You know, it would have been nice if someone warned me that Christmas was coming. Said, "Hey, big holiday on the horizon!" But no. Nobody did. So I'm left running around, frantic, hair-on-fire . . . so even though I thought often of the blog this week, I just was never able to settle down long enough to get on here. You'd think with the crazed running around something would have been accomplished, but no. . .not really.
I am again participating in the December Daily on Ali Edwards' blog. I did this last year and it was so fun. It's even more fun to look at the album from last year. I know! My album was actually done BEFORE I started the project last year. You can see my album for this year on the December 2nd photo below. Ah, yeah, it's not completed . . . or even started. . .but you'll see my photos so far for this year are coming along. .
1) Abbott, our lovely elf from the North Pole is visiting once again this year. He was warned to behave, and so far has. Sort of. 2) My December Daily albu. .er. . .kit. 3) Oranges, clementine, Cuties, call them what you will, if the 2 y.o. could eat them every day he would. And if we have them in the house, he does. He's even learned to peel them. 4) Bob Bell JV Basketball Champion from last weekend's tournament and his over-exuberant teen-sister (gotta just love the mood swings! Really. You have to or they'll just make you insane.)

5) Chocolate covered cherries. Need I say more? They are a beacon of memories for this time of year for me. My father always had a box in his stocking on Christmas morning. 6) St. Nick's day - this is usually a pajama photo, but we opened gifts just before taking off for school and no pajamas made me sad. 7) Have I ever mentioned what a lovely man St. Nick is. He brings us things that need to be shared (and new pajamas but we don't share those) - to help us remember the reason for the season. And this year he brought us a donut maker. That man knows the way to an overworked mommy's heart! 8) The two year old loves to cook. If you have sugar, eggs and a spoon, he's there. This night nobody was cooking, so he decided to do it himself - a pack of Kook-aid a spoon and a bowl. No sugar. A lot of stirring and then the obligatory tasting. . .ah yeah.

9) These luscious little gems are produced from the new donut maker. All I can say, besides Yum, is it's a good thing they are smallish, makes justifying eating 10 easier, less guilt.
I'm sure I had a week's worth of stuff to fill you in on, but that's the gist of it. Billing and shipping, and apparently the Christmas season, are in full swing, so I'll keep it at this for now. OOOHHH, there is a new design team ready to go in January - keep your eyes open for a blog hop to introduce them all!
Besides a weekend filled with basketball, I have decorating plans and I think Amazon will be my new best friend this weekend.
Have a great weekend.