There's still a couple days before Christmas is upon us, but it's the last of the prompts for the 12 Days of Christmas. I hope you've taken time for your creative side. 12 Days of using items and we finish with bling - find twelve glittery sequins or enamel dots.
Hopefully you've taken time for you. Hopefully you've dug into some of your stash and made a tiny dent. Keep rolling along in that vein today. On the 11th Day of Christmas, find eleven brads to use on your page or card today. Go. Create.
I hear the clock ticking, too. But keeping your sanity, your center and your joy are important. It's the 10th Day of Christmas, so take 10 minutes to find ten thing to include on your next card or layout. Go. Create.
Keep plugging away at your to-do list, but remember to put time for yourself on it. And if that time includes using so scrappy items, then so be it. Today on the 9th Day of Christmas, find nine buttons to use on your card or layout.
It's not running away. It's not procrastinating. It's called taking care of yourself and using your stash. Slide away into your creative world, and find eight wooden pieces to incorporate on your layout or card. Go. Create.
The holidays starting to pick up speed on you? Your supply stash starting to overwhelm your space? Then it's time to slow yourself down for just a moment - everything will still be there. On Day Seven, dig out seven florals/leaves and use them on your page or card. Go. Create.
Take a moment to breathe. Take another as you look at your supply of supplies. Then, on this, Day Six of the 12 Days of Christmas select, and incorporate, six journaling cards on your layout or card. Go. Create.
The pre-holiday prep have you a little ragged? Stash a little on the full side? Grab some time for yourself and create. Day Five of the 12 Days of Christmas has you off looking for five different ribbons to incorporate on to your layout or card. Go. Create.
Creative time is peaceful time. A dwindling pile of supplies makes the heart light. Today is Day Four of the 12 Days of Christmas. Use four sheets of patterned paper on your card or layout. Go. Create.
Need a breather? Need to dig into that kit from last month? Today, on Day Three of the 12 Days of Christmas use three sheets of cardstock on your card or layout. Go. Create.
This is your reminder to take time for yourself today, and use up a little product while you're at it. You can use Day Two of the 12 Days of Christmas to get you started. Use two different stamps on your page or card. Go. Create.
Take a break from the break-neck speed of the holidays to do something for yourself. And maybe make a dent in that stash. ;) On Day One of the 12 Days of Christmas, find one sheet of die-cut paper and use it on a layout or card. Go. Create.
We are struggling through some stuff, including finals for Girlie this week, prep for finals for the boys, preoccupation of the mind and general daily excitement on what our elf, Abbott, has done overnight. Every gift I have has been wrapped (this is a first!) - though I still have shopping to complete. The tree is up and 3/4 decorated; I have one box left. Almost all of the decorations have been hauled up and are put up. My girl and I are attending The Nutcracker this weekend, with my sisters and niece. The cookie bake is next weekend. The Girlie and I are going to a performance of White Christmas with a mix of my family members, in a couple weeks. Then there's the usual prep and rushing around. In the mean time, this week I get a peek at what my kids are doing when I'm not around.
We are pleased with the decorating done at work today, even with the 7 y.o. in tow. (photo: 17 y.o.)
We are grateful for support groups. (photo: 18 y.o.)
We are going to gain the Freshman 15 in the one week leading up to finals. (photo: 18 y.o.)
We are Coloradans, shorts and snow is not at all unusual. (photo: 18 y.o.)
We are attending the Not So Silent Night concert. (photo: 17 y.o.)
We are celebrating the feast of St. Nicholas. (photo: 17 y.o.)
We are pretty sure we need a little refresher. It's not St. Patrick's day. Those are polar bears, not dogs. And those are chocolate oranges, not bunnies.
We are getting the "standard stand-ins" gold coin chocolate (coins), mini Reeces (nuts) and chocolate oranges (oranges)
We are more than happy with St. Nick. (photo: 15 y.o.) In fact, the 17 y.o. opened the meant-to-be-shared gift and quizzed the 15 y.o. on what it was - he kept guessing movies even though the release of the game is all he's talked about since he saw the trailers for it six months ago!
We are pretty sure we'll find him here eight hours from now. Thanks St. Nick.
We are not unaware of this fact. Boys equals bigger, louder, better. (photo: 17 y.o.)
We are grateful for friends, who are also in the midst of finals. (photo: 18 y.o.)
We are doing what needs doing on Holy Days (photo: 17 y.o.)
We are receiving a new appliance in a effort to get the 17 y.o.'s molars to do the Ortho's bidding.