Since one of those pesky 2011 goals I made for myself was to create cards, I decided I'd follow along in the hopes that it sparks the necessary inspiration. Plus, it's cute and, hey, prizes . . . always a great motivator!
Yesterday was a good day, in terms of getting things done. The laundry got finished, the dishes, eventually, all got done, the bathroom was quieted, the floors upstairs got happy and clean, the giveaway pile was cataloged and boxed and then I got the "do you need a pick-up call?" Heck yes! I even managed to take 10 minutes to deal with a "shoe situation" in my closet. Now, I go in there and get one of those happy little "it's clean" feelings.
Cleaning. A necessary evil of a good party. Something you can't get away from. Sometimes, though, it may just be easier to move. Today, do a little cleaning yourself - only this time the place to put things away is on your layout. Use whatever's out and on your scrapbook table/space on your layout.
It's time to go see what I can tackle for today. Donuts for one are a must. I'll get those made, enjoy one with my coffee and see what else comes up.
Happy Wednesday.

Don't forget to shop the Birthday Party Big Blowout Sale! Save up to 75%.
I still have out the My Mind's Eye goodies from Monday so I'll make another layout with those.
Added my link, "#12 Up To Bat!"
Great challenge! All I have on my table is cardstock and embellies!
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