It's time to get back at it. It's been too long. In the interim, we've graduated another child. We've made a few day trips up into the mountains. We planted some garden goodies. We had a garage sale where I finally let go all the baby clothes the kids ever had - newborn to around 24 months. It wasn't as hard as I thought, though it's been 20 years since some of it was last worn, 8 at the least.
The "what to do about PhotoBucket" and their recent policy change which has wiped any links from them to this blog, remains a "what to do." They are my repository for a ton of images. I also continue to upload product to the re-worked website. It is taking far longer than I expected because, while I have my images, it's tracking them down that's the trick. I may remember the line and maker of papers, but remember the year and month they were in a kit is just asking to my of my brain, LOL.
The three older kids are working - my daughter is at an assisted living facility as a caregiver. She has her good days and her bad days, but she's enjoying her residents and, frankly, I think she has a gift for it.
Son #1 is working at a sock shop down in Olde Town. Yep, socks. All those crazy graphic socks so in vogue at the moment - he has a drawer full, and has since long before the job. It's his thing.
Son #2 is still working at the concession stand of the local rec center, picking up more hours.
Son #3 is working on his math facts skills and reading. He seems to be enjoying his job the least, as in hates it.
- "Janitors have lots of keys, like me"
- SOC Contingent to Steubenville of the Rockies 2017
- Red Rocks to see The Fray with a friend for the friend's birthday
- When you're at the Junior High Lock-In Over-Nighter, things get a little punchy around hour six
- First voyage out for the summer - unfortunately this is the only photo from the trip and there were nine people there!
- Getting out of bed on the weekends be like. . .
- I went looking for some 4th of July items and rounded a corner to find this. This plus fall items. They only get a "pass" because it's a craft store, otherwise I'd have dropped my 4th items and run screaming from the store.
- On your feet most of the day, and it's hot, nighttime cool downs are a must.
- 4th of July dip in the pool - it was all boys in there. Whoever said girls were loud, clearly didn't have a group of boys to compare it to.
- Scenes from the 4th. Even though my crew split up after dinner, we somehow managed to all be at the same fireworks show.
Happy Wednesday,