Thank you all for your posts in regards to the "episode" the other night. Kindred spirits, a couple chuckles and shared similar moments . . . and the lack of photographic evidence is what I loved. Oh, and I did get a photo of the soggy towels. :D Barbara, when I read about your poor Poinsettia, I could totally see it happening!
Last Saturday I took to Archiver's a number of projects to work on instead of doing traditional layouts. You've seen the One Little Word cards. . .which I'm hoping the weekend will give me time to finish. I also did my Week 1 of Project Life and need to print out my photos for this week. I took my Take Twelve, with three month's worth of photos, but didn't do anything on it. I also dragged along my December Daily 2012. I got all my photos printed before heading out and sorted through the October Afternoon kit I purchased for the project. I love kits for their no-brainer approach. After fingering all the pieces and I'm still not sure what my approach will be, but here is Day 1. . .30 to go, but at one photo a piece it should come together quickly.
In an effort to get through some of my Pinned recipes, I thought I'd share some that I've made and, hey, if they happen to be time savers so you can enjoy scrappy/crafty time, well then darn it, so be it.
I'm no vegan, not even close, and like the blogger who posted this recipe, I love my meat and dairy products. But given that a 2013 goal is to lose a smidge of weight, and with that comes some smarter food choices, I figured why not. Plus, it's a taco! With my family, if you throw whatever in a taco shell, they're more likely to eat it. And so I forged ahead with these Bean and Quinoa Tacos from Budget Bytes. We've been eaters of quinoa for sometime, though usually as a side dish. I had never seen the tip of rinsing the grain before cooking it - it made a difference and will be interesting to see how it improves the flavor when I serve it as a side again. This is a totally great make-ahead recipe - toss it together in the morning, warm it up, set it out and head off to your crop with the girlies, or down to bury yourself in your crafty space. It's flavorful, the pico de gallo is fresh, and really, we didn't miss the meat. Though, holy cow, when you're counting calories, who knew corn tortilla would be a cause of concern! Shoot. My avocados were just a touch past ripe and so I opted to make guacamole instead of just serving slices, and in my guacamole it's just avocado, lime juice and a little salt. I thought the family would miss the lettuce, and more importantly, the cheese, but nobody asked and nobody made a dash to the fridge to get any. I did try sour cream but found I liked just the guacamole.
Have plans this weekend for a little "you" time. Try this quick, easy and healthy dish.
It's very orange here in Denver. Apparently the Broncos are in some sort of playoff. Both boys had an orange and blue out of uniform day. Even the mailman was showing his colors! It's supposed to be frigid (which canceled the soccer practice scheduled for Saturday), so my plan is to stay inside as much as possible and continue to de-Christmas the house. And I'm really hoping to be crafty!!
Happy Friday.

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