Ooo, it's going to be a sweltering day here today -- 33 degrees! WooHoo, break out the flip-flops and tanks. Sheesh, but after a few days of low-teen temperatures, it
actually will feel nice. At least it's kept the snow we got a couple days ago around and it's so sparkly white. With the sub-freezing temperatures, everything is coated in a fine frost. With the sun coming up it's glittery, like little diamonds stuck all over.
The downside is I don't go out when it's this cold, so Matthew (the 1 y.o.) and I get a tad stir crazy. The upside, at least this time, was I pulled up a fair amount of my decorations -- the little knick-knacky kind; the tree and garlands are still downstairs. I tamed the store room, schweet! I also spent the entire day cutting out hundreds of 1 x 16" strips of paper for my son's colonial/Native American day, some sort of weaving they are doing. It wasn't time spent all in one sitting, but I've never been so glad to finish cutting paper!
Now, Linda R has a
question -- "I know we have to post 3 LOs' by Sat each week. But, for the "all 25" challenge, can we go back and catch up, just so they are all posted by the 28th?"
Hmm, good question. I will say yes, as long as all 25 are linked up to the various posts by the 28th you will be eligible for a Christmas Cookie.
Our sketch today comes from our very own Bessie! Thanks Bessie. :)

Okay, I'm off to move furniture to make room for the tree, pack up some kits and try to get the garlands in the hall way. Coffee first, though.
Enjoy your day ladies!
Here's my take on this sketch
For this one I used one of my oldest kit therefore I only had paper left, lol. The paper is from December '07 smaller box...and miscellaneous embellishments.
Can't wait to see the next sketch.
I used Dec '08 kit.
Got it done BEFORE work! LOL!
This too is an AS kit. :-)
here's mine...
Rebecca, love your LO and those papers you used.
Rebecca, your boys are just the cutest little buttons! Fab layout.
Here is mine using the ASD bigger kit from Jan. '09
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