Do you remember when wood in a scrapbook was a big no-no? It was one of the top three commandments of scrappers. It was everywhere, "DON'T USE WOOD, you'll kill your photos!" And while it probably shouldn't be anywhere near heritage or one-of-a-kind photos, in today's digital-I-can-print-another world, these cute wood embellishments are no longer forbidden. They're among some of the most versatile items and come in all shapes and sizes: dark wood, light wood, embossed, colored, stars, word bubbles, animals, words, tags, frames and more.
Aaannnddd, you probably have a few of them sitting around. Today, it's time to use your wooden embellishments. Sprinkle them with other wood pieces, or mix them up with buttons and brads, tags or banners. They are great for grouping and providing texture and interest.
Go. Create.
Here's mine using some wooden starbursts.
Awesome! I sure have missed your layouts. :)
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