If you want to do more scrapbooking, Apron Strings can help you with that part. With such great prices during Day 3 of the End-of-Year Clearance Sale you can certainly stock up on all kinds of supplies.
You'll find lots of selection with savings starting at 25% and going up to 70%! Savings like that is inspiration enough, but think of what inspiration is to come when that little (or big) box is delivered to your door. Like Christmas all over again.
* Save on Past Kits - get the ones you missed
* Save on Paper Packs - restock favorites or pick up extras of kits you have so you don't have to make the tough choice of which side of the paper to use
* Save on Embellishments - sometimes it's just fun to have more sparkle and glitter
* Save on TV Dinners and Soup for Ones - these are great whether you want to try a smaller verison of a kit out, or maybe you only liked one part of a previous kit.
* Find SUPER savings in the Table Scraps area where everything is at least 70% off -
Today check out the Scrapper's Boxes (big or small) - if you like a surprise, need a gift, or just can't make any more decisions after the holidays, a Scrapper's Box is your item of choice. Filled with any number of items: kits, TV Dinners, Paper Packs, Embellishments, Stickers, Ribbon - a great selection at 50% savings.
Don't foget to snag a Grab Bag of Patterned Paper and/or theEmbellishment Bag.
Want more? Who doesn't? With every order of $35 (before shipping and taxes) or more you'll get a free second helping of paper. Spend $70, get two packs. Every order gets a Return Rewards discount to use at a later time.
Don't let your scrapbooking goal fall so soon, get started by stocking up today!

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