Enjoy the day off to catch up on the first two layouts.

Enjoy the day off to catch up on the first two layouts.
Did you notice - more recent kits :) This time they are the Bella Blvd Man of the House papers from June's Smaller than a Breadbox kit. WooHoo. They are simple, but they are done!
Alright then. You have your assignment, I have mine and we'll meet again tomorrow.
My Croppy Summer Assignment #2 - Layouts are due by Sunday evening.
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So go, unearth your supplies, round up your photos, crack your knuckles and sharpen your scissors! Here we go!
Did you notice? Can you tell? No? (More Indiana Jones theme music playing) They all use recent kits - well, the one top does - it's the October Afternoon Fly a Kite papers from the June Bigger than a Breadbox kit. Oh, my love those papers! The other two use July papers - the Bo Bunny Sun Kissed and Pink Paislee 365 Degrees papers from the Bigger kit! AND. AND . . . wait for it . . . the photos are from 2006. So, you say? Well, the kits I've been using lately are over two years old and the photos have been primarily 2002-2004. While this doesn't signal that my photos are caught up or that my stash of kits is this current, it is fun to actually work with new stuff, LOL.
Next - I loved all the clothing, shoes, purse, accessory inspiration and subsequent layouts that were created as a result of last Monday's challenge. I already told Linda, I want that purse, perfect ginormous size for a soccer mom! (Linda, I went to the site you so generously found . . . and oh, my, it could, will be dangerous. Very dangerous.). And Kai better hold tight to those shoes ;) And finally, to Molly - hurray on the journaling!! Keep it up. Finally, today is the kick off to My Croppy Summer! I'll do a separate post for that that will have all you need to know, including the first challenge. Happy Monday - here's to live computers!Thought I'd share my recent layouts. Yes the photos are duplicates, though the layouts are different; one for the family album, one for the child's. I messed with the slide show for way, way too long - so instead of a nice rotating image, you get them all laid out. Stupid technology!
I actually have nothing planned for this weekend. Nothing! I don't know when the last time that happened. Wow. Wonder what I'll do with it? Find out Monday ;)
This sketch, along with Monday's challenge and Friday's to come, are due by Saturday evening. Be on the look out for the summer-long challenge "My Croppy Summer" starting next week, lots of fun planned, lots of chances to win, lots of layouts done!
This challenge and yesterday's are due to be linked up by Saturday evening to be eligible for your weekly Treat.
Remember to leave your comment over at Bella!
Have a great weekend!
I'm not dead. I'm not sick. My kids haven't driven me insane. . . anymore than I already was anyway. I'm not even on vacation - and by that I mean away from the house and all that beckons when you're home. Nope, it was just plain old shipping. But that is wrapped up and I'm moving on to July stuff - which is totally fun! I can't wait to play with them and, if I can get ahead of the game, show pieces of them here. :)
Let's start with a couple blog shouts to start:Alright, so you need your challenge-fix for the week. (I will be posting the 5 on Friday, too). So here you go. The sketch is by Sous Chef Gloria! Always great work. She's one of the Card Chefs, but you can totally create a layout from it! That "image" space is perfect for one, two, four or six (small but well placed) photos. Let's see what you can create! Would love to see some of my card kit followers out there link up for this one (or any challenges for that matter!)
This challenge along with tomorrow's will be due Saturday evening to be eligible for the weekly prize.
Final note: be on the look out for some serious scrapbooking opportunities coming soon! "My Croppy Summer" is heading this way!
Hey, it's garage sale day - clear out the bits and pieces! Remember this along with the other two challenges this week are due by Saturday evening to be eligible to win a Cookie Jar Treat.
Have a super weekend!
Let's see oh, winners from last week. Shoot, no, two weeks worth. What the heck? How did I miss that one? Okay, well here you go:
And finally - today's challenge; I can just get it in. I'm sweltering here in the heat and humidity, so work with something "cool." Create your layout using cool tones: blues, greens, crisp white, purple. I'll give you a bonus toss in the drawing if you scrapbook something cool. This will be due, linked, by Saturday evening.
Hopefully, it's cooler where you are. Happy Monday.
Remember, outside of journaling and a title, only the five ingredients above can be used on your layout.
Hope your Friday is the start of a great weekend. Here - no soccer! No volleyball! No school to prep for! And only half the family! Scrapbooking here I come! (Yes, I miss my boys, but I know they're having a great, no shower, eating whatever I wouldn't want them to be eating and enjoying all day on the lake kinda time.)
Like the other challenges from this week, this one is due by Saturday evening.
Happy Wednesday. Next time we chat, I should be a summer-vacation mom.