A big thank you to Apron Strings' designer, Gloria ,for your challenge today. Gloria is like queen of the challenge and has combined upwards of, what, six challenges on to one card;probably more. She's amazing and I love to check out what she's worked on lately and how many challenges she ticked off while doing so. See for yourself at
Gloria's Blog, Scraps of Life.
On to today's challenge:
Using only the colors shown in this photo (thank you Pottery Barn catalog), create a page layout, card, or altered project. The colors you may use are: eggplant, orange, gold, tan, brown, green.

You do not have to use ALL the colors, but you must pick at least THREE of the listed colors for your project. NO OTHER COLORS may be used, except black, gray, white, or cream - the neutrals. Here are a few examples.

Since it's Sunday, you'll have until Tuesday night to get something completed and linked in the comment section to qualify for a Cookie Jar Treat.
Thanks, Gloria, I love a good color challenge.

Here's mine. I actually got another Disney page done!
I love color challenges. My card uses tan, brown, gold, orange, and green.
Here is another card. This is my own design.
Here is my card Lori. Thanks Gloria! Great color inspiration. One Love One Life
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