This past weekend we witnessed my 10 y.o. and his team's first win in a season! As in they hadn't won since last season - last fall. They won 2-1. I wasn't able to stay until the end, overlap of a volleyball game had me leaving at half time to get the volleyball-er to her game on time. I did see the first score and they were playing so well. I was told that it was likely there was more praying on that sideline, by the parents, than at church on Sunday . . ."Please. . .just hold the lead for 15 more minutes," "Just 5 more minutes. . ." "PLEASE!" I know the goal I saw elicited such shear joy that the screaming both on field and on the sidelines had the opposing team's parents looking at us like we were lunatics. Oh, and the volleyball-er won her match, too. The 12 y.o. had a by-week.

Just so you don't think it was all sports, we did kick off the weekend with my daughter's 8th grade play and it was wonderful. Funny, well done and just a delight to watch. A little wrap party at Gunther Toody's for a nice thick Chocolate Cherry shake. Hurray! Top it off with a relaxing Sunday and some kite flying and it was a good weekend.
Did you know that it's possible to fly a kite with your foot? Yes. Keeps the hands free for texting. (sigh, eye-rolling)
The weekend was like a party without the presents or the cake, which must be why I felt the need to make a cake. I nice orange with orange glaze affair. Anyway, I'm thinking what's a birthday party without festive wrapping papers - bright and full of festive-ness. Today create a layout using at least three different patterned papers.
It's a "divided we conquer" night tonight, with soccer practices for the boys and a volleyball game for the 14 y.o. and because the cosmos is aligned as such, they all fall all over each other time-wise.