Wednesday, September 14, 2016

We Are

Some serious connectivity issues have kept me from regular posting.  By the time there's internet, it's later in the day and I've lost my "window."

Life is just plugging along.  The trees are changing.  There are little dabs of yellow here and there.  A smidgen of red on some.  It's awesome.

  • When you look forward to certain days, but others can't appreciate them because they're not in medical classes
  • When it's in her genes
  • If it counted, we could all eat for free
  • When your kids were little and you worried when you didn't hear them. . .apparently there's no set time for that to stop. . . 
  • And you wonder if you've gone wrong somewhere
  • First-ever batch of Peach Butter. 
  • Meet number two - the "herd" is about half what the first one was.  It's still crazy.
  • Official time 23:45
  • The runner, himself
  • When you find someone sleeping in your bed.  She only growls like a bear.
Happy Wednesday,

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