Sunday, October 11, 2009

Subject or Theme Layout Challenge

We all have events or subjects that we scrapbook a lot. And I don't mean we do a page of that event every year. I mean we do PAGES of the event or subject every year. These subjects are definitely worth recording and we snap lots and lots of photos, so we end up with lots of choices and, thus, more than just a 2-page layout to document it. For instance, the Christmas season for me has lots of opportunities and I take full advantage of them all. We start off with decorating the tree, St. Nick's Day, Christmas pageants at school, Advent Calendar activities, Annual Cookie Bake, Christmas Eve, Christmas Morning and Christmas Day. Lots of photos means lots of Christmas-themed layouts, which means I get to play with lots of different Christmas papers, but when I'm doing albums for my kids and the family, well, that's just a lot of Christmas and I'm pretty over the excitement when the season is over. I don't cut down on the layouts, I love them all, I just spread it out over time. Sports seasons also produce lots of photo ops, birthdays are another. Whatever your multi-layout season is, we're tackling it today in a challenge. The challenge isn't just to scrapbook this particular subject or theme, it is to use NON-theme papers. It's one way I've found to still do all the layouts of the season I love so much, but break the monotony of it. And it makes it exciting again. So if Easter is a big photo taking time, with multiple layouts, you can't use Easter themed papers to create this layout. It's time to think off the page. This layout is Cookie-worthy and due to be linked in the comment section by Tuesday morning to be eligible. Photobucket


Molly said...

Here we go, my last LO for the weekend crop. What a blast!! I can't believe how much I got done. This challenge was pretty fun. The photo is not the best, but I was not having much luck with lighting!! Thanks for a great weekend. You can see my page here:

Rebecca K. said...

Ok, i did 2 of these.. the first one is light pink and blue for Christmas, and the second is red, blue and brown. If the second has too much red, then please count it for either the embellishment challenge, as it meets those requirements too :-)

leighann said...

Love this challenge, thank you! This was tough to not use fall themed paper, but it was good for me:)

leighann said...

here is the link for my blog where i featured the apron strings designs kits and challenges and website.