Wednesday, April 27, 2011

After Easter Crash

I'm not sure why, but the after-Easter crash seems worse than Christmas. Maybe it's the whole eating Peeps for breakfast thing.

I think I'm also entering the danger zone for that sloth-mode that seems to have settled over me.  I sat down last night to work on the computer - I had a list of things to do.  So I'm working away, thinking "What's next, what's next," sort of plugging away and dealing with emails and getting June kits worked out.  I head to bed just after midnight thinking "WooHoo, got a lot done."  Only to stagger up this morning and while fumbling for the "On" button for the coffee machine I realize the thing I should have been doing last night was uploading Sneak Peeks of the May kits!  Totally a head slap moment.  I've sat down to do something quick and look up to find an hour has passed.  Sorta kinda like now - should be cleaning a bathroom, but I'd rather chat with you. :D

So how to shake this?  I'm still working on that. . .any suggestions?

We enjoyed the Easter Break, with a little down time, coloring eggs, church, Easter morning festivities with the kids before heading out to enjoy brunch and dinner later with family. 

It's funny, when I looked through the lens to snap these shots, I was struck by the apparent "gray phase" my kids were in.  The only bright colors were the eggs and dyes.  I'm gonna say it's because we did the dyeing between soccer games, so the boys were in various stages of uniform-dress, and NOT that my kids are moving into the gray/black stage.

Now the necessary inspiration for scrapbooking these photos comes from Kailyn's last layout for this month.  This layout is from the We R Memory Keeper's portion of the Smaller April kit.  I want to thank Kailyn for her fantastic work this month - beautiful layouts and lots of fabulous ideas!  You can keep up with Kailyn on her blog HERE.

So, I'm off to force myself to clean that bathroom, after of course, uploading May's Sneak Peeks.  You can catch a little look here though (I did get this done ;D)

Happy, productive Wednesday ya'll!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday and Inspiration . . . Please!

I'm not sure, but I think my brain has left the building.  Is it brain dead or just done?  I'm not sure what it is, but I need for it to stop.  I went scrapbooking on Friday - man I could not get started (and I've actually been craving getting out and scrapbooking).  When I did finally stop shuffling things around and apply the glue, well, the layouts were. . .not good.   (I actually stabbed a photo because I didn't think about the layout underneath when I slipped a stick pin into a pop dot - went straight through the pop dot and cardstock to the photo underneath.)  I didn't even show the kids on Saturday morning.  And until I took photos of them today, I haven't looked at them since they were completed.   But you know, they're done and they're not "look away" hideous.  It's a good reminder - not all photos are perfect, not all photos are fun to work with (there's a reason you keep passing over some of them) but all memories are important - at least to me.  And next time these won't be on my list of things to do because they are done!

So, since I'm thinking I'm not providing a whole lot in the inspiration department today, let's turn to someone who is!  Kailyn, April's Guest Designer has produced the cute little layout below using the My Little Shoebox portion of the April Smaller than a Breadbox kit.  Check out her blog HERE.

I'm off to see what I can procrastinate on for today - the list is long and the choices are many.  Cloudy and cold is usually a get-me-going kind of day, but nope, that's not working either.  It is finally a pleasure to look in the backyard, though, and see little, new green leaves on most of the trees and bushes.  The grass is greening up.  Pretty.  Serene even.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Are you kidding me?

I went to bed last night to a great sound - gently falling Spring rains.  That soft patting of big drops on the roof and against the windows.  No driving winds, just the soft swooshing sounds as cars drive by.  I love those sounds.

So imagine my surprise when I get up and peek out the window set high above our entry and see white sticking to the branches of the Aspens out in the front of the house.  I think I actually shook my head and rubbed by eyes.  White?  Huh?  I may have even squinted and tried to make sure I was awake.  Yep, standing up.  Yep, hear the sounds of the boys downstairs getting breakfast.  I went back in the bedroom and checked out back - you know just to be sure it was white back there, too.  Sure enough.  Snow!

And not just a dusting - this is a couple inches of the stuff.  And fog! I love fog and we don't get it often.

It's the pretty kind - all heavy and drape-y.  I'm sure my poor daffodils and the trees in the back aren't so thrilled with being bent like that, but it's pretty nonetheless.  And we need the moisture - in a very bad way.

Alright, off to MOPS - no craft today :( and back to the grindstone.

Have a happy Thursday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Day Is It Anyway?

I've lost all track of time.  I went from taxes, to sorting April kits, to pulling orders, to prepping for shipping - which is where I stand now, amidst all this chaos.  Is it Monday?  I don't know.  Is it Tuesday?  I don't know.  I know I have soccer practices and a volleyball game tonight.  I know my laundry is done - was done yesterday!!!  I've got my coffee and I've eaten breakfast but am out of eggs to make dessert for tonight.  Outside that, I don't know anything, so don't ask me.

Which is why it's great that Kailyn, April Guest Designer, has done some thinking and creating for us.  She's created this cute little card, all from the Smaller than a Breadbox April kit - the My Little Shoebox papers.  A little Stickles, a little White Enamel and a favorite "Thank You" stamp and boom, it's done and ready to hand out.

If you want to see more of Kailyn's work, you can check out her blog HERE.  She's announced something exciting over there too.  I can't wait.

Need more inspiration?  Just had to share what Kathy created with March's Bigger than a Breadbox kit - Echo Park line.  Too funny.  If that were my two year old, the Nerf darts on his head would be courtesy of his brothers.  And I'm not sure he'd be smiling.

I've got plans for challenges and whatnot for the blog - hang in there while I recoup and get some work out of the way!  In the meantime, send me your Apron Strings work and I might post it on the blog.  Share it.  Inspire us.  You can send me the link to your blog or a .jpg of the layout:

Happy Whatever Day It Is!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Drum Roll - Birthday Party Final Winners

Friday!  The weather is supposed to be nice again, minus the wind.  70's for today and then it turns tomorrow, just in time for standing out at soccer games; one down here, and two up in the mountains - always a fun drive between weather conditions up there, skier traffic and just plan lunacy of people driving in the mountains.  Not to mention the drive is over an hour, in good conditions.  They've also been blasting rocks out of the way and the detour, if they close the roads, is another hour and thirty minutes.  Gotta love sports, LOL.

There's some entirely different lunacy that seems to be driving a bird to fling itself into my kitchen window in the mornings.  Well, and my bedroom window.  I'm not sure what his issue is, but he needs to stop.  I tell you, I won't be surprised to find him laying on the ground some morning, feathers rumpled and sticking out, looking dazed and confused.  Dumb bird.

Before I headed out for my walk today, I thought it best to drop the suspense of who won what for the last picks from the Birthday party.  Did you know that over 140 layouts were created by 15 people - I'm sure more were being made by ladies who weren't uploading.  That's amazing!!  If you figure you can get about 30-ish pages into an album we would have completed over four albums.  If you haven't browsed the linked layouts, take a moment - you'll be inspired!

On to the winners:
  • Week #5 Winner:  Deanna!
  • Last Day Winner:  Alison Day
  • And finally, the overall winner who was chosen from those who completed all the challenges:  Deanna!
Congrats to everyone!

I've got plenty to do today: April kits, newsletters, May kits and then later a fish fry and a volleyball game.  Sounds like Friday to me.

Enjoy yours!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Around Here. . .

Around here I’m celebrating that taxes are done on this end and they are out of my hands.

Around here I’m wanting to do some cleaning/organizing in my studio space.  I have the urge to clean (yes, I almost rhymed and said purge) and while I'll clean it's not usually because I want to.

Around here I’m adding Easter decorations around the house, instead of realizing it's two days away and there's nothing out.

Around here I’m wishing the 2 y.o. would just HUSH!  The whining is really bugging the crap out of me.

Around here I’m so feeling less harried and more calm than usual.  I must be missing something.

Around here the piles of clothes are once again washed and done by mid-week!  WooHoo.  Now if I could only do something with the piles that are to be the May kits.

Around here I finished nothing.  Everything seems to be a work in progress.

Around here I walked to the park yesterday after not walking for a couple weeks.  Felt good and I beat the wind!  Almost.

Around here I loved listening to the silence in the mornings because the 2 y.o. has been sleeping in a little.

"Around here" prompts provided by Ali Edwards.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ah. . .A March Review

Time to take a look at goals.  My goals for 2011 that is.  I don't remember much of March; how does that happen?
  • Eating/Menu Planning I've been a home cooking fool.  I can't tell you the last time I bought a dessert - cookies, cupcakes, biscotti (these were an epic failure), donuts.  I got a new dessert cookbook a few weeks ago on trial and so far it's 50/50.  Cookies were amazing, the biscotti, well not so much - but I'm going to tweak the recipe (the flavor was good), well the cook-times, and give it another shot.  Freezer Pleasers and Pioneer Woman were go to faves.  Still, not managing to write up my menu, but outside of dinner after church on Saturdays, all meals were at home.  My personal change in diet is much like my new cookbook - 50/50.  My meals are good, but the whole baking at home is an issue - or at least "taste testing" the fruits of my baking adventures.
  • Walking Started out strong with several days of walking, once even with the family for a little outing to the park.  Then the March winds set in and I refused to go out.  I can deal with almost any weather event, but the wind - ick, no.  Today I see the breeze is picking up and it was gorgeous this morning, temp-wise, so my plan is to head out before the winds come back in again.  I'm hoping it'll wake me up because I'm dragging!
  • Organizing It was a banner month for organizing.  Over the course of a few days I took stuff out of my closet that wasn't getting worn.  I dragged out shoes that are out-dated.  My closet is far from finished, but it felt good to grab a handful over the course of a few days.  At the start of Spring Break I posed the "let's rearrange your rooms" to the kids.  The boys wanted more floor space and my girl just wanted a change.  Here's the deal then, you box and haul all your stuff to the hallway and I'll help you move furniture and then you put it all back.  This "gutting" resulted in rearranged rooms and the perfect opportunity for them to clear out stuff.  And it WORKED!  I am no longer afraid to enter their room without a shield and sword.  Are they perfect?  No, but with added "incentives" (like if your clothes aren't put away, they're mine and you earn the back) they are much, MUCH, better.  I got them to get their closets this past Sunday and the fruits of that clean-out as well as my own are on the porch awaiting pick-up.
  • Me Time  Yeah, that didn't happen so much at all in March.  It was just a perfect storm of too much to do.  A few projects occupied huge chunks of my time from sun-up to sun-down and taking any time for myself was a luxury I just couldn't afford.  I took time over breakfast to flip through a magazine (always a good thing when the stack doubles as a side table) and then I flip through another while I'm getting ready in the morning.  Not exactly dedicated "Me Time" but it was better than nothing.
  • Studio Space  Nothing.  Zero.  Zippo.  Nada.  It didn't really get any worse, but it's not better.  It's an April focus. . .I hope.
Small victories keep me moving; the bedrooms (those were HUGE), staying on top of my regular cleaning schedule, and being more organized for meals at home.  It makes not getting to some of my other things a little easier when I look to see what I have done!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Birthday Party Winners

Winners, winners, TV Dinners!  Or some equally fantastic treat.

I have a winner for Week 3 - drew the name, as to why I never made the post, it's really hard to say.
  • Lisa (7across2)
Winner for Week 4:
  • Patchi
Random winner from those who are following the blog:
  • JustJennifer
Patchi and Jennifer, I have the info I need for you.  Lisa, if you want to send me your shipping information I can get your goodies ready to ship.

Congrats ladies.  Now THAT'S the way to start a Monday!

First Monday in April

April in Colorado.  On Saturday we were out enjoying, and getting our first sunburns of the season, in 80+ degree weather at a soccer game.  Sunday we were curled up inside as it snowed and rained and didn't get above 35.  Ahhhh. . . . Spring.

If the past month didn't give you enough inspiration, here's a little more.  Today a new Guest Designer, Kailyn Siebert, shows off her first project.  You can check out her blog HERE  Kailyn is using the Smaller than a Breadbox kit this month - the below layout is a great take on Halloween, using the My Mind's Eye papers.

Then sweet Jessica sent me a Blog Award.  Thank you!  Jessica cranked through several layouts during the Birthday Challenges.  You can see her blog HERE.  Jessica, I gotta say, at 13 weeks pregnant the LAST thing I was doing was scrapbooking!!  You go girl and congrats on the pregnancy.  For what it's worth, I had my first at 30 and my last at 42.  It's all good no matter what your age.  :D

With Monday comes laundry, chores, soccer and thinking of something for dinner - oh and sorting out April kits.  So I'd best get started.

Happy Monday!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Birthday Party Day #23 - LAST ONE

LAST DAY.  Last day of Spring Break.  Last day of the Birthday Challenges.  Last day of the Birthday Sale.

Kids have been pretty good, and the 2 y.o. has loved having his siblings home!  But you figure it's only a matter of time when they start showing signs they've been around each other too much.  Oh, like, my daughter just came up from the basement to shut the door because she's "tired of hearing gun fire and bombs." (xBox anyone?)  To which her brothers responded with sounds of bombs dropping and verbal gunfire noises.  She huffed back down to the basement and they promptly went back to playing some WWII game with their father who was in his office; they shout instructions to back and forth.  I have to agree with her though, I'm kinda over the war noises.

If you haven't made your way over to the Apron Strings website for the sale, today's the last day.  Still a great selection and the prices are stock-up-amazing.  Don't miss it!

I debated about giving a challenge today, but thought, what the heck . . . finish off the week, even though the month-long celebration technically ended yesterday.  Tell you what, all those who take up this challenge today, and link up their layout, will be entered into a special drawing.  No foolin' ;D!  Today create a layout that uses one of the following photos for inspiration. 

And here's another version, if you're more inspired by its Springy colors.

The photos are Subway Art from the eighteen25 blog HERE (it's awesome!!!)  You can see more of their great birthday ideas HERE.  OMGoodness I could (and do) waste so much time browsing all their ideas - it's insane!  Seriously, I want Subway Art for every stinkin' holiday!  How easy would it be?  I digress. . .  But really, look. . .

Okay, I'm done now.  We're watching Opening Day for the Rockies, the sun is out, there's no wind (woohoo) and only one soccer game before the chaos kicks back in next weekend.  For me, right now, it's back to the grindstone for me.

Birthday Party Day #23 - Last One! due the evening of Sunday April 3rd

1. Lisa (7across2)  3. Patchi  5. Alison Day  
2. Deanna  4. Francine  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)