A fever waylaid me yesterday, all day. Thank goodness DH and kids were home to take care of the 1 y.o., the downside was we didn't have the Super Bowl party (which was really just us eating yummies while watching the game), that the kids had been anticipating. I'm still knocked-down pretty good today - you wouldn't believe how many times I'm hitting the "backspace" key - so if there are any major grammatical errors, please forgive me.
I was thrilled to see all the posts coming in with completed layouts! Amazing! I'm still trying to wade through the emails from the weekend, so I haven't gotten to all of them, but I will. :) Once I'm feeling more myself I will be getting to the winners, I just need to be able to sit up and focus for more than 30 minutes.
Okay, starting to fade, so the rest of this is quick, quick. You're challenge for today is:
use a combination of your three oldest patterned papers. Remember the rest of the items should also be oldies but goodies from your stash.
Today's sketch is from one of our favorites Becky Fleck at

Remember all layouts need to be linked up by Sunday evening to be eligible for the Birthday Treats - haven't decided what to give away for the "complete-them-all" challenge goodie this week.
Here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day -- isn't that what Scarlett O'Hara said?
Sorry to hear that you are under the weather-- hope you get well soon.
Have a question--Is the completion of all the layouts like the 25 sketches of Christmas where we can double back and complete layouts before the end of the month? I understand the breakdown of weekly prizes but was just wondering... and if not that's fine because I have won my share of prizes but just like the personal challenge of completing them all within the time frame :)
I hope to get around to playing because I have stash galore & this is the perfect challenge for me. Gotta clear it out so I can play with my new papers- like the awesome ones I won during Christmas!!! Again, thank you for that awesome prize!
oh I'm so sorry you've been sick, Lori! Hope you're feeling better soon! Wonderful PageMap choice and challenge today!
Hope you get to feeling better, Lori!
Awww, sorry to hear you're sick.
Hope it passes quickly!
Here's my version of the 2-page PageMap and I used 3 old SEI 'Madera Island' papers along with RP Buttons, and older travel accents from MM...packaging tape and deco clip.
Exotic Luxury Living -
Here's mine. I squished the sketch onto one page.
sorry you have not feeling to well, here is mine to this sketch
Here's mine.
here's mine
Hope you're feeling better by now!!!
I used some old Chatterbox on this one and LOVED the way it turned out!!! Thanks for the great challenge and sketch!!!
May be the only one I get done on time for this week, we shall see.
Here is mine!
On my Blog!
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