Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday Already?

I'm not sure how it got to be Wednesday.  It must be the return of the heat and high temperatures.  Or maybe it's the living with two teens, a pre-teen and a toddler.  The combination is enough to scramble the most sane person. . .and I've never claimed to be anywhere near sane.

I may have slacked on a post or two this week, but the home front is getting back in control. . .laundry is done and delivered to rooms (I'll be checking later to see if the piles are put away correctly, or whether they're jammed somewhere out of sight so as to appear put away), I've done a good amount of chores that were sadly lacking, but the heat saps me by the end of the day.  Today, I have plans to escape the the lower level and do some cleaning down there.  I feel the need, and it is a NEED, to scrapbook.  I need to create something.  My soul needs it.

Looking at this inspiration isn't helping me either, it just makes the need to dig into my kits all the worse.  Like this card created by Tomi Ann Hill and the August All Year Cheer Card kit.  Tomi Ann created this one and five others, all with full-color instructions.

Jennifer Halleck created this card using her scraps from her Smaller than a Breadbox August kit, the October Afternoon Cake Walk line - the Doodlebug card base was in another kit.
Kristin Perez showed the versatility of the October Afternoon 9 to 5 line with her layout highlighting her kids writing with Feather Pens. . .thank goodness we don't have to journal with those anymore.  I've used one, and that was an art!
Maria Swiatkowski used her water-themed Echo Park Paradise Beach line (found in the Bigger than a Breadbox August kit) to create a page about her girls.  No water or beach to be seen. :)
Finally, Nancy Longo used her Cake Walk, a party-themed line, and made it a perfect background for her bunnies.  I love how farm-fresh it looks.  Perfect for the subjects.

Alright heat. . .you're not getting me today!

Happy Wednesday,

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fridays and Life

We all have had to deal with life when it throws you a curve ball.  I'm coming out of my own outfield, where a curve ball was smacked right at me.  So my apologies for the lack of posts these past couple of weeks, while I try to hold on, maintain and move forward.  A couple weeks, less than restful nights, tears, fears and prayers (and the loss of several pounds - anxiety has a way of doing that), and I'm back.  Checked out to checked in.

Temps have cooled to bearable.  Some of the trees in the neighborhood are actually starting to turn - the Maples are starting to glow red, and our Autumn Purple has some gold in it.  The skies are a little clearer the last couple of days - bright blue with white clouds instead of the brown haze that covered everything as a result of the almost 100 fires burning in states to our west.  I'm harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and zucchini like crazy and they're still coming!  Recipes anyone?  LOL  I've shredded and frozen eight plus cups of zucchini.  I've frozen almost four pounds of strawberries from our first year bushes.  I've have more cucumber salads recipes than I care to admit.  I continue to look for the perfect tomato sauce that I can put up; I think I'm circling in on one.  Kids are all back in school, new schedules abound and soccer is in full force.  Breathe.

Some things don't change, thankfully, and that is the inspiration created and provided by the Sous Chefs.  Like this one using the Smaller than a Breadbox August kit, the October Afternoon Cake Walk line (for a Rockies game!).

Then we have Kristin Perez, using the August Bigger than a Breadbox kit, the Echo Park Paradise Beach line.
Next up, is Maria Swiatkowski with her layout using the October Afternoon 9 to 5 line, yep an office themed line for a swimming layout.  You can find 9 to 5 in the August Smaller kit.

I love that Nancy Longo scraps her fuzzy kids and she got a great country look for this squeezable little guy using the reverse sides of October Afternoon's Cake Walk line, found in the Smaller than a Breadbox kit.

Lastly, but not least, is a card created by Tomi Ann Hill using the August All Year Cheer Card Kit, in which you get full-color instructions for this card and five others; though I've been told there's plenty of leftovers to do more!

Go out and not only enjoy your Friday, but your entire weekend!  Scrap a little. ;D
Happy Friday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School. . .for Half

After a weekend filled with soccer, seriously, one tournament in Colorado Spring at the Air Force Academy and one in Fort Collins.  For those of you playing without benefit of a map, those two venues are about 150 miles apart and we are roughly in the middle.  With DH out of town helping his older brother it was me, the players, the siblings and a very willing Aunt (whom I will be ever grateful to.)  I took two kids and headed south to the Springs and an overnight in a hotel; with a three year old who opened and closed the microwave and refridgerator doors no less than four dozen times, only to move on to bounce on the beds and check out other drawers.  The willing Aunt took two more kids and headed north.  She lives 45 minutes closer to the fields up there (still about an hour drive for her) and she hosted the oldest two kids for the weekend as well.  Love you 'Tine!  Thanks much.

Both boys had some positive outcomes, though not wins, during the tournaments.  We, the south-bound set, also met up with another Aunt and her family whose daughter was playing in the same AFA tournament.  So that was fun.

Tourney weekend over and we move right into the first day of school for two of my boys.  My daughter starts tomorrow, along with my youngest.  You know ,last year I only got a first day of school shot with the boys.  I will have to be determined to get one of all of them tomorrow.  It was the first time since they started school that I missed a shot. :(

Jennifer Halleck didn't miss any shots on her layout here, using the Smaller than a Breadbox August kit - the Jillibean Coconut Lime Soup line.

Happy Monday,

Friday, August 17, 2012

Finally Friday

Feels like this week has been moving at a snail's pace.  Our last week before schools starts.  Boys go back on Monday, my daughter heads back on Tuesday.  Went to an open house for the three y.o. so he could meet his teacher.  He didn't want to go, said he didn't like school.  We bribed him with the cookies that would be there and frankly, once he saw the toys, and his cubby, he was good.  Teacher?  What teacher?  Check out these blocks!

We're spending our last summer days hither and yon at two soccer tournaments on opposite ends of the state.  Fun stuff.  However, the weather is supposed to be lovely - low to mid-80's.  I know the odds of playoffs aren't in our favor given our last showings, but I'll take one win for each boy!

Today's inspiration comes from Nancy Longo using the Smaller than a Breadbox August kit - the Jillibean Coconut Lime Soup and this month's exclusive PageMaps sketch.  The sketch is nice and clean and I love the little jars Nancy cut and put around the layout - so cute - and then topped with those tiny tags!!  I love me some mason jars in any form; paper or glass!

Well, I've got some hunting and gathering to do for this weekend.

Happy Friday.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What's On Thursday?

Not much. . .I seem to be blocked.  I'm not surprised right now that I can't find words, but that doesn't mean I can't post some inspiration.  Those of you who think I ramble on too much will find a short, sweet post with some eye-candy a refreshing change. :D

I love the layouts the gals have produced this month.  Fun colors.  Great layouts.  It's all good.  Like this one from Maria Swiatkowski, using the Bigger than a Breadbox August kit.  This is the October Afternoon 9 to 5 line.  Yep, 9 to 5 and she's used it for a trip to a local swimming pool.  See, once again, the merits of double sided papers and a lesson to never write-off a line because, "I don't scrap my work," or whatever other reason you may come up with.  I'm guilty of that thinking, but it's layouts like these that send me a great reminder to think off-the-page.

See, short and sweet.

Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Inspiration

It seems after a month-long challenge I just need to take a bit of a break and so posts are a little sporadic until I get back in the swing of things.

In the few days I haven't posted we had a soccer tourney that was hard . . . no wins.  But, it's a new coach and half the team is new.  It'll take some time to gel and work out some of the issues.  We have two more tournaments this weekend - we'll see what magic comes from three days of practice.

There was actually a break in the heat - was only 79!  And that's not reversing the numbers, it was actually below 80.  It was glorious. 

And because life is fun this way, some upsetting news that throws things off kilter.  Because life can also stay the same, this computer is still giving me fits in Blogger.

But there's always inspiration to be found no matter what's going on.  I picked this layout by Maria Swiatkowski because of love the colors; they are among my favorite combos at the moment.  Fresh.  Clean.  Happy.  Maria used the Bigger than a Breadbox August kit, the Echo Park Paradise Beach line.  You'd never know her "Warriors" page was made from papers with a water theme.  Just goes to show, if you love the colors and the papers are double-side the possibilities are endless.

I'm looking out the window at an extremely hazy day; the light is literally orange from the smoke in the air and it looks to be another 90+ day.  We're on track to break an all-time record for the most days above 90.  If you're a fan of summer, this is probably great.  If you're not, well then. . . .

Happy Wednesday.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New Scrapping

There are so many ways to scrapbook these days:  traditional paper, digital, hybrid, pocket, blog, electronic - I'd say even Facebook is a form of scrapbooking.
Did you know Apron Strings can help you with a couple of those?  Obviously the traditional paper-and-goodies way.  There's hybrid, the combination of some kind of digital and paper, whether you're making a part digital page or you're simply adding effects to your photos and then scrapbooking in the traditional way.  Now, it seems the pocket page scrapbooking is coming into its own again with the surge in popularity of Project Life (I'm thinking of doing an album again in 2013); a combination of the old throwing-your-photos-into-pockets, combined with traditional papers and embellishments.

Apron Strings kits have all you need to create pages, no matter what method you use - well, except maybe Facebook ;).  Paper to use traditionally or to cut up to create frames, mats and embellished blocks for pocket pages.

No matter how you scrapbook, Apron Strings can make your scrappy time a piece of cake.

Check out Kristin Perez's adorable layout using the August Bigger than a Breadbox kit - the October Afternoon 9 to 5 line.  Her flat embellishments make creating a pocket of embellished journing easy to move this to a pocket album.  Did you see how she cut the bar codes off the tabbed part of the patterned paper to create little pennants?  So cute!

Soccer tourney #2 begins tonight for my U12 guy.  First game of the season with a new coach and a few new kids on the team.  Go Edge!

Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Final Pinterest Challenge Winner

If you haven't had a chance to check out all the great layouts and cards created during the Pinterest Challenge, I suggest you do.  They are wonderful and totally inspiring.

The final winner, the happy recipient of the Pink Paislee goodies is:  Deanna!

Congrats to all who participated - you have completed works!  The best prize of all.

Getting to Know Jennifer Halleck

Again, Blogger is giving me fits on this computer.  GRRRR!  It's making me crazy.  But I'm gonna have to put this post up and then find another computer to edit it on - because you just have to know about Jennifer!  She's been a long-time autoship member of Apron Strings and designer.  Here work is fabulous!  She's a multi-photo scrapper and more often than not does the 2-page layouts.  A gal after my own heart.  BONUS, she lives right here in Colorado so we get to meet up often.  :D
I am mainly a stay-at-home-mom of 3 girls ranging from 11 to 7.  I’ve been married since 1997 to a wonderful guy I met in college.  As with most scrapbookers, I have developed an acute interest in photography.  I also enjoy rock climbing, scuba diving and skiing although I don’t do any of them nearly as much as I’d like to!  I have lived in more than 10 different states, mostly in the Midwest, while growing up and my dad was NOT in the military.  He started up nuclear power plants.  I love living in Colorado now though and hope I never have to move!

My kids are the primary focus of my scrapbook pages although I do occasionally create layouts of my nephews (to do some boy stuff LOL).  
  • What inspires you?  Friends and family usually.  Pinterest and browsing online and in magazines.
  • What’s your scrapbook style?  My scrapbooking is generally clean and simple but I try to incorporate a variety of styles and techniques.
  • What can’t you scrap without?  An ice tea from Sonic J and my ATG’s.
  • Share one piece of advice for scrapbookers?  Enjoy the process!
  • How do you approach journaling?  Most of my journaling is straightforward.  I don’t do a lot of really emotional journaling but I like to tell the story.  I always do my journaling in my own handwriting.
  • What could the title of your life be right now?  Where do we go today?
  • ‘Fess up – what’s a confession you have?  Not telling J
  • What’s your dream scrap product?  Magic cleaner and organizer.
  • Do you have a favorite technique – either right now, or one that’s constantly in use?  Fussy cutting and inking, always seem to use one or another.
  • What’s the longest you’ve spent on a layout?  I’d be ashamed to tell you.
  • What’s the shortest you’ve spent on a layout?  I’ve done one or two in less than 30 minutes.  But not very often.
  • What’s your biggest challenge?  Finding time to scrap without guilt.
A big, huge "Thank You" to Jennifer for all her wonderful inspiration.  Oh, the layout about used the Bigger than a Breadbox July '12 kit, the Basic Grey PB&J line.

Happy Wednesday.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Pinterest Challenge #25

I've had a productive morning - beds are made,floors are swept, rooms are tidied (for now), dinner is marinating, ice cream has been churned and is in the freezer, dough for cookies are chillin' in the 'fridge and will become Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Sandwich Cookies. . .seriously?  So much for my mental note to cut down on my sugar intake (saw too much jiggling going on the other morning.)  I wish I could say that was a good start on a short to-do list, but alas. . .no. Heat is climbing back up today and it doesn't appear there are storms in the forecast, so it's me, my semi-clean basement and a list of things to do.

For you, this is the last Pinterest Challenge.  I hope you've enjoy a look at ways to find inspiration in all kinds of things.  If you're nursing an obsession with Pinterest, Congrats!, er. . .ah. . .I mean sorry 'bout that.  Pinterest is a great place to keep your ideas, dreams and plans, but yeah, it can be a time sucker.  To make it seem more useful, I think I will seriously plan my menu from the I Can Cook That board next month.

This is one of those Pins, from Apron Strings' Color Theory board, where I'm not sure which I like the more the color scheme or the graphic.  Lily of the Valley are so pretty!  The colors are so cool.  So calm.  So. . .cozy.  Perfect for boys, big and small.  Great for cool weather.  Outdoor events.  The scheme would also be perfect for more formal events.  The little flowers make me think of using the small bunches of paper flowers so popular now.  Or little drops of buttons or brads - maybe a little shimmer on them.  As a grouping they look like lace.

Finally found my way to the store room, well, I knew the way, it was remembering to look at the Pink Paislee line that was tough.  Anyway this week's goodie bag includes Pink Paislee's 365 Degrees:  a couple sheets 12x12 paper, a 6x6 paper pad, Flip Notes, Alphabet Stickers, Clear Borders and an album. Sunday is your deadline.  One completed challenge from this week is all you need to be entered - more just up your chances at winning.

Happy Friday,

Pinterest Challenge #25 - due Sunday evening

1. Deanna  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pinterest Challenge #24

Something's up with Blogger, so this is going to be fast and sweet.  Plus, like our local forecast - it's all the same.  I'm hot.  It's hot.  Soccer. . .soccer. . .soccer.  Also forgive any formatting or editing issues.  I'll see what I can do to clean it up when Blogger isn't having whatever issues it's having.

This Pin-spiration comes from Apron Strings' Scrappin' Ideas board.  The concept of this little guy is such a "Duh - head-slappin'" moment it's not funny.  I can totally see him as an embellie on a snow page about my kids.  I love the color scheme, which to me reads winter.  Cold.  Fun.  I might be tempted to apply the snowman's simple assembly of three circles and see what other ideas I can come up with.  Flowers?  Yes.  Soccer ball?  Yes - makes it look like it's flying off the page.  Pinked edges?  Sure.  Scalloped edges? Totally.  I love the mix of fonts in the sentiment too - I never think to do that.  Duh!  I also love the look of a stamped background, but never do it. . .not even for cardmaking.

Dangit!  I spaced looking at the name of the Pink Paislee stuff.  Shoot!  Layouts are due Sunday evening, 11:59 MDT to be exact, for your shot at the goods.

Happy Thursday.

Pinterest Challenge #24 - due Sunday evening

1. Deanna  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pinterest Challenge #23

There are colors that I L.O.V.E and then there are colors that I love. . .on paper; in theory.  Ones that I can't seem to work with in real life.  It's kinda like me and tea.  I love the idea of tea.  I even love the smell of it brewing.  Then I take a sip and . . . yeah, not so much.  I don't taste the lovely oranges, or cherries or whatever, that  I smelled.  Instead, I get a mouthful of warm grass water.  Suddenly those images of a cozy scene, wrapped in a sweater gazing out a snow filled window are gone.

This is one of those color schemes.  They are lovely.  Soft.  Serene.  Chatterbox had a line that used this color scheme.  It was in a kit back in the day.  I even used the line.  Loved the layout I created, but since then, I've struggled to use these.  So my first shot at today's Pin-spiration (from Apron Strings' Color Theory board) would be to just use the colors.  Next I'd move into the dew drops and look for sheer or transparent stuff - ribbon, acrylic, frames.  The dew drops along the edges of the petals look like a scalloped edge.  Just the tips of the flowers having colorswould make me want to reach for mists or stamp pads to ink with.  I even think of, like the flower itself, mostly White layout with embellishments in the colors.

Yesterday was totally crazy. . .totally.  So I didn't make it down to check out the name of the Pink Paislee goodies.  I'll get to that tonight.  Layouts are due on Sunday - enter once for your chance, or get on a creative roll and do more to up your chances.

Happy Wednesday,

Pinterest Challenge #23 - due Sunday evening

1. Deanna  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)