Here it's a glorious, above average temp day. Plus my kids have the day off - I'm still up in the air as to whether this is a glorious event. It's too early to make the call.
We've got a volleyball tourney that started last night; one game, one loss. Next game is later tonight. Regular season for soccer starts on Saturday with one game for each son and a conflict with a volleyball game to kick the season of chaos off with a bang.
Birthday parties can be a bit of chaos, too. Organized chaos but chaos nonetheless. Today add a bit of chaos to your page by putting something on an angle; a photo, embellies, journaling, title, a whole block of stuff. You decide.
I was hoping to get to crop tonight - that remains to be seen. Hope you enjoy your time with your scrapbooks today and have a great weekend.

Another week complete! I'm loving this birthday party!!!!
Wahoo! Caught up on all the wonderful challenges! Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I appreciate that!
Added my link where I angled my photos.
"Loves to Cook!"
Yikes - just missed the link by minutes. Here's my entry:
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