See this is what happens when people on the Yahoo Group start chatting about the size and depth of their stash of scrapbooking products. I get inspired and you get challenges :).
Now don't get me wrong, part of the fun of scrapbooking is the "acquiring" of goods - you just have to see my own treasure trove to know I'm right in there with you. But to not use it, ever, can be a budget-buster - I mean you've spent the money and to have it just sit . . . well that isn't good. Eventually, you forget about it, it gets buried and then when you do uncover it, chances are you can't remember what it was you loved about it, or at the very least what pages you bought it for (that were more than likely completed with other products.) You may even question your taste when you find it again (been there myself) because what was hot five years ago, isn't so much now.
So, all month long during the Apron Strings Birthday Celebration, we're going to be digging into our stashes and bringing out all those past favorites (maybe a little purging along the way) and we're gonna use it! I've seen what you ladies can crank out in a month and you should not only have a stack of completed pages, but a seriously depleted stash. If you're one who always
wants to play along (but manages to find reasons not to) - this is your time; there are so many opportunities to play and win this month.
Each weekday I'll post a challenge, along with a sketch, you'll have until Sunday evening to complete the week's worth of challenges to be eligible for prizes. There are multiple opportunities to win - even if you only get one challenge from the week done. (See the following post for details on opportunities to win.)
First up in the "Don't Stash It" challenge is: Use your oldest kit (if you're a kit owner) or your oldest papers. When you post a link to your layout, be sure to note how old you think the products are or what kit they came from. Today's sketch comes from
Nuts About Sketches - thanks to Shawn for allowing me to use her great work.

You have until Sunday evening to link up the challenges you do during the week to the appropriate posts. Remember these challenges are about USING YOUR STASH - try to work with products over a year old, as well as those odds and ends that just keep hanging around.
Good luck and I want to see a lot of layouts!! (The regular weekly challenges are suspended until March: Monday Challenge, Sketch Wednesday and 5 on Friday.)
Here's mine using my oldest Apron Strings Kit from June '08. Bo Bunny 'Beachy Keen' line. Linking from my blog, hope that's what you wanted!
"Beach Paradise"
-Deanna Deaton
My oldest in my stash is prob CM or kits I got from swaps, but I will prob go with the AS because it will be easier since you guys did all the matching work for me :)
here ya go
Happy Birthday Apron Strings!
Here's my LO.
My paper is 8 to 10 years old. Details on my blog.
The oldest kit I could find - July 2006!
This is my oldest kit, but I can't remember when I got it :( It hung around for a while becuase I normally don't use this type of style. However, it worked great for this layout.
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Apron Strings Happy Birthday to you!
Here is my layout On My blog
Not sure how old the papers are- they're old Scenic Route though!
Great challenge!! 2 of the papers I used are at least 4 years old:
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