Sunday, October 4, 2009

Croptober-fest Scavenger Hunt

I told you, fast and furious with the challenges. But just think of all the great layouts you'll get done this month! Today's challenge starts with a little hunting on your part. I'll give you the list of things to scrounge around for in your stash and you create the layout incorporating them:
  • Circles
  • Rub-ons
  • Some of your oldest paper
  • Left-over stickers

Now, go off to scavenger hunt through some of your nearly-forgotten supplies. You CAN use other supplies, but the four listed above have to be included on your layout. Link up your work in the comment section of this post by Tuesday evening to be eligible for a Cookie Jar Treat.


1 comment:

LindaR said...

My paper is DaisyD. There's my circle right in the middle with lots of little red circles in the paper. There's a rub on in the bottom left corner. And my stickers are the journaling in the bottom right.