It's busy and getting busier. Besides the usual daily home things (cooking, cleaning, overseeing homework, etc.), there's getting ready for Christmas (I believe I am finished shopping -- WHOOP!), the high schoolers and their finals, work schedules to coordinate and hockey. Then, you add those extra seasonal things and boom, you're toast.
- The Guitar Man (much relieved after performing his solo) and the groupies who came to support him
- Third Grade Christmas party - because one or two foam stickers will never be enough
- The Robin who didn't fly south with his friends. He was puffed out to the size of a softball, trying to eat the berries off the tree. Berries that were frozen solid, thanks to single-digit temps, and kept popping off the tip of his beak, and zipping away, as he tried to grab them. He got one while I watched.
- Taking (in red) and winning a face-off!
- When it's warmer in the rink than it is outside
- This week's teams
- A little holiday crafting. The trees are super cute and we created quite the forest, which is now sprinkled around the house.
- When the Girlie is out shopping and sends you this, you get the distinct impression it's not going well.
- The uglier the better? Or you waited too long to get the sweater you really wanted.
- When you're called out for missing your day opening the advent calendar door. #don'tgetonthelist
Here's to hoping I don't find something I forgot to get while I'm wrapping presents.
Happy Wednesday,