Friday, April 30, 2010
Hop To Challenge #12

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hop To It Challenge #11

Monday, April 26, 2010
Bear With Me
Week in the Life Day #7
Thomas made breakfast this morning (and took the photo) . . . waffles filled with bananas, peanut butter and jelly. Delish.
We couldn't make Mass on Saturday, so a late Mass on Sunday where the priest unfortunately mentioned donuts (the "Catholic Tradition"), which led to thoughts of them, and of course the car must have heard because next thing I knew we were standing in front of the glass case filled with sugar-glazed goodness.
Could they be brothers? Perhaps.
A little sharing.
Sigh. Laundry . . . and this is only a week's worth. Sigh.
Dinner - with Christopher out of town, and has been the majority of the week, dinners are quick and easy. Tonight - Soft Tacos.
Screaming for Ice Cream. Ahhh. . .ya.
Kitchen cleaned, kids in bed, time to try to get a little work done.
Okay, my original thought at the beginning of this was to do a nice 2-page layout. Are you laughing as hard as I am? And the photos I posted aren't even all the ones I took, though I could narrow them down to use just these. But clearly even just using these, they aren't going to fit on a 2-page layout. So now the search begins for a small album - I might have one. NOW, I get why there was a "planning" portion to the week. Stay tuned to see if these photos end up in an album!
Hopefully you enjoyed the week, whether you participated or just followed along on everyone's photos.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Week in the Life Day #6
We are a sporting family - so waking up to this: grey skies, wind and snow coming in over the mountains is not what we want to see. Gear up, boys!
Soccer parents are a hardy breed and Spring soccer will test our very souls and warmth ratings on our coats. Who's bringing the Hot Todies?
Mine is the bundled one. Wait. He's the one in the hat. Wait. He's the one right there on the left, in the red hat. Thank goodness for numbers on their jersies.
On the road again . . . Headin' for The People's Republic of Boulder and game two.
They say wait 5 minutes and the weather will change in Colorado. By the time we got to the next game the skies had cleared and the sun was out. The only evidence of our past suffering was the mound of coats and blankets in the back of the car.
Grandma brings treats - always. I think it's in the rule books. Apparently only the insides were worth eating to some small creature.
Aaannnddd. . .north we go again, to games three and four. My little "setter."
Two games, two photos, this time she's serving and Mom actually caught the ball in frame!
Cold, snow, wind, sun, more wind, drive, drive, drive, and a couple volleys thrown in for good measure. All in a day for sporting families. We ended with two losses 1-0; 8-1 (yikes) and two wins in straight sets.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Week in the Life Day #5
Do you have one of these? A just-when-I-thought-it-was-Spring moment.
Do you have one of these? The when-I-feel-like-it-some-times milk drinker.Do you have one of these? The coffee container, that until today when Spiderman found it, was just about holding coffee.
Do you have one of these? A teenage daughter - 'nuf said.
Do you have one of these? The pre-teen boy who doesn't mind his picture being taken.Do you have one of these? The 9 y.o. boy who still loves giving kisses and hugs.
Do you have one of these? The after-a-long-hard-week-at-school relaxing box? Do you have one of these? A horizontal space that "collects" things.Do you have one of these? The thrown together dinner - tonight Fetticini Alfredo and Chicken.
Do you have one of these? The left-at-the-table eaters.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Week in the Life Day #4
The upside to have the husband out of town and having to take the kids to school is I can make an early morning trip to the grocery store and still be home by 8:30.
Looking west a couple blocks from the house, the foothills can barely be seen with the low-lying clouds filling up behind them and starting to boil over the tops. No mountain views today.
Out Indiana on the way to The Container Store, aka heaven for the organized. Did I think to take a photo in there? No - it was Nirvana; I could barely concentrate as it was. After The Container Store it was out to get the kids and let the running beginning - pretty much a repeat of Tuesday evenings, only with rain. The rain effectively cancelled practices early, well not so much the rain, as the bolts of lightening and cracks of thunder. Luckily, it only takes one for coaches to clear the fields in nothing flat. Before the boys hit the car doors, it was a downpour.
Hometown: Assignment #4

Winner, winner, winner -- It's Catch-up Time Baby
- Hop To It Week #1 (challenges #1 & #2) - girlyscrapper
- Hop To It Week #2 (challenges #3, #4, #5 & #6) - Perez, Kristin I'll get you something in the mail at the end of the challenges.
- Hop To It Week #3 (challenges #7 & #8) -- Perez, Kristin - ditto :)
- Assignment: Hometown #1 - Briel, your goodie will be in your next kit
- Assignment: Hometown #2 - Briel - ditto to you as well
- Assignment: Hometown #3 - Deanna, I'll get you something at the end of the challenges, too.
Keep 'em coming ladies, layouts have been fantastic and it's been really fun to see all the different hometowns. You can play catch-up with both these challenges to be in the drawing for the grand prizes. All layouts/photos are due by May 5th to be in the Grand Prize.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Week in the Life Day #3
Ummm. . .yeah. Who's kid is this?
He plays with this . . .