Windy (very windy), cold, blue skies and soccer. That's on the schedule for today. The donuts I made yesterday are gone, unless you count the licked-off-icing one sitting next to me, thanks to the 2 y.o. He's also the one who drank my coffee. Chores are done, except for dusting, but I'll get that when I need to get up and move. My "freak out" deadline is here . . . and I'm not done, so this is short and sweet.
After a birthday party the final piece is the "Thank Yous," either verbally, electronically or handwritten. Today scrapbook something you're thankful for; NOTE: the theme doesn't need to center around gratitude, but if you're thank for the cup of coffee your toddler didn't drink, make your layout about the coffee. If you're thankful for the signs of spring in your yard, scrapbook the signs. If you're thankful for the goofy 10 y.o. building forts for the 2 y.o., scrapbook that.
I'm off to deal with the adrenaline rush, and extreme stress that is a looming deadline!
Happy Thursday.
Don't forget the Birthday Sale - THE BIG ONE is still going on. One more day! Don't miss the great bargains to be found!
Birthday Party Day #22 - due the evening of April 3rd
There’s a new challenge blog in town with articles, swaps, interviews, videos, challenges, great prizes and MORE! Check out Lily Pad Cards!
Since one of those pesky 2011 goals I made for myself was to create cards, I decided I'd follow along in the hopes that it sparks the necessary inspiration. Plus, it's cute and, hey, prizes . . . always a great motivator!
Yesterday was a good day, in terms of getting things done. The laundry got finished, the dishes, eventually, all got done, the bathroom was quieted, the floors upstairs got happy and clean, the giveaway pile was cataloged and boxed and then I got the "do you need a pick-up call?" Heck yes! I even managed to take 10 minutes to deal with a "shoe situation" in my closet. Now, I go in there and get one of those happy little "it's clean" feelings.
Cleaning. A necessary evil of a good party. Something you can't get away from. Sometimes, though, it may just be easier to move. Today, do a little cleaning yourself - only this time the place to put things away is on your layout. Use whatever's out and on your scrapbook table/space on your layout.
It's time to go see what I can tackle for today. Donuts for one are a must. I'll get those made, enjoy one with my coffee and see what else comes up.
I'm sitting here waiting to reclaim my kitchen. . .again. If this is life with teenage eaters, I'm not looking forward to Summer break. Seriously. I cleaned the kitchen four times now.
The back door is open, there's a slightly chilly breeze blowing in, the sky is brilliant blue (the grass is dog-dead brown, but we won't go there), and I'm trying not to think about the typos in the Birthday Sale email I sent out at 2:00 am this morning. Who knew proofing abilities declined with the lateness of the day?
Now, it's time to get the rest of my morning going: laundry is waiting, dishes (sigh) are waiting, a giant load of giveaway stuff is waiting, a bathroom is screaming "clean me" and the upstairs carpets need vacuuming. But I must give you all your work for the day, as mine is already clearly defined.
After presents are opened it's hard to wait to play with all the yummies. Today, it's about playing - no waiting necessary. Create a whimsical layout - use paint, mists (I know where you can find some on sale ;D), buttons, cheery ribbons, whatever it is that whimsy means to you. And to make sure there's no stress involved - playing is not stressful - don't spend more than 60 minutes on your layout. Take your first choices and move on. LOL, no stress there, right?
Okay, all appears quiet in the kitchen, so it's time to go in.
This little piece should open your eyes enough to get the creative juices going though, created by Kristi Bergin-Smith, Guest Designer for March. You can see more on her blog HERE.
"The crocheted piece was so beautiful I wanted to use it on a special project. I bought this 3D frame for our family picture and added a few pieces from the March kit before I framed it. I sewed the crocheted piece to the acrylic tag and then added the pretty green button (all from the March kit). The green foil letters are Thickers from "The Pantry." The two chipboard stars are also from the kit and inked black." ~Kristi
I love all the things Kristi did with her March kit! Thanks Kristi for an awesome month of inspiraiton!!
You can get your first full look at April's kits HERE. All the kits are filled with much needed Spring color! So needed!! I can't wait to get see what the designers have created. I've seen the cards. And Oh. My. Goodness. Too cute! Don't forget to grab your add-ons for the April kits HERE; save an automatic 10% until April 1st.
Thanks to Briel and Jessica and a few others whose name escape me right now for the notes on how this month's challenges have kept you rolling! I love to hear that. This month, I have skidded to a stop, creatively, so I'm loving that there are others just cruising along!
Finally, today's Birthday Challenge. Birthdays are about the milestones and the memories. And if we're lucky we capture them in pictures. Then we set to planning the layouts. Admit it, there are moments you capture that you plan the layout in your head the minute you click the shutter release! Today create a layout using multiple photos - more than six and none more than 4x6 in size.
I'm off to deal with laundry and the never-closed-rotating-door-room that is my kitchen when everyone is home! Why I bother going in to straighten it only to watch the next child come down to destroy it, is beyond me. Sheesh.
Have a Happy Monday and beginning to Spring Break.
Oh! And look for the kick off to the Birthday sale starting tomorrow - it's a doozy! 30, 40, 50 and even 75% off all sorts of goodies. Look for Scrapper's Boxes and Load Me Up Embellishment Boxes! Such great deals you'll want to limber up before you hit the site!!
Birthday Party Day #19 - due Sunday Evening, April 3rd
8th Grade Mom's Night Out! About half the moms of my daughter's 8th grade class were there - 20+ moms. Total fun. Lots of delish food. LOTS of alcohol; I did not do the Peach Schnapps Shots (say that three times fast, it would make for a good roadside sobriety test.) Lots of talk about teenagers - the good, the bad and the ugly. Lots of connecting with moms I haven't really seen or connected with since Matt was born. I refuse to admit the headache I had this morning had anything to do with the drink I had last night - an awesome concoction that I need the recipe for. It was like a Orange Creamsicle in a cup!
Sorry, no good segue today. Regifting. Pros and Cons. Personally, I'm not a huge fan, but if it's a quality item, and you aren't giving it back to the giver AND the present is one the person you're passing it to really wants (and you'd have bought it) anyway, go for it. No opened packages people.
Today, use something "regifted" on your scrapbook page. This can be an item from a swap (remember those??), something someone passed on to you, or you can recycle; packaging, hang tags, etc. I mean that's what regifting is really - recycling.
Birthday Party Day #18 - due Sunday evening, March 27th
I'm not gonna lie - I love presents. I do. I love them on my birthday, on Christmas and the "hey, I was thinking of you" kind. Doesn't matter what it is (well, within reason), but big or small, makes no difference. That little box or bag with a mystery tucked inside. Geez, that's half the fun! I'm not much, never have been, for the whole shaking presents trying to figure out what's in them. I like the surprise. When I was young I do remember smelling a Christmas present and getting that whiff of plastic, baby doll plastic. And I was so bummed that I knew what was in the box.
Today, incorporate a box, or block, on your layout. Group several photos and mat singularly, anchor your embellishments on a tag or envelope, group the whole layout on cardstock and then mat that on another paper. You decide.
Off to start the morning.
Birthday party Day #17 - due Sunday evening March 27th.
I'm so psyched my laundry for the week was done on Tuesday morning! I'm so not a load-a-day kind of homemaker.
Having that one little chore out of the way for the week has given me time to work on other things, like thinking up the next birthday challenge.
Balloons. Brightly colored, a bouquet of balloons is about as festive as you can get. They're just so happy! Today add your scrapbook version of balloons by incorporating round items; at least two pieces must be larger than 3 inches.
I'm off to do much running tonight - early dinner, trek out to soccer fields and then rush back across town to see my 14 y.o. off on her class retreat. She'll be up in the mountains until Friday. Hmm. . .wonder if I'll miss the drama?
Birthday Party Day #16 - due Sunday evening March 27th
This past weekend we witnessed my 10 y.o. and his team's first win in a season! As in they hadn't won since last season - last fall. They won 2-1. I wasn't able to stay until the end, overlap of a volleyball game had me leaving at half time to get the volleyball-er to her game on time. I did see the first score and they were playing so well. I was told that it was likely there was more praying on that sideline, by the parents, than at church on Sunday . . ."Please. . .just hold the lead for 15 more minutes," "Just 5 more minutes. . ." "PLEASE!" I know the goal I saw elicited such shear joy that the screaming both on field and on the sidelines had the opposing team's parents looking at us like we were lunatics. Oh, and the volleyball-er won her match, too. The 12 y.o. had a by-week.
Just so you don't think it was all sports, we did kick off the weekend with my daughter's 8th grade play and it was wonderful. Funny, well done and just a delight to watch. A little wrap party at Gunther Toody's for a nice thick Chocolate Cherry shake. Hurray! Top it off with a relaxing Sunday and some kite flying and it was a good weekend.
Did you know that it's possible to fly a kite with your foot? Yes. Keeps the hands free for texting. (sigh, eye-rolling)
The weekend was like a party without the presents or the cake, which must be why I felt the need to make a cake. I nice orange with orange glaze affair. Anyway, I'm thinking what's a birthday party without festive wrapping papers - bright and full of festive-ness. Today create a layout using at least three different patterned papers.
It's a "divided we conquer" night tonight, with soccer practices for the boys and a volleyball game for the 14 y.o. and because the cosmos is aligned as such, they all fall all over each other time-wise.
Birthday Party Day #15 - due the evening of Sunday March 27th
We start off a new week with this adorable, and easy project from Guest Designer Kristi Bergin-Smith. You can check out her blog HERE. If you've never attempted decoupage, Kristi's got the low-down:
This is a tea box that I decoupaged with the patterned paper and made into a piggy bank for one of my girls.
Decoupage is really easy if you are patient and take the time to wait for the layers to dry. If you have never decoupaged anything before here is a quick how-to.
First, make all your paper cuts as close to the size of the piece you are covering as you can.
Next, if the piece that you are covering is glossy you might want to sand it with a piece of sandpaper to rough it up a bit.
The third step is to cover your piece with the paper you are using. I only use Beacon FabriTac liquid adhesive as my base glue. I glue down all paper and wait for it to dry.
After the piece is dry I use sandpaper to sand all edges of paper smooth and then ink if I want that look.
Then, I wipe off any residue and use a decoupage medium or a glue like Elmer's and paint over it with a soft paint brush very lightly. Then I let this layer dry and repeat the decoupage.
If I am going to add anything like letters or other paper or a flat object (like the hearts I cut out of the paper) I will put these down before my decoupage, but if I am doing to use a bulky object (like the chipboard butterflies) or flowers and such I will put these down at the very end.
For the chipboard butterflies I sprayed them first with the Maya Mist green (add-on for March) and let these dry very good. Then I used dimensional craft paint (mine is Ranger) and painted on the designs and let this dry.
So birthdays herald a new year, full of great possibilities and chances to try new things. Today, do something new to you on your layout: mists, paint, sewing, decoupage ;), chipboard, hand cutting, building your own embellishments, etc. Layouts are due Sunday evening.
Happy Monday all!
Birthday Party Day #14 - due the evening of Sunday March 27th
Tonight's the big night for my daughter. She and her class have been working since December on the 8th grade play; a tradition for the outgoing 8th grade (one of many actually.) She's the stage manager, in charge of all things and people back-stage. They had their dress rehearsal yesterday and it sounds like it went well, she was pleased and, you could tell, relived that one performance was down. Parents looking to record the play were in attendance for the dress rehearsal. Today they'll put the play on for the rest of the school and then tonight's the big night for everyone else to see it. We're looking for a place to go to grab some dessert afterwards - need to do a little searching around Old Town to see who's open and what they offer dessert-wise.
I also sat down last night to write my daughter a letter that will be given to her during her 8th grade retreat next week. She and her classmates will head up to the mountains for three days to celebrate their transition on to High School, enjoy the bonds they've created during the last nine years and, from the sounds of it, recognize who they are, what gifts they have and celebrate that, as well. The letter was tough. I'm not good at the writing thing, so I hope it conveys the beauty I see in her and the gift that she is to me. Her dad wrote one too and I'm dying to know what he wrote, but neither of us shared what we wrote. Other than the, "how many pages do you have?" we didn't discuss it all.
On to other celebrations - like a winner for Week #2 challenges. 29 layouts in all. That's 60 layouts done in just two weeks. That's an album's worth of layouts! Holy moly, awesome work. Take a browse through them and gather your own inspiration from them. selected Briel as the winner from last week.To win the weekly challenge, just play along. To be eligible for the grand prize you do need to do all the layouts and have them uploaded by the deadlines posted for each.
And because it's a birthday party, I've selected two winners from those who are followers:
Angela and Piali, contact me at with your shipping information so I can send out a little something for you.
If you haven't seen, today it's blossoms, bling and metal (you know all things a girl loves to get on her birthday) and it's on sale for 50% off - today only. Check out the Blue Plate Special section to see them all.
The rustle of wrapping paper. The thrill of getting inside that package. WOOHOO - you'd been hinting about it to anyone who would listen and now your most sought after gift is in your excited little hands!! Next gift, excitement, the tearing of paper --WOoohooo . . . .Oh No! So, telling everyone your hearts desire maybe wasn't the best idea, because now you have two of the same gifts.
Duplicate gifting happens. What can you do. Re-gift? A topic for another day, but duplicates aren't always a bad thing. In scrapbooking, duplication of elements are a function of design. Duplicates of photos help you have back up in case of wrong cuts or if you're working on more than one album. Duplication of design just makes for faster, easier scrapbooking. And there ain't nothin' wrong with that - says the woman who has yet to complete a single layout this month.
Today, use the following sketch from Sketchy Thursdays (love this site) on at least two layouts.
Gee, I wonder what's on my weekend schedule? Soccer? Duh. Volleyball? Shah. Scrapbook? Sigh. . .maybe on Saturday night. Depends how far I get on reducing my "freak-out" levels.
Here's hoping you enjoy your weekend,
Birthday Party Day #13 - due the evening of March 20th
How old are you? What's your age? Unless you're a kid, who marks their age in 1/2 and 3/4 years, there are a lot of folks, probably us gals mostly, who don't want to think about our age and would just as soon subtract time rather than add it in increments. But it's just a number. Well, that's what we say, until someone wheels out a birthday cake fully engulfed in flames and that "number" is enough to singe your eyebrows off and you're completely winded from trying to put out the fire.
Well, today we don't need to go to such extremes to have fun with candles in scrapbooking. Or should I say "candles." For your layout today, use at least four 1-2" strips of paper; no flames required.
I'm ticking things off my to-do list and hope to take off a few more today before heading for a volleyball game - first of the regular season.
Happy, almost the weekend,
Birthday Party Day #12 - due the evening of March 20th
Seriously, what is up with the weather here? It's 75. This is March. In Colorado. This is not normal. We should be up to our armpits in snow and cold. Really. This is the time of year I start to despise winter - after loving it for several months. Our sprinklers are running, for crying out loud, because it's so dry. If my legs were shaved I'd be in capris.
So, day 11 huh? Still several days left. There's another good Weekly Special coming up - I'm hoping to work on that tonight so be on the look out. Bring it on though - the more the merrier. Isn't that what they say? More People=More Merry=Merry Party. With the whole more is good in mind. . . Today create a layout using 6 or more photos - the more the merrier, right? :)
I'm off to wrangle up some kind of meal for the family. Happy Wednesday.
Birthday Party #11 - due the evening of Sunday March 20th
Start your Monday off with this festive, happy looking layout by this month's Guest Designer - Krisit Bergin-Smith. You can check out more of Kristi's fun layouts on her blog HERE.
Her TIP: Use a border punch to punch through cardstock to view the patterned paper underneath (she punched the photo block mat along the left edge to see the blue dot behind it). She also used a mix of leftover letters, all in black to create her title. Kristi is queen of stretching out her supplies.
Hoping everyone's weekend was a good one. Weekend one of soccer down, nine more to go. The boys played well in their season openers - the 12 y.o. had a shot on goal and two assists which helped with their win - turn it on Tom! The 10 y.o. had some great plays, but the team ultimately lost. My daughter and her volleyball team played well, had moments of brilliance, but didn't pick up a win during their weekend pre-season tourney. That was just Saturday. Sunday was busy, though I didn't leave the house. It was one of THOSE days. I'm happy to see everyone back to school and work and have some peace and monotony during the morning.
Monday dawned bright and with the time change I actually saw the dawn. I hear birds in the backyard; funny how you don't notice that there isn't that sound until you hear it back again. I love the sound of the chirping and I heard the first mourning doves yesterday. Chores for the day are done (before 10:30, what's up with that?) Laundry is going. Ali Edwards said once in a post how she enjoyed the sound of those machines running - and she was right. There's something about their sound, cleaning, that makes me feel productive even if I'm otherwise not so much. Need to get dinner in the slow cooker - we have soccer practices tonight and my daughter has play practice all week after school in final prep for the show on Friday night. I'm feeling the need for chocolate cupcakes, too. And that's just Monday!
So let's see - you need something to do. Kristi's layout is like a party on a page, it's so fun, bright and full of movement (and it ain't a party if nobody's moving) - so let's use it as your inspiration for today. The colors, design, theme, whatever. It's the perfect Monday-morning-mood-lifter. Due Sunday evening.
I'm off - I've got some big-time deadlines approaching like a runaway train and I'm starting to freak out just a little bit.
Birthday Party Day #10 - due the evening of Sunday March 20th
Here it's a glorious, above average temp day. Plus my kids have the day off - I'm still up in the air as to whether this is a glorious event. It's too early to make the call.
We've got a volleyball tourney that started last night; one game, one loss. Next game is later tonight. Regular season for soccer starts on Saturday with one game for each son and a conflict with a volleyball game to kick the season of chaos off with a bang.
Birthday parties can be a bit of chaos, too. Organized chaos but chaos nonetheless. Today add a bit of chaos to your page by putting something on an angle; a photo, embellies, journaling, title, a whole block of stuff. You decide.
I was hoping to get to crop tonight - that remains to be seen. Hope you enjoy your time with your scrapbooks today and have a great weekend.
Birthday Party Day #9 - due Sunday evening March 13th
Really quick today. I'm not only playing catch-up from playing with SU stuff at MOPS, but I'm slipping down into shipping days and well, if you've followed at all, you know that's just not a pretty picture of calmness and serenity. ("Serenity NOW.")
Any-who, I chose, or chose, a random winner from those who played along last week - and came up with Maggie! Congrats Maggie. To be eligible for weekly prizes, you need only play along. To be eligible for the grand prize you do need to complete all the challenges by their respective due dates. Prizes will all be shipped AFTER the end of the month.
All the layouts posted, and there were 31. 31!! Just last week. Dang ladies. Anyway, if you haven't checked the links to see them. Go. Do. Lots'o inspiration.
Aren't those little horns that roll out with a burst of air, followed by that "honk" fun. Fun, fun, fun. . . for 10 minutes. Tthheeennn nnnoootttt so much.
Today's challenge is to incorporate swirls on your page; cut them, draw them, stitch them, outline them with bling, buttons, butterflies, whatever.
Go, toot your horn
Birthday party Day #8 - due the evening of March 13th
It's hardly a birthday without presents wrapped up in pretty bows. Those little ribbons and bows are so festive and add a little excitement to see what they're hiding inside. Add some excitement to your next layout by using at least three ribbons on your layout.
I'm off for some me time at MOPS - woohoo - we're making some cards with Stampin' Up! Who knew MOPS would help me with my 2011 goal for making cards. Hurray - let's see if I can keep those juices going. . .
Birthday Party Day #7 - due the evening of Sunday, March 13th
A little late in review this month, what with all the Birthday Party stuff going on.
Two months into 2011 and it's time to see how February went for me and my 2011 goals. My feelings are leaning to the not-so-hot side. February just seemed like it was all over the board; short month, I was sick, basketball was wrapping up, kids are nipping at each other all (ALL) the time. It just seemed a tough month. Let's break it down:
Eating/Menu planning- still haven't sat down to coordinate the nightly schedules with a food plan, but I am cooking at home. My current fave cookbook is Freezer Pleasers. I've made several dishes out of there in February - none made it to the freezer, but they were all delish. (Cooking to freeze would be a whole-other goal.) As for my personal eating. . .well the Cherry Hearts are gone, so that's a plus and I'm getting back on more solid footing with my personal diet.
Walking. Ah-huh. Still a goal. February was another zero in terms of me walking. March however has started out much better. Matty and I got out on the 1st taking the long way to the park. The long way is around the block because the park is less than 100 yards down the street. I'd probably feel better if I wasn't totally winded from that walk. I comfort myself with the fact I'm pushing a big butt stroller. I also walked on the 2nd and 3rd - longer route to the park. The the weekend tourney came and cold weather set in. Let's see if the warm up gets me back out.
Organizing. Sort of half and half here. The main level and some of the upper level I'm feelin' good about. I'm kind of in that maintaining stage, which is good. I, of course, am not including my older children's bedrooms - I'm thinking of just torching them. The basement, took a major slide backwards - what the heck, we weren't even home! But I spent a day at the beginning of the March to get it back to where it was - maybe a smidge better.
Me Time. I made it to another crop. Created 16 layouts, so there must have been some me time in there somewhere. I read some books, or rather a chapter or two in a couple books. I flipped through a couple magazines, which is barely a dent in what I have, but they were for pure pleasure. Looked at my sewing stuff, but looking doesn't count so much.
Studio Space. Well, that took a major slide too. I had to find photos of my daughter for an 8th grade poster, which meant I hauled out a lot of stuff looking to show her life in 20 photos or less. Naturally, that all landed in my studio. So didn't clean out any more and there's just piles of stuff laying about. But when I re-cleaned the lower level the other day, I did my studio space and it's at least back where I last left it.
It certainly wasn't a pretty month - hopefully March will look better. Mentally, I need to have some more progress.
"Happy Birthday," "Look Who's (fill-in the age)," "Over the Hill," All sentiments - some not so ha-ha-funny - but sentiments you may see up for someones birthday. Usually hung out for all to see on big banners.
Your challenge for today create a layout using banners. Given the variety and number of them out there they should be an easy find; chipboard, stickers, cut them from patterned paper, even make them yourself.
Have a happy Tuesday.
Birthday Party Day #6 - due Sunday evening, March 13th
Happy Monday everyone. As I sit, with the smell of Snickerdoodle Cupcakes wafting around my kitchen and thoughts of Cinnamon Buttercream frosting swimming in my head, I'm looking out on a frosty Monday. The weather started to roll in yesterday during my 12 y.o. son's championship soccer game. Yep, pre-season tourney number two. Wind, clouds, cold, more wind and a lot of screaming and jumping up and down; it kept me warm but people stare at the crazed soccer mom. I've said it before, I just can't help myself. They were undefeated in their three games and took the championship game with a win and first place. My 12 y.o. had an awesome weekend - big crosses, assists, shots on goal and even a goal. Way to go Tom!
So soccer occupied my weekend and very little else got done. Today is all about catching up and moving forward. To start you all right with the next Birthday challenge, here's another peek into the March Bigger than a Breadbox kit - this time it's the Basic Grey's Hopscotch line. Kristi created this super cute layout about a trip to Six Flags amusement park. I wouldn't have thought of that event for this line, but it's clicking in my head now for our trip back in time at Lakeside! All those colors are fun and festive. I know there's a paper with banner-like triangles, that pink makes me think of cotton candy and the dotted paper she uses makes me crave that Dots ice cream treat! Thanks for the new view for this line, Kristi. You can check out more of Kristi's work on her blog HERE. She has a quick TIP as well: use plain colored cardstock and tags like in the kit this month to go under other elements and make them stand out. If not for the white journaling circle and tag the flowers might get lost in the paper. So besides those ice cream dot treats, this layout has me thinking of Sprinkles. I'm sure the smell of the cupcakes cooking has me thinking sprinkles too. Birthdays have tons of places for sprinkles - on the cake or cupcakes and confetti tossed all around. Today incorporate scrapbook's version of Sprinkles: Use at least 10 Buttons or Brads or, dare I say, Eyelets on your layout. This layout will be due Sunday evening. Alrighty, back to work - or maybe I'll just make the frosting and be done for the day. No, laundry is now calling my name and a toddler who didn't get naps this weekend is calling for me, too.
Birthday Party Day #5 - Due the evening of Sunday, March 13th
Invitations. Without them there isn't much of a party, well, at least no so much on the party-goers. A lot of thought goes into which invites, the character, the color, how it fits in the whole scheme of things. More thought, sometimes, than in the story on your layout. Your challenge today is to make your journaling more than an afterthought. Showcase it in a way that is different for you: around the page, handwritten when you'd usually type it, it's the focus of the page. . .you decide. But give it some thought.
Birthday Party Day #3 - due Sunday evening, March 6th
Kristi, guest designer for March, using the Bigger than a Breadbox kit, brings you your first "working" peek at the March kits. She's also bringing you your second challenge - like the beginnings to a great party start with a twinkle of inspiration, so too, does a sketch give your next layout that positive push - use the March sketch below. Thanks Kristi, not only for the great layout, but for the challenge. :) See more of Kristi's great work on her blog HERE.
Do you ever see a sketch and wonder, "Just how am I going to make my layout look like that?" I used to think this all the time when I was new to sketches and found myself intimidated sometimes by a technique or unusual cut. Now, I am not intimidated, but often still think, "How am I going to do that?"
For example: This sketch for March has a giant circle in the center. Well, I don't know about you, but I don't have a circle cutter that big so I knew I was going to my kitchen to get a plate or a lid to a pan.
The first thing I did was place the lid on top of the patterned paper that I wanted to use and then holding down very firm I went around the paper with my exacto knife. After cutting out the paper I placed in on the cardstock where I wanted it for the next step.
The reason for this next step is not only to reduce the bulkiness of the page, but also to stretch out that paper (i.e. money) as far as I could.
I placed the patterned paper that was going to go 'under' the circle on top of it temporarily. Then I used a pen to trace just to the inside of where the circle paper was (see picture). This way I can glue my circle down and then slide the rest of the patterned paper underneath - thereby, reducing bulk and saving paper that you would not be able to see anyway.
Then just glue it all down. And voila! You have a giant circle like the sketch.
Here is my final layout. Interpreting a sketch is always the fun part I think. When I first saw the sketch I knew that I wanted to sew my scallops around the circle, but if you don't have a sewing machine or haven't tried this yet: cut out little circles and then cut in half to make your own scallops.
One of the most fun things in this Bigger than a Breadbox kit for March is theKI Memories Scribbles because you can bend them around your shape!
*Letters are Doodlebug Simply Sweet and Carolees Tiny Etched and Tiny Retro, both available in the Apron Strings Pantry.
Kristi Bergin-Smith
Birthday Party Day #2 - Due Sunday evening, March 6th
Well, finished on a high note anyway. The LOAD Challenges that is. The last challenge was posted yesterday and I WAS going to do the LAST one. I still have those two weeks I'm determined to do, but I cranked out the last challenge last night. I know you're on pins and needles to see it. . .
The only bad thing for me is my cropping time generally comes well after the sun has set (layouts are due the same day they're posted by midnight) and so my photos of my layouts are less than I'd like - colors are off, they're dark and trying to correct that just makes them grainy. But the thing that matters most is this class helped me complete 16 layouts in February. I loved it so much I've already signed up for the next round in May - I think. LOL
Happy, Happy Birthday to Apron Strings! Yep, six years! That makes Apron Strings one of the older kit clubs still out there. (A little advertising, hang in there) The fact that you get everything you need in one Apron Strings kit bag, makes scrapbooking and staying on budget a piece of cake. Apron Strings is great for the rookie scrapbooker; no overwhelming trip to the stores, no trying to coordinate, inspiration in every box. But don't discount them if you're the veteran scrapbooker; all the latest goodies you can't wait to get your hands on, enough product you can let your own style shine through. Plus, there's my personal favorite - going out to a crop with my one little shoulder tote filled with kits, photos and a few tools and walking by table after table of scrapbookers who have hauled their entire crop room along with them.
Okay - so party time! I'll have challenges for you, almost daily, and I've got prizes galore. I've got two Doodlebug totes filled with goodies; one for a grand prize and one to a lucky follower, I've got in-between treats to push you along and I've got treats for just following the blog. I've got stuff from American Crafts, Bo Bunny, Pink Paislee and more. I've got challenges based on birthdays - look out. :)
So I'm thinking streamers. Remember those crepe paper streamers? Rich colors, draped across the ceiling or around chairs and stairs? They just say party! Today, use ribbon, maybe in a way that's new for you - pleat it, create a frame, layered, woven, whatever.
Challenges will be due Sunday evenings, unless otherwise stated. One of the totes will be awarded to someone who completes all the challenges. Weekly goodies will be awarded as well, with shipping on all presents happening at the end of the party.
Birthday Party Day #1 - Due Sunday evening, March 6th.