There really isn't much about ironing that I like. There once was a stack of clothes on the dryer waiting for ironing for over a year. Now, I was pregnant and nauseous during the some of that year. . .people in the house were lucky to have clean clothes. . .but it was pretty easy to just ignore that pile. So it goes without saying that me and ironing, or lack there of, is well documented here in the house. So much so that when I pulled out the iron and ironing board today my husband, looking dumbfounded and doing a double-take on the items I was handling, asked with hopeful confusion, "You're ironing?" No, I'm not - I'm working on kits and showed him the mound of white lace that should have been nice and flat, but instead looked more like rope - all twisted and folded. I'm not sure what genius thought wrapping lace on a card was a good idea, but it so was not. I couldn't include something that looked like that in a kit. So, for you, my members . . . who I love. . .I ironed. I ironed yards and yards of white lace so it was nice and flat and usable. If you don't use it, I don't want to know.
Another daily duty of the homemaker is hunting. Oh, not as in dinner on the table, but more the "Mmmoooommmm....where's my shoe?" Usually, it's where they kicked it upon entering the house, but their selective vision won't allow them to see it. So, to save you the trouble, I've hunted down today's sketch. From Becky Fleck for Apron Strings, you can see more of her sketches at PageMaps. Upload your layout by Sunday evening.
So, those stamps I mentioned yesterday - I've sold half the sets I listed. Can you say "studio decorating money?" Guess I better keep pluggin' away at the purging-organizing thing, but today is billing day, so the studio will be on hold for a little bit while I immerse myself in that process.
And finally, check out the Scraps of Color blog HERE. If you register to get the eZine and answer a quick question about Apron Strings you could win. The eZine is huge and FREE!! If you haven't check it out, and the article in it that feature Apron Strings (pages 8-12), go and gather inspiration. How can you lose?
Okay, then I'm off. Happy Wednesday.

Lori, that is so sweet of you to iron for us. I hate ironing too. I can only think of 1 or 2 things in my wardrobe (work or otherwise) that have to be ironed, because I hate it! My husband does his own ironing, because I hate it, lol! Thanks for the hard work, I can't wait to get my nicely pressed lace :) PS---I also LOVE those Brach's jelly hearts! So far I have resisted this Valentine's season, but I don't know how much longer I can take it!
I've decided that when I iron I get to watch a mindless show on TV. That makes it much better! Or, I call a friend who I haven't talked to in awhile and talk while makes it go by much faster.
Don't know why I don't like to iron??? But, I do know that I will love the well-ironed lace. Thanks Lori!
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