Friday, October 29, 2010

Croptoberfest Witch's Cauldron Drawing

Soon, Little Missy here will be hopping on her broom and crossing the moon to enjoy the Witching Hour.  Before she heads out though she's got a few more names to stir up - inlcuding this one for today:
Are you a registered follower yet?  If not, there's still time to win.

Croptoberfest Day 12 - 5 on Friday

I started my morning dashing to school to give forgotten homework to two children, both of whom were grateful.  Luckily, I caught them still in the school assembly where the classes were called up one at a time to show off their costumes.  So cute and so imaginative.  It was fun to see the changes in costumes between Kindergartners and the 8th graders.  Kindergarten, besides being so little, were all cute and cuddly and sparkly - princesses, superheros, puppies, a ninja or two.  By 8th grade you get some interesting self-inspired imagination - an iPhone, a gaggle of 80's-inspired Workout Queens (very Olivia Newton-John "Let's Get Physical, only in dayglo), a rescued Chilean miner and the four boys who came as girls - skirts, make-up, wigs.  Should make for an interesting Jr. High dance later today.  My camera?  Ah.  Yeah.  In the car.

I figured since I was out I'd hit Target in the hopes of finding something cuddly, cute and ultimately warm for our Colorado Halloween, for the toddler.  I found a couple, but they were too small and while I may be the last minute searcher I'm not going to drive around town looking for something. Hey, three of the four had their costumes today, so give me a break.  Plus he's two, he doesn't care what he's wearing now.  Once he figures out about the candy, that's all it'll be about.  I did, however, pick up an accessory kit and something to accessorise the accessories - we'll see if we can pull it off with face paint before he pulls it all off.
There was also a disturbing sight back in the Halloween department - Christmas decorations!  Really?  We can't even wait until the Halloween aisle is cleared?

I will not think about that now - I will issue a challenge for today instead.  Much more fun.  Today's ingredients are:
  • 2 sheets of patterned paper
  • 1 sheet of stickers
  • 1 set of alphabets
  • 1 set of buttons
Remember, besides journaling and a title, no other ingredients are allowed.  This, along with the other challenges this week are due on Sunday.

Hope your Trick-or-Treating is successful, enjoyable and filled with inspiring new photos!

Croptoberfest Day 12 - Due Sunday Oct. 31st by the Witching Hour

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Croptoberfest Witch's Cauldron Drawing

She's blown in on her broom to make someone happy, happy today!  Who will it be. . .

KFQamie!  That's who. 

Contact me at with your shipping information.

Croptoberfest Day 11 - Sketches on Wednesday, with a twist

Happy "Winds"day!  I think all of us across the country have felt the lovely weather system that has plowed across the U.S. in the past day or so.  For us that meant huge-chain-law-in-effect-pass-closing snows for the mountains.  On the plus side, two of the ski areas are open - too bad none of us ski.  Down here on the plains that meant insane winds, a sporadic shower or two and cold temps.  Frankly, I'm surprised there are any leaves on the trees - or trees standing.  A little "Cliff Clavin" tidbit - the barometric pressure here, with this storm, was the lowest ever recorded for a non-hurricane "event."  Hopefully, wherever you are, you've survived whatever that weather system brought your way.

Couple quick replies to some commenter's - Deanna those paper rolls are totally worth your glued-together fingers.  And Jessica, hopefully you got enough creativity flowing that you tackled the "scared to try" technique.  I have found that doing something new is actually rather inspiring - it just takes a lot of push to get it started.

So today is sketch day, with a sketch from Nuts About Sketches.  I always love Shawn's sketches and think I'm gonna go dig out a past one, but her most current are too cute to get past!  And this one is no different.  Adorable, no-cropping photos required and super simple to mirror image for a 2-pager.

Now the twist, since you have the layout here - no thinking required layout, grab your oldest-most-passed-over seasonal photos and scrapbook them. 
Finally - Last week's winner of something Halloween-y: Kristin P.! I think I might be able to tuck something into an upcoming shipment for you. Congrats.
Happy "Winds"day, ya'll!

Croptoberfest Day 11 - Due by the Witching Hour on Oct 31st

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Croptoberfest Day 10 - Monday. . .lack of inspiration

It's grey, raining and cold.  Big wind over the weekend has knocked almost all the colors out of the trees - remember the photo from last week of my trees in the front - yeah, almost totally bare now, save those hearty-I'm-not-lettin'-go leaves; I think there are five of them.  This kind of weather, combined with a carpet of gold on the lawn (hey, I'll cling to those gorgeous colors whether they're on the trees or the grass) would usually a banner day for me.  But over stimulation and chaos over the weekend has left me exhausted.  Too much noise, too much running and too much clutter in my house.  There's no sanctuary. 

Ever have that feeling?  I go along okay, and then I realize the noise and can't tune it out.  I turn around to find clutter in every corner of my house - costumes in progress, paper work avalanching off my desk, catalogs stacked in the family room, boxes of product in the living room, laundry that can't seem to make it past the threshold of the laundry room, soccer bags, volleyball gear, balls, shoes, a suitcase from DH's trip in the middle of the floor.  There's no place for my eye to rest that doesn't scream "clean me!"  So I try to deal with some of the clutter but all I see is what I can't get to.  Then some child announces they've lost an assignment ("It was right here!") and I'm detoured to scouring the house for it (never did find it.)  Three soccer games, two volleyball games, a trip to church and a trip out to the airport later and before I know it it's all just too much. I won't talk about the to-do list that continues to grow or the frustration that still lingers over arriving to play volleyball only to find out the team had to forfeit their first game because a coach didn't check email to find that the schedules were moved up an hour and none of the team was there.  Okay - deep breath in - slow exhale out.  Ahhhh. . .better.

While I may still be in my pajamas, I do have a bathroom cleaned, laundry well underway, main level floors are swept and vacuumed and the kitchen is set to rights, the flow of paper off my desk has been contained to a small trickle - kind of.  Two of the older kids have their pumpkins carved and those are sitting in the front room and the toddler is quietly playing with the vacuum.  I've had my coffee and those golden leaves on the grass and the bright cherry red leaves on the bushes that the wind hasn't gotten to yet are lifting my mood.  Slowly exhale.

Time for your Monday challenge:  incorporate a new technique into your layout.  Have some glimmer mist, but never used it?  Use it.  Been eyeing the paper strips that are accordion folded?  Get folding.  Wanting to try to make your own layered flowers?  Start cutting.  You've been too afraid to rough up your layout edges and ink them?  Get over it.  Go explore something new.  You'll love it!

I'm off to clean another bathroom, rotate another load of laundry, get myself and the toddler dressed and then get these costumes out of my kitchen!  Inspiring?  Not so much.  Mood lifting?  Sort of.  Necessary for sanity?  Definitely!!

Have a great Monday.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Croptoberfest - Witch's Draw

She thought she'd cook up one more drawing before the weekend - this little gal needs a good witch name - anyway, she's pulled from the goo boiling away:  Raegan Lalli.  Raegan, congrats!!  Just let me know if your shipping information has changed at

Happy Friday!

Croptoberfest Day 9 - 5 on Friday

These photos are of the trees in my front yard.  Everytime I pull into the driveway this time of year I slow down long enough to see the trees in all their autumn glory; the Autumn Purple is golden on the inside with its reddish-purple color on the outside.  The Aspens are true Colorado Gold.  When I stood beneath them to snap these photos the light became golden-pink.  Someday I'll be able to actually capture that on film - maybe.

Today is a grey day.  At some point we may have rain and it'll be cold all day (actually perfect scrapbooking weather.)  We have our first Winter Weather Advisory, though not for Denver, but in the southwestern portion of the state, where they'll start accumulating their seasonal 100+ inches of snow with a possible 10 inches today.

This weather is all great when you get to sit inside and enjoy the colors and breeze and rain.  It starts to not be so fun when you have to stand out in it.  Like, say, at a soccer game.  yay.  We have two soccer games tomorrow, luckily not so early in the morning we should be freezing, but it could be wet.  We have another game on Sunday and then two volleyball games on Sunday night.  At least we'll get the indoor break.  The kids are excited since I told them we could carve the pumpkins this weekend - probably Sunday and hopefully they'll stay decent until Halloween.  If not, well their decomposition just adds character.

Today, the 5 on Friday challenge is in part inspired by the trees and weather:
  • 1 sheet Kraft or Brown cardstock (you may use two sheets - same color - if you're doing a 2-page spread)
  • 1 sheet patterned paper with either gold, burgundy or orange in the color scheme (not all three colors need to be present)
  • 1 length ribbon
  • 1 handful of brads and buttons
  • 1 sheet of cardstock stickers
Remember, outside of journaling and a title,  the above are all you are allowed to use on the layout.  This layout, and all the rest are due on Sunday, the 24th.  I haven't gone looking at what kind of Halloween-y goodie I might have, but I'm sure I've got something yummy.

Enjoy your weekend!

Croptoberfest Day 9 - Due Sunday Oct 24th

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Croptoberfest - Witch's Draw

She's been cooking and stirring and adding dashes and splashes.  Tails and eyes.  She's cooked up the following lucky winner:  Alison Day!

Alison contact me at with your shipping information.

Croptoberfest Day 8 - Sketches on Thursday and other assorted tidbits

Tidbits like: our trip to the berry farm, just me, Matthew, my visiting sister and her kids, my mom and another sister's kids (the sister was registering for the marathon over the weekend.)  It was a gorgeous morning, and Matt and I managed to fill one pint of tiny, yet delicious, raspberries - even with the handfuls he was eating in between.
We also managed a trip to the Pumpkin Patch so the kids could find their "perfect" pumpkin.  Will it be round or tall?  Big or little?  Bumpy or smooth?   Choices, choices, choices.  With acres and acres to look over, the choices were difficult.  In the golden light of the late afternoon they wandered the rows.  Quiet and intent with a pumpkin cutter in hand - most of the pumpkins were still firmly attached to the vines. The only stipulation - you find it, you get it back to the car.  Just when they thought they'd found THE pumpkin, they'd spot another off in the distance that might be better. (Having learned in the past, we found one of the smaller plots on this huge farm to wander in.)  Eventually the car was loaded with six pumpkins all waiting to be carved this weekend.


Next - Apron Strings is sponsoring a give away over at Let's Scrap.  Grab their great sketch, apply it to a challenge here (you know the whole two birds thing) and win.  If you're chosen as the winner and have the October kit, we can talk ;)  Go, create, play, win.

Sous Chef Gloria shared a great card she created with her September kit, using the Echo Park papers.  You can see the card HERE, and while you're there, browse around.  She has beautiful ideas.

Then there's today's sketch, brought to you by PageMaps - it's an October sketch, but too cute and super easy to make into a 2-pager.

Finally - a winner from week #2 of Croptoberfest:  Kai!  Kailyn you'll get your stamps with your November kit.

Oh - and I had two of my sisters run in the Denver Rock 'n Roll marathon over the weekend (their first marathon).  I just want to give a huge shout of pride out to both of them.  They met their goals - completed the 26.2 miles in under six hours; they worried about the mile, I'd worry about running for that long.  Luckily a marathon is not on my bucket list.  They both crossed the finish line running!  I ketp track of one sisters progress via text message updates from the race.  I couldn't be more proud of either of them.  It is an amazing accomplishment!  Congrats -guys.  Love ya!


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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Croptoberfest Day 7 - Tuesday Inspiration

So I have a few things going on here - not the least of which is a sick child and a toddler who doesn't feel the need for a nap.  Doesn't he know that's when I get things done!!

So, short and sweet with a post tomorrow about our Pumpkin hunting and the colors I love.

Hmm. . .inspiration. . .where can I get some inspiration to jump off into a challenge.  The screaming of the toddler only inspires me to run away, so that won't work.  The sick child only inspires cleaning, that won't work either.  Ah - the photos I will post tomorrow - our trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  Create your layout today incorporating orange and kraft.  Toss in something round to top it off.  Upload this layout by Sunday evening to be eligible for this week's Treat - I'll look and see what type of Halloween-y thing I've got tucked away.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Croptoberfest - 5 on Friday

Another weekend already?  Not that I'm complaining, but that was a fast week.

My sister is in town, with her family for the weekend, so outside of the regular chaos, we'll enjoy some time with them; starting with dinner tonight.  I'm sure the time will go much too fast.  I'm trying to decide the best time to squeeze in a trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  We have two games tomorrow, but we're done at a decent time so I thought maybe tomorrow, but some conflicts may have come up with that.  So okay, we'll shoot for Sunday - but we have volleyball games smack in the middle of the day and DH won't be able to join us.  So now I'm thinking maybe right after school.  We have dinner tonight and my daughter has volleyball practice, but the trip is gonna be squeezed in somewhere - it's just a matter of where.  It's sad really what you'll do for photos so that you can use those papers.

I'm watching the toddler finish off my coffee, the mug is almost as big as his face.  It dribbles down his chin and onto his pajama front.  Unlike his brothers, he will wipe his mouth with something other than his hand, or the shoulder of his shirt, too bad it's the packing paper that was laying on the floor from opening a shipment.  I love that he doesn't care it's falling out of his mouth and down his front, but is careful to wipe his mouth after every drink.

If only we could create without a care - but we worry too much about the placement of this, the look of that, the achievement of what we think is perfection.  On Wendy Smedley's blog she posted this a couple days ago "A Beautiful Thing is Never Perfect."  As a perfectionist myself, this is something I should print up and put in as many rooms as I can get away with!  5 on Friday is a good way to just create. . .so today:
  • 1 sheet of Orange or Green cardstock (it is October after all)
  • 1 sheet of pattern paper with stripes or plaid on one side
  • 1 set of felt or fabric embellishments
  • 1 set of chipboard - use it naked
  • 1 set of something round
I have a lovely set of Halloween stamps by Making Memories for this week's Treat.  Have you layouts uploaded by Sunday evening for your shot at them.

Have a fall-tastic weekend!

Croptoberfest Day 6 - Due Sunday Oct 17th

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Croptoberfest - She's Baaacckk!

Last Croptoberfest, this little witch brought much joy to followers here on the Apron Strings blog.  She drew a name and just for the simple fact that that name was a follower, they won a Treat.

Not a follower yet, now's the time your name could be the one drawn!

The first ID Little Miss Witch has drawn is Michelle.  Michelle, contact me at with your shipping information so I can get a little goodie out to you.

Stay tuned for today's challenge.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Croptoberfest - Sketches on Wednesday. . .or Thursday

Ahhhh. . .yeah.  Well, sketches work today too.

This is just short and sweet - I hope you'll survive without some long post on my part.

Today's sketch comes from Sketchy Thursdays, who is also sporting a cute new look.  I loved the simplicity of this sketch and how easy it would be to convert to a 2-pager.  Plus the examples are super cute.

This layout, along with the others from this week will be due Sunday evening to be eligible for the Halloween Treat.

Catch ya tomorrow!

Croptoberfest Day 5 - Due Sunday Oct. 17th

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Croptoberfest - Monday Inspiration

Happy Monday, ya'll!  Hope your weekend was fantastic; filled with great fall colors, maybe a smidge of cooler air and some crunching, whether it was fall leaves, caramel corn or potato chips during the game.

We enjoyed our games - won one soccer game, lost one soccer game, lost two volleyball matches.  We headed down to Olde Town to check out the Scarecrow Festival.  It had been several years and one kid (or is it two kids) since the last time we went; it's been a while.  It was great weather and outside of the fun scarecrows decorated by the merchants, it was nice to just be outside with the family when it didn't involve a sporting event.  We watched the "Biggest Pumpkin" contest - those suckers were stinkin' huge.  The winner topped out at over 300 pounds.  There was a pumpkin that weighed in at 644 pounds, but it wasn't entered in the contest.  I couldn't get close enough to them, with a kid for scale, to snap a photo.  Bummer.

My inspiration for today's challenge came while browsing a two year old Scrapbooks Etc. magazine.  I love that magazine, even at two years old, the ideas in it were still relevant - I just couldn't look at the ads.  I was falling in love with some paper lines all over again.  Many I know I have, so I think a little excavation is needed in my stash.

Today, you'll do a little excavating yourselves.  We all have layouts that are just eh - they work and they're completed, but they're not a fave.  Which by the way, is totally fine, you're not gonna love EVERY layout; if we tried to achieve that, we'd never get passed layout #1.  So today, select one of those hard-to-be-thrilled by layouts and find something that is good to inspire your next layout.  DO NOT REDO THE LAYOUT.  Simply select something you do like and use it to inspire.  Like you liked the colors.  The photo layout.  The embellishment usage.  Whatever - there is something good on there.

All challenges from this week are due Sunday evening.  Each layout gets you an entry into this week's drawing (I think for another Halloween-y pack of paper - need to check for sure) as well as entry into the Croptoberfest Grand Prize.

Our first winner for Croptoberfest, and the soon-to-be-happy recipent of a My Mind's Eye Halloween pack of paper is:  Linda R.  Linda, I think I can get that set in with your October kit. :)

Off to do a little kit-shipping.  Have a Fall-tastic week!

Croptoberfest Day 4 - Monday Inspiration - Due Sunday Oct 17th

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Croptoberfest - 5 on Friday

Friday!  Kids have the day off, the weather is fantastic, trees are golden, some of the bushes are filled with various reds, from cherry to cranberry - LOVE IT, the breeze continues so more leaves tumble out of the trees.  Yesterday I was out early taking a son to Math Counts. Early, like I commented on the sunrise to him early.  AHHHH.  If you can't tell this is my most F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E time of year.

We had had a huge storm blow through around 1:00 AM Thursday morning (woke Matthew, that was fun.  Thomas however, said "what storm?") and so the resulting sunrise yesterday was vibrant orange.  The light was orange-juice golden.  There was a mist hugging the ground and swirling around the trees and clinging to the open spaces of the soccer fields.  The storm brought some huge gusts of wind so there were more leaves skittering along on the ground.  It was amazing.  I thought about taking a photo, but I knew my point-and-shoot wouldn't capture what my eye was seeing.  So I just sucked it in and shared it with  my son sitting next to me.  By the time I was back at home to pick up the remaining kids to head back to school the light and mists were gone.  For now, the memory takes me away from the chaos that is no-school-day.

5 on Friday.  Croptoberfest.  Seems only natural to combine that somehow.  For your layout today use the following:
  • 1 sheet cardstock in black or purple (if you're doing a 2-page layout you may add another sheet of cardstock - same color)
  • 1 sheet double-sided patterned paper
  • 1 set blingy embellishments
  • 1 length ribbon
  • 1 set round embellishments
Outside of journaling and a title, no other ingredients may be used on this layout.  This along with the other two layouts from this week are due by Sunday evening for a chance to win a My Mind's Eye Paper pack - I'll try to grab a photo of it and update this post.

The weekend here looks to be cool and fall like.  Filled with two soccer games, at the same start time - actually here at our home field, which is a 5 minute drive instead of the hour-long (or more) drives we've had the past four weeks.  Volleyball will take up a portion of our Sunday afternoon.  Otherwise, it's relaxing.  Hope yours will be too!

Happy Freaky-Friday.

Croptoberfest Day 3 - Due Sunday Oct. 10th

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CROPTOBERFEST - Sketches on Wednesday

Figured since yesterday I called this Croptoberfest, I better put it in the name of the post.  It's a truly October day today, which actually makes me ache to do crafty-nesty-type things.  It's cloudy, cool (I suspect as I haven't opened a door to the outside), the leaves are changing, there's a sprinkling of gold and purple colored leaves on the lawn and there's a breeze that will grab a few more ready-to-go leaves and drag them through the air.  Dang I love days like these!  Makes me want to play hooky REALLY BAD!!  Even Matty is subdued for now, though I don't expect that to last.

I can be anal at times.  Okay, fine, a lot.  Just ask any family member. . .a-type personality and controlling.  Such a great mix for my husband and kids to have to live with, don't you think?  Anyway, a few months ago I watched the movie "Julie & Julia" and loved it.  It was a two hour long cooking show (which I love), woven with a back story (love that), which just happened to be a romance - totally love it.  So I was all over this movie.  I caught the end of it last night which made me wonder about the blog she kept.  Yes.  I went, looked and found it and am now reading it from the very beginning.  Hey, I can't read a book that's part of a series without starting at the beginning either.  She's pretty funny.  And the blog - well, let's just say they've come A LONG way in the seven years since she wrote hers (which is no longer active.)  And yes, the book is on my Christmas list.

So that you can get cookin' today, here's your challenge and your recipe, brought to you by Shawn over at Nuts About Sketches.  I love her stuff and sometimes the sketch on top is the one I go with, even after searching through the archives.  Need a little boost in the inspiration area, check out what her designers did with the sketch. 

This layout, along with others from this week will be due Sunday evening.  Remember it's Croptoberfest - so there will be weekly goodies and then overall goodies awarded.  And that little witch from last year will pop in and make some follower's day - if you aren't following or have friends who aren't now's the time to join.  You could win just because you're a follower!

I'm off to do some work, instead of screwing around.  Have a great Wednesday.

Croptoberfest Day #2 - Due Sunday October 10th

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Update with Photos for Tuesday's Challenge

The toddler happened to be wearing the pajamas I spoke of yesterday, so I snapped a couple shots of the little nipper in his saggy, baggy glory.

So there you go - all you need for your "Inspired by. . ." challenge posted yesterday.  Stay tuned for today's.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday's Post on Tuesday

So, yeah, I missed the Monday post on Monday.  It was just one of those days where time seemed to be someplace else.

It was a long and busy weekend, most of which was spent outdoors.  The soccer tournament for my 2nd son was Saturday and Sunday, and outside of sleeping that's where we spent our weekend - at the soccer fields.  No, wait, I did sleep at the soccer fields.  I was trying to get the toddler to nap and I was the one who fell asleep.  My 2nd son and his team lost all three games.  When I looked at the standings Sunday morning to see what our chances were, I can't say I was too sorry to see we would not be moving into the semi-rounds; one of the great soccer-mom dilemmas - the desire to see your child win vs. your own deep desire to leave the fields and baking hot sun.  My daughter also started her volleyball season on Sunday, with a double-header.  They also lost both matches.  But it's early for her and their team has not played together as a team.  A not-so-great weekend from a game stand point, but what's a soccer/volleyball mom to do.  You just rally everyone for the next weekend - which both games are home, at the same fields at the same time.  The jumping and celebrating may be heard in far away states.  Funny how something so small can bring such pleasure.

Speaking of small and pleasurable, we have today's challenge - the first for October, which I'm thinking of playing a little "Croptoberfest" again this year.  Nothing too intense, just some fun stuff here and there.  A grand prize.  That little witch will come back and draw some names.  I have some great My Mind's Eye Halloween paper packs that I'm sure someone out there would enjoy.  Anyone?  Anyone?

Today, a little "Inspired by. . ."  I was watching my toddler wandering around in his dinosaur pajamas the other day, all baggy and saggy and, frankly, very comfy looking and thought that would make a good challenge.  So in honor of my son's dinosaur pajamas, create a layout that's inspired by them - the colors are browns, creams and greens (both moss and evergreen) and a touch of golds, with little dinosaurs all over them.  They are long-sleeved and soft cotton.  And if I was a good challenge-issuer, I'd have a photo, but the description will have to work. So, based on that, what will inspire you?  Step out of the box, instead of the colors will something about the long sleeves inspire you?  A boy theme?  A comfy theme?  I can't wait to see.

Layouts for this are due by Sunday, October 10th.

Now, for the winner from last week:  Briel!  You know the drill ;)  Speaking of Briel, you need to go check out her blog HERE and the "School Book" she's creating.  Her's is not the typical view, from the Parent of the Student, or the Student's perspective, but from the Educator's perspective.  She has a great layout planned, that can certainly be adapted to any view.  But it would also make a meaningful gift for the teachers in your children's lives - just leave out the photos.  Her layouts are clean and the memorabilia she's including is fun and with her plan in place it's a quick and easy project.  Nice job, Briel and thanks for sharing it.

There's some fun stuff  posted from last week.  If you haven't looked, go check out the thumbnails and then be sure to play along yourself for this week's goodies, which will also enter you into the Octoberfest drawings. 

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Five on Friday

We'll I've spent two days in the pit ("30 Days in the Hole" keeps playing in my head for some reason when I'm down here) and I have to say it's less pit-like and more like something humans, rather than sub-creatures (or kids with selective vision), would spend time in.  As long as I stay looking forward to the "living" half of the room, that is. 

Now it's time to tackle my "studio."  I'm gonna keep calling it that, it just sounds more like some place that I WANT to come down to.  De-cluttering is on the menu today after this blog post.  I have paper everywhere, trimmers are stacked and leaning, completed pages are wherever there is open space.  That's just on the surface, if I mine deeper in the piles there are magazines, pens, ribbon, loose buttons, stacks of photos (don't know if they are scrapbooked and duplicates or waiting-to-be-scrapped) and various bits and pieces of other stuff.  I even see a Tamagachi poking out - evidence that I share my space with sub-creatures.  Taking photos over the last two days helped me make progress, perhaps that same approach will help with this next endeavor.  Things look sooooo much worse through the lens.  Hmmm. . .I wonder if ALL things look worse through the lens or if it's just non-human subjects. . .

So I clearly have my "5 on Friday" now, it's time for yours.  Today create a layout using the following:
  • 1 sheet of cardstock
  • 1 sheet of patterned paper
  • 1 set of "themed" buttons or brads - if you have them, if not regular round is okay.
  • 1 set of stickers
  • 1 length of ribbon
As a reminder, since it's been a while, other than title and journaling, only the above listed ingredients can be used on your layout.  You can assemble your own embellishments created from the listed items, but can't incorporate more.  This along with the rest of this week's challenges are due Sunday evening.

We have a soccer tourney this weekend for my youngest player, the other son, thankfully, has a by week and my daughter starts her volleyball season with a double-header on Sunday.  Sounds busy, but with one kid out of the mix it's surprisingly calm, LOL.

Hope you enjoy this first weekend of October!

Weekly Challenges - Due Sunday October 3rd

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