do non-travel layouts that just show off your simple summer themes.
Enjoy the ride with this kit and make sure you include those roadside stops.