This is a snapshot of the March kits. . .I trust you're enjoying yours and if not, you can grab one HERE.
This is but just one thing you can do with the March kit. Your inspiration today is provided by Kristin Perez and the Smaller than a Breadbox kit.
What we have here is April's kit. What will you be able to create with it?
Today is the final Scrap Your Stash - layouts due on Saturday evening: one sheet of floral paper, one sheet of plaid paper, two different colors of cardstock, one pocket, three tags, one pin, one set of brads, 3 to 5 blossoms. Pair these ingredients with your oldest Spring photos.
First a reminder, True Scrap 3 is coming and the early registration savings are ending on the 31st; you'll save $20. 15 Teachers, 15 Classes, digital goodie bags, virtual make and takes. . .so many great things going on, LIVE, during the two days, plus just the pure experience of it all makes it something not to be missed! So don't!
Next some inspiration. Today, from Nancy Longo, using the Bigger than a Breadbox March kit, the Echo Park line. Love bunnies. . .I think that will end up being my Spring mantel theme - bunnies. There are a couple kits left. While autoship is nice, it's not mandatory to get your hands on this month's kit. ;D
Now, a Sneak. A Sneak at the upcoming April kits; you can also grab an add-on or two and save 10% (there might be bigger savings on a couple items, but shhhh...) - no coupon code required - until April 1st. Tons of yummy Spring goodness from: Jillibean, Authentique, American Crafts, Bazzill and Lily Bee, make up the scrapbook side of things. While Pretty Little Studio, Lily Bee and October Afternoon make up the Card side. If you want your name on one, or more, of these beauties, join Autoship. Save 10% over the regular price when you're an Autoship member, plus all the other great perks.
Finally, a challenge. A Scrap Your Stash challenge: one sheet of paper with texture (embossed, de-bossed, clear embossed, stitched, etc.), one sheet coordinating patterned paper, two sheets cardstock, one set of gems, one set of brads, 2-4 pieces of chipboard, a journaling card and a length or two of ribbon. Embellie heavy? Yep. :P Combine these items with a set of holiday photos (your choice of holidays.)
There are days. . .and then there a DAYS. This is turning out to be one of those DAYS, but whatcha gonna do other than plug along, and wait for bedtime so you can start over tomorrow. Weather here is gorgeous with more warm weather. Unfortunately, we're experiencing the driest March on record, when this is typically one of our snowiest months. With that we've entered Colorado's alternate season - wildfires. There've been several in the last few weeks, what with no moisture, low humidity, and extremely high winds. The biggest one now can be seen from my kitchen window: the billows of smoke clouds, the hazy sunlight, the constant sound of bombers flying overhead on their back and forth from the local airport to our north and the fire just a tad southwest of us. Sometimes you can hear the helicopters that run a bucket brigade with the bombers. The news of the fires got me to thinking about what I'd grab should we ever be in the path of a moving fire. I was overwhelmed with what to take - I mean as a scrapbooker and a mom, you go for pictures and videos. Snagging things off the walls, the albums off the shelves, the boxes of unscrapped photos. Then there was the man on the news who said he grabbed the hard drives out of his computers - duh, didn't think of that and all the things we keep track of digitally; not just photos. Then my mind wandered to my closet where my wedding dress is, and the chest at the foot of my bed that holds a lot of the kids' keepsakes and some of my own from my childhood (teddy bear, Raggedy Ann, blankets, baptismal gown, other infant clothes). That thought took me to the basement where a couple containers of tiny infant clothes still sit in the crawl space, things I was too attached to to give away. Plus drawers of keepsakes for each of the kids. Then I thought of the things the kids would want to have from their rooms - other lovies, blankets, signed athlete pictures, rosaries, etc. I'd need a house to haul the house away from the fire. At that point, I had to switch on "Friends" because I needed to stop thinking, knowing I didn't even cover things on the main level - things passed down from grandparents. Okay, so stop. See, mind boggling! Let's move on to today's inspiration, created by Sous Chef Maria Swiatkowski, using the Smaller than a Breadbox March kit; the KaiserCraft Blae & Ivy pack. This was such a gorgeous set of papers. I love how Maria used them in blocks (and both sides of the designs) to get the most out of them without it feeling overwhelming.
Today's Scrap Your Stash challenge is to round up three sheets of patterned paper, one sheet of cardstock, 3-5 wooden embellishments, two pins, a set of pearl embellishments and alpha stickers. Combine the items with your oldest photos from the fall season.
Sorry about yesterday. . .the wind roared back into town and I was preoccupied with some very looming deadlines.
Hope your weekend was good. Ours was quiet and low-key. That's what no soccer and an upcoming Spring Break will get you.
Deadline isn't moving, so this is short and sweet. Today's Scrap Your Stash challenge is to grab five sheets of coordinating patterned paper (double-sided papers take the guess work out of this), one sheet cardstock, one set rub-ons, alphabet, layered embellishment, length of ribbon or pre-cut border. Pair up these goodies with your newest photos.
Layouts for this final week are due Saturday evening. This week's prize is pack of Pink Paislee goodies.
And because every challenge needs inspiration, today we have a card from Sous Chef Tomi Ann Hill, using the March All Year Cheer Card Kit, which is unfortunately sold out. If you like what she's creating, get on board with autoship so there's one set aside just for you. Love the pinwheels, and they're so easy to do!
Another gorgeous day in the 70's (they're talking 80's on Sunday). There are cheerful little white, purple and yellow crocuses lining my front walk. I have a batch of biscotti in the oven, that I can smell. I have plans to tackle some long-awaited projects and attending the church Fish Fry tonight, I don't have dinner to deal with, so I might have success. And not a soccer game in sight! Wish me luck.
I have a double-shot of inspiration today. First this super-Spring-y card from Kristin Perez, made from her scraps from the Smaller than a Breadbox March kit. I love the pocket-full-of-butterflies.
Then there's this bright cheerful tribute to Oreo, on its 100th birthday, from Sous Chef Nancy Longo using the March Bigger than a Breadbox kit. I love this layout, and it's not just because Oreo's are my favorite store-bought cookie. I don't scrap these kinds of pop-culture items and looking at it, I wish I did. How awesome would it be to look back at things like this from my childhood; big giant hair and silver eyeshadow notwithstanding - Spiro-graph, leg warmers, roller skates 70's style, lite-bright, Pee-Chees! I need to make a mental note to capture some of the pop culture items for my kids and create a layout or two.
Then there's your assignment, because I can smell the biscotti, and it's going from gentle baking smell to sort of burning smell. Gather a stripe sheet of pattern paper, a coordinating sheet of micro-dot paper, a coordinating larger graphic, two sheets of cardstock, flowers in a variety of sizes, brads, another metal item and a length of ribbon. Combine the items with photos from the fall. All this week's layout are due on Saturday evening. Your gift o'the week, saving $10 on your next order.
Okay, so time is ticking. . .are you signed up? Registration is open NOW and the chance to save $20 on the event is quickly coming to a close. You have only until the 31st!
Lain is so convinced you should be attending this Big-Daddy Scrap Event, she's hosting chances to win a free spot! Seriously. Free! Check out these giveaways from the awesome True Scrap instructors:
She says enter one or all 11! And even if you don't win, at a little more than $8.50 per class, it's not an opportunity you want to miss out on. Remember this is a LIVE event with other scrappers around the world. It's total awesomeness! And if you miss a session, you get access 'til the end of time to view the entire event once, twice or even thrice, should you need to.
Go. Now. Register to win. Or just Register! True Scrap 3
Another gorgeous so-not-March day. The weekend is coming and we have no soccer because the public schools are on Spring Break; that would be for my daughter. My boys don't enjoy Break until the following week. Makes doing something as a family pretty non-existent when the kids don't share the same weeks.
Today our inspiration comes from Sous Chef Kristin Perez, using the Smaller than a Breadbox kit. I'd like to tell you the line, but in Kristin fashion, she's combined a couple - the KaiserCraft and the We R Memory Keepers. I'm loving the circles!
Today select three patterned papers with a monochromatic scheme, one sheet coordinating cardstock, set of buttons, two tags, set of alphabets, length or two of baker's twine. Combine these with your oldest photos - whatever the event. Remember this week's winner gets a gift code to spend on your next purchase. . .and there's a sale in the making. Oops, did I say that out loud? Happy Thursday.
Ahhhh. . .mmmmmm. . .yeah. So apparently it was Tuesday yesterday. . .all day in fact. Totally missed it.
But I didn't miss this layout by Sous Chef Jennifer Halleck, created with the March Bigger than a Breadbox kit (on sale now). She's used the Echo Park line. I love the right side of her layout that holds all the extra items from her daughter's day at Ameritowne.
Now since I missed yesterday's Stash challenge, I'll just double you up today - sort of. Today gather a sheet of paper with stripes, a coordinating sheet with circles, a coordinating sheet of mini dots, two sheets of cardstock, on set of rub-ons, a set of large brads, a journaling card or envelope and a length of ribbon. Combine this pack with photos from a summer event. As the extra, create a card or tag with your leftovers.
It was a crazy busy weekend and I only made a half a soccer game! The weather was gorgeous - like in the almost 80 degree range gorgeous. (Charlene, shaving your legs gorgeous - though pregnancy is sort of an out card for not having smooth legs every day :))
I'm pretty sure I wasn't home on Saturday for more than a couple hours; baby shower for my newest niece - who's only 3 weeks old (were my kids ever that small? I mean they must have been, but dang!), present shopping afterwards, soccer game (the 11 y.o. only played half the game because of dinner conflicts) and dashing off to dinner to celebrate my father-in-law's 80th birthday. Saturday night the 3 y.o. starting coughing again, which meant I slept in his room most of the night rather than staggering down, and bouncing off the walls of the hallway 20 times. Sunday morning was a sleeping in morning, though only because the 3 y.o. and I finally fell asleep around 3 a.m., but I got up to make strawberry pancakes for my older boys who were off helping a neighbor un-TP their home and yard. We decided to attempt to make the noon Mass, which left us open to make another party for my FIL. I think we were finally home around 7:30 p.m. Pizza-man anyone??
It was a crazy weekend, but my husband's brothers came into town to celebrate their father's birthday and it's always nice to have them around, short though the visit was. So today's a day of catching up. . .well pretty much everything that went undone over the weekend and trying to get a handle on this week's list of to-do's.
As you plan your day, let's get your Stash list together: one sheet of "specialty" paper (glittered, embossed, diecut, laser cut, flocked, etc.), 2 sheets of coorindating patterns, one set of punched shapes - either of your own making or pre-punched, one set of alphabets, one length of trim. Pair up these goodies with photos from a birthday.
Layouts will be due Saturday evening. Prize will be a $10 Gift Code to be used on your next Apron Strings purchase.
And if you're like me and are having a hard time peeling your eyes open this morning, take a gander at this bright and playful layout by Sous Chef Nancy Longo, using the March Bigger than a Breadbox kit (on sale now) the American Crafts side. I love the take on the penants by using the images punched in circles strung on a length of ribbon.
I hear my washing machine has stopped, the dryer is ringing and I have dinner to get defrosting - soccer calls tonight.
Just for clarification's sake, "stash" is defined by anything you don't go out and buy to complete the challenge. So it doesn't matter if it's newer or older. . .the point is to shop your stash. Obviously, it'd be nicer to move out the older product, but that's not always what works. And yes, Charlene, Scrap Your Stash runs all month! :)
Now, our weather people say we'll have near 80 degrees tomorrow. Really? That's great - but it means shorts or carpi's. Which means shaving. . .regularly. Ick. I keep waiting for that famous 40 degree temperature swing. It's coming I'm sure.
It's fun to see what the designers do outside of layouts and these adorable hooks were created by Sous Chef Kristin Perez. She used what was left of her We R Memory Keepers papers from the Smaller than a Breadbox kit.
As we have quite the schedule this weekend - my FIL's 80th birthday is bringing in family, there's a baby shower for the newest member, soccer games, big celebratory dinner and my parents return from three weeks in Europe.
Today gather up one sheet summer themed paper, one sheet coordinating stripe, one bunch of wood accents (if no wood, chipboard), buttons, baker's twine or jute and a diecut. Pair up this pack with photos involving water.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this, photography is not my strong suit (and I'm not a after-shot-editor. Please, where would I find the time?) Oh, I can take pictures, but to leave my pre-programmed settings - well, it's just not good. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with my pre-sets, I love them; we are one. But every now and then I picture myself being a photographer. Someone who can actually use a manual setting, snap a shot and get a good picture, rather than the current method I use - attempt a setting, snap the photo, look at it, cuss, flip things on and off (cussing some more because now I've missed the shot), really never knowing what I'm doing and eventually going back to the pre-set.
Katrina Kennedy knows a thing to two about photography. She's taught several classes at Get it Scrapped, is an actual photographer and now she's teaching via LIVE feed at True Scrap. Her focus - low light photography. Low-light is a serious issue for me - I get blurry, incomprehensible photos. Is that a child? A Jack-O-Lantern? A firework? What the. . .? I just think of all the low-light situations - Halloween, Christmas, after-dark sporting events, indoor events, children's concerts and plays. . .oh my. The things I could actually document and scrapbook if only I had a decent photo. YOU could be a better photographer just by learning your own camera and its settings. Katrina can help! Go register, save $20, and get access to her wisdom and 14 other industry a-listers during True Scrap.
Photographer I may not be. Scrapbooker I am. Sous Chef Jennifer Halleck is both - photographer and scrapbooker. And she has today's inspiration using the March Bigger than a Breadbox - the Echo Park side. I love anything that documents sports; I have a child or two that are involved in sports. Have I mentioned that? The last layout I created about their teams and/or season was probably six years ago. This layout I can see me getting at least a couple more years added to their books.
Time to dig into that stash again. Look for a sheet of geometric designed patterned paper, a coordinating stripe, another coordinating pattern of your choice, two sheets cardstock, a frame, a handful of mini brads, a set of stickers and a piece or two of chipboard. Combine them with photos of something sporty.
Today's inspiration provided by Sous Chef Maria Swiatkowski, using the March Smaller than a Breadbox kit - on sale now if you don't get it via autoship. She's using the KaiserCraft Blae & Ivy line. Besides this gorgeous diecut paper, it's embossed!
To go with today's inspiration, is today's challenge - gather 2 coordinating sheets of paper where the main color scheme is two colors (like above, the main colors in this line are the blue and green), 1 sheet of cardstock, one journaling card, coordinating buttons, length of ribbon and one stick pin. Add to this pack photos from Christmas past.
Today, gather together a sheet of Polka Dot paper, a sheet of paper with a large graphic, 2 sheets of cardstock, something metal and an alphabet, combine this pack with photos from your last family gathering - any season, any event.
It was a weekend. A weekend where hubby arrived home, still sick unfortunately. A weekend with season openers in soccer; one win, one loss. A weekend of trying to catch-up. A weekend of Spring-like weather. A weekend where Peyton Manning rumors were everywhere and the subsequent trading of Tim Tebow - my daughter will be crushed and is currently in denial. A weekend where "The Walking Dead" once again left me with my mouth open in shock. A weekend where, in the end I succumed to extreme overwhelm and shut down; not so good for the catching-up.
As I was eating breakfast I was going through my latest issue of Midwest Living. I picked up this subscription a year ago from my niece or nephew (I forget which one) during a school fundraiser. I have LOVED it! I actually renewed the subscription when the niece/nephew came back around. It's an awesome size - just enough gardening (not that I do any, but the photos make me want to), just enough recipes (yeah, we know where I am with those and I tried and loved them), ideas for road trips (we still have tons of family in Michigan so good to note for our next road trip) and enough eye candy from this area of the country to have me really consider returning to my roots - I was born in Minnesota and lived in Wisconsin before coming to Colorado when I was in the 4th grade (after a brief stay in Texas.) I cracked open the magazine to find a small article about Lilacs; my all time favorite flower. How could I have forgotten the dainty lovelies. Looking at the photography, I could almost smell them. Then I turned the page to see a little shot for dressing-up your table for Spring. Combine those with Pintrest, devil that is it, which has had me cursing at my empty mantle and viewing it with utter disdain, until Midwest Living gave me ideas on how to dress it for Easter. And poof! I'm inspired. Granted not for the things that had me shutting down over the weekend, the things that really need doing. No inspired for the important things. . .like making me happy I have a mantle and putting gorgeous silk Lilacs on it, until the real things come into bloom. I await both, the shopping for the mantle and the blooming of the Lilacs, which are still currently deeply sleeping, with anticipation.
I'm inspired to inspire you to dig into your stash this week and clear it out! And in the process create a layout or two or five. Please come play along. Today pull together a sheet of floral print paper, a plaid paper, a sheet of cardstock, some coordinating silk blooms, some buttons and a length or two of ribbon, pair those with recent birthday photos.
Layouts are due this Saturday evening. Since I'm feeling energized, it's best I make the most of it.
Friday. . .sigh. Crazy week. Crazy weekend. I hope you're looking at a calm upcoming day or two.
I'll just cut to the chase, today's challenge is the last pack, #1 which combines two sheets cardstock, coordinating stripe paper, length of ribbon, 6 buttons, non-alphabet stickers. Take that and pair them with your choice of Spring photos.
I'm hoping to get out tomorrow night, for some me time, but I've got a couple soccer games (let the season begin!!) and some other things to deal with first...keep your fingers crossed. I'll need inspiration to keep me rolling. If you work that way as well, then how 'bout this bright and cheerful layout by Sous Chef Jennifer Halleck, using the March Bigger than a Breadbox kit - the American Crafts line. I love how she's used the line for her trip into the outdoors.
Life, school, business and an arriving spouse have me running.
You know I am starting to find inspiration all over the place. I don't know why? Am I actually that observant? I don't really think so. Is it because I'm giving myself "permission" to look for it? To not be put off because "I don't think that way?" Possibly.
I was listening to a local morning show yesterday and they were having a conversation about first steps and obstacles. How so many people fear the first step, or avoid it. That sometimes the hardest part of a project, decision, choice, is taking that first step. Why? Fear of failure? Fear we don't really know what we think we know? Fear that we haven't thought it all through? Fear that our work or idea is out there, for all to see? Like me, I have good idea. . okay I have ideas. . .for things all the time. I blame my lack of action on time - not having the time to take the steps, draft the email, pick up the phone. Whatever.
We're scrapbookers and yet we fill day after day, week after week, of not taking first steps to create that album, work with those photos, make that page, purge our stash. We fear not creating the perfect layout - by whose standards? We fear our work isn't good enough - for who? We fear participating in our wonderful craft in a variety of ways - why?
If you're one of those folks who reads this blog, thinks about the challenges and, yet, for whatever reason you haven't taken the first step in participating -- this is your day! You're going to make that first step and take part in today's challenge with pack #4: to use three sheets cardstock, 1 or 2 sheets coordinating themed patterned paper (like hearts, or trucks, or Christmas trees), one set of rub-ons, 6-10 buttons, chipboard or corrugated shapes and you're going to pair them with those photos that you've put off working with. No more excuses.
Happy Thursday,
P.S. Where in the world is Apron Strings? Here at Frosted Designs Sketches. We love sketches, so if you need some extra help with your layout today, you're sure to find something that works for you over there.
Since hubby is out in Georgia doing a week's worth of training, it's just me, the fighting-three, the 3 y.o. and the dog - and all their crazy-butt schedules. Chaos reigns!
During my drive time this morning it was cold. It was grey. It was drizzling - freezing drizzling. And it was gorgeous! For me there's something about waking up to rain, even if it's the freezing kind. The grey of an all-day rain is much softer than the thunderstorms we'll get later. There were low-lying, soft white clouds clinging to to the tops and draping down the sides of the foothills and flat-tops. The rain had washed away the harsh, dry, dusty brown colors that we get this time of the season. Everything looked fresh, even if it was still brown. Colors of the houses were popping (even the kids commented on them - "Did they repaint the McDonald's roof?" "Did the Historical Society house get painted? It looks brighter.") and the trees though still dormant looked fresher, more alive.
I don't know if it's because it's Lent and I'm trying to be more "present" or because I'm a scrapbooker that I noticed these things this morning - even in the midst of a 15 y.o. calling to tell me how they were somehow incapable of doing the math-portion of their TCAP without the benefits of a do-it-all calculator, or the drivers cutting me off. I breathed and took it in.
Do you do that? Find yourself noticing the small things and wondering if others see it too? Appreciating a sunset, picturing it through your lens. Finding the new green sprouts of crocuses just barely above the soil? Noticing your kids in the rear view mirror when they're actually getting along, or just plain quiet? I like to think as scrapbookers we see these things maybe a little more often than others. Not that other people don't, or that they don't appreciate things around them, but as "documenters," I think that those things are just more in our minds. . .everything is an opportunity for a photo and a page.
I was inspired. Now it's your turn. Today, working with Pack #3: Select three coordinating patterned papers, journaling cards, alphabet, 3 - 5 flowers and pair that with the first photos that inspire you - old or new.
Flowers are a big thing in paper crafting these days. So many kinds, looks, and ways to use. Whether they confuse you, excite you, or you just plain struggle with them, you need to know about Flower Frenzy by Nic Howard over at Ture Scrap. This is one of 15 classes offered during the 2-day LIVE event. During this class you'll get access to the video feed (and eternal access to it after the event is over), a hand out and tons of inspiration that you'll want to put to good use in the project created to showcase your new-found skills. You'll get ideas on using pre-made flowers and creating your own. Register by March 31st and save $20
15 Classes. Two days. No flight costs. No hotel fees. No security to clear. Nothing, just you, in your jammies if you want, and tons of inspiration in tutorials on scrapbooking, stamping, photography, home decor. Plus five virtual make and takes. I don't know about you, but in my area, we're down to just one scrapbook store, and while they're good, they're not this caliber good.
Go play!
Here's a little Apron Strings inspiration from Maria Swiatkowski, using the March Smaller than a Breadbox, the Pebbles line. This is part of Maria's Project Life - her version. Project Life is a Becky Higgins technique, who might I add, is the keynote at True Scrap. :D
Today's challenge is #5: Two different, but coordinating colors of cardstock, 2 sheets coordinating patterned paper, stick pin, paper clip, 2 lengths of different ribbon or baker's twine, pre-printed diecut or frame and combine these items with your oldest Christmas photos.
Ah spring! I know it's out there somewhere. But usually it's still just a dream here in Colorado - we've got snowy months ahead before we start seeing Tulips and Daffodils, let alone Crocus. But, nevertheless, this time of year I alway itch to clean, to clear, to get rid of. Sometimes I accomplish a lot, aannnddd sometimes not so much. This month at Apron Strings things will be different. You're going to get layouts done and you're going to pare down that stash of yours. We start today using Pack #2 (One sheet cardstock, coordinating paper with dots and a floral print, chipboard, 2 tags and 6-8 brads) and combine it with a set of your newest photos.
Layouts are due Saturday evening. The prize: ah, I haven't figured it out. But it'll be good ;D.
Prep work is always a good thing - it helps you make the most of your project time. Whether you pre-chop veggies in the morning for dinner at night, pick up the living room before you vacuum (instead of shoving and vacuuming around the clutter. . .not that I do that) or doing some picking and pulling of items before you sit down to crop, or subscribe to Apron Strings kits ;D.
In this case, prep-work also has the added bonus of going through your stash looking for items. You see what you have, you rediscover where you've tucked it away (as well as noting other items you may not need right now, but maybe in a layout or two) and you're inspired just looking at all your goodies. To make it extra beneficial, if you come across items that are more "what the. . .?" than, "I've been looking for this!" toss it, either literally or set up a give-away box and put items in it - there are lots of ways to get rid of your "no-longer-you" scrapbook items. Having done this myself, actually it continues to be a work in progress with my own stash, I can tell you culling the heard, so to speak, is as invigorating as actually using it.
So, as a little prep-work for the first week in Scrap Your Stash take a few minutes to pull together the following "packs."
Two sheets cardstock, coordinating stripe paper, length of ribbon, 6 buttons, non-alphabet stickers
One sheet cardstock, coordinating paper with dots and a floral print, chipboard, 2 tags and 6-8 brads
Three sheets cardstock, 1 or 2 sheets coordinating themed patterned paper (like hearts, or trucks, or Christmas trees), one set of rub-ons, 6-10 buttons, chipboard or corrugated shapes
Two different, but coordinating colors of cardstock, 2 sheets coordinating patterned paper, stick pin, paper clip, 2 lengths of different ribbon or baker's twine, pre-printed diecut or frame
Okay, so pull those items; keep them in their "groups" and we'll go from there on Monday.
If you haven't clicked on the links to check out the fantastic layouts. . .you need to. You're fingers will itch to create your own layouts. A wonderful job by all those who participated!!
Be sure you stay tuned for Scrap Your Stash starting on Monday. If time allows I'll get some prep work up this weekend, otherwise I'll just wing it. :)
CONGRATULATIONS to Deanna, who I think completed all the challenges!! Deanna you're the winner of the Scenic Route kit.
Funny how in the space of an hour or so a wrench can come flying in and mess with your carefully planned day.
The wind I so hate, is laughing in mighty gusts at the fact that I'll soon be out in it at a scrimmage for my 11 y.o. Then it's off to do a ton of running around the Denver-metro area toting and shuttling people.
But I do have a winner for Week #4. CONGRATULATIONS, Charlene B. winner of the My Mind's Eye Hip Hooray Boy pack, which should come in handy soon ;D
As I've mentioned before, I'm not much of a weekend poster, but since I was expecting to be at a soccer tournament all stinkin', weekend (did I mention windy?), and the tourney was cancelled, I thought now I have all the time, I can do a little catching up on things. So I'm hoping to have a couple posts today to wrap up the Birthday month.
As I listen to the wind blow, and check the clock to see that "yes, I could be at the U11 game now, being blasted by the cold wind" I have instead made one lucky follower quite happy.
Congrats to Alison Day for being the Week #3 winner, and so-to-be recipient of the My Mind's Eye Lost & Found Madison Avenue collection.
There's that saying about March, if it comes in like a Lamb, it leaves like a Lion. So what would a cross between the two be? A Liam? That doesn't seem right. A Limb? Ah, no. Well, I'm not sure, but we have a cross between the two, with a day that started out bright and sunny and is now under a Winter Storm Advisory - dropping temps, expected snow.
Not matter what the weather it got me to thinking about March. It's typically a month where I seem to get the clean-it-get-it-the-heck-out-of-here bug. My scrap-space will (and has been for a year or so) undergo the same scrutiny. It's always good to take regular checks on what you have, clean it out and move it on, if necessary. It's invigorating to dig into a drawer that not only can you find what you want, you're only digging through things that truly inspire you.
With that in mind, in March, I'll be putting up challenges that will get you Scrapping Your Stash; maybe a tip or two, maybe a sale, more than likely giveaways. I don' know, I don't plan these things - I just get an idea and run with it. I'll post a few pre-planning things and then I'll start with the challenges on Monday.
Speaking of stash, earlier this week I mentioned that I created cards last weekend after completing a layout. Below are said cards, designs are scraplifted from my 28 Cards class.
Look like the soccer practice for tonight is cancelled.