I hope your first day of winter is shaping up nicely; bright and sunny here, hardly winter-like. If you're up in the northeast, well you certainly have your fair share of winter, and hope that you are carefully digging yourselves out. My kids would be in hog-heaven if we had that kind of snow. I told them, wait, our winter is just getting started. They were excited that we may have a white Christmas -- snow on the ground, not snow falling.
Plans for the week ahead? Shopping, wrapping, baking? Or are you lucky enough to be done with it all and get to enjoy the week? If you're one of the nothing-left-to-do-bunch, you'll have more than enough free time to do a little scrapbooking. If you're one of the running-around-hair-on-fire-bunch, well, then you'll need some down time and scrapbooking is the ticket.
This week's sketch comes from
Nuts About Sketches and I love this sketch. I've already printed off a copy for myself and stuck it with my kits. Some of the examples done with this sketch are Christmas themed, which seems to suit the sketch well. Lots of photos, lots of movement, just like Christmas morning.
I'm halfway through my coffee, the laundry is beckoning, my 1 y.o. is still awake in his crib apparently not feeling the need to nap and I have other children in need of some direction. Hope your Monday is productive, yet relaxing.
Wow, I think I will go through withdrawal when we are done. 21 pages down. Another Florida page. This is the Sept '08 kit.
another from this month's kit!
whew...glad I double checked...almost forgot to post #21...here it is
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