time to ring in a New Year with new goals, new plans and new
projects. Start the new year (or end the current one) right by saving
an additional 5% on anything in the store. Right off
the bat you'll save 5% on any regular priced item but you can save more. .
.if it's 25% off already you'll save 30%; if it's 75% you'll save 80%!
enter code: RINGIN2013when
you check out to apply your discount. The additional
savings is good today only, December 31, 2012. Good for one use
only. Discount must be used at the time of purchase and cannot be applied
to purchases already made.
In the December Smaller Than a Breadbox Kit for December was the beautiful Aspen Frost Collection by Basic Grey . It was perfect for the soup luncheon I hosted for the teachers and staff at my daughter's elementary school. The teachers and staff were enjoying their Nutcracker Market - booths set up for their shopping enjoyment - and so our theme for the lunch was of course Nutcrackers!
Supplies: Scrapbook Paper (I used Tin Soldier and Open Sleigh) 5 X 7 frames (The Dollar Store) Spoons (The Dollar Store sells them in packs of two) Letter Stickers, Rub Ons (which is what I used) or a pen Glue Dots or other strong adhesive Directions: Step 1 I cut my paper (Tin Soldier) to fit the frames - I made three so the last piece had to be pieced together. I put the paper in the frame behind the glass. Reassembled the frame. Step 2 I cut my flags from Open Sleigh measuring 4" X 1 1/2". I folded these in half and put my labels on. I wrapped them around the spoon using a glue dot to attach. Step 3 Attach spoons to glass with glue dots.
Thank you for stopping by - I hope that you can make your own food markers - maybe spoons for a hot chocolate bar, forks for a pasta bar, or knives for a baked potato bar. The possibilities are endless!
Snow has moved out. . .family is moving in. Today the first of the out-of-town family arrives for the holidays. Their arrival signals my hair-on-fire mode, with the realization that there are no presents wrapped, no cookies baked and presents still waiting to be purchased.
Todays' Wrap It Up inspiration comes from PageMaps - one layout, one card - just the things to use when you're running like a maniac but want just a few moments to yourself. Gotta love a sketch and an Apron Strings kit for those reasons alone!
Using the December exclusive sketch from PageMaps and her December Smaller than a Breadbox kit, Nancy Longo shares moments from her Christmas Eve past. I love the little pennants that she made with the tiny little pearls on the tips - such a festive, elf-y thing to have. I also like the Santa strip of "photos" that looks like Santa hit the photo booth at the mall; I'm stealing this idea!
With much to do and the countdown continuing to tick away... Happy Thursday,
There are some super cute layouts, a couple adorable cards and a great gift idea coming out from the Wrap It Up inspirations. If you haven't followed the links, do because they'll make you ooh-and-ahh, but they'll make you want to create! Congratulations to:
Deanna D. - Week 1 winner of the My Mind's Eye Union Square line
Donna Nuce - Week 2 winner of the DreamStreet Winterland papers.
Merry Christmas! I have information for both of you, so you'll see the goodies with your next kit shipment! :D
If you aren't playing along . . . there's still plenty of time and plenty of goodies to be shared. The more you enter, the better your chances. And in the end you have completed projects.
He's still all tucked snug in his footed pajamas with a serious case of bed-head. I hate waking him up, but we've got to get going. I open his blinds and wait for it. . .I get him standing (I get my morning monkey hug - all arms and legs wrapped tightly around me.) I get him out of his pajamas and tug on his shirt. He starts looking around and I catch his double take at the white dusting the roof tops he can see out his window. A quick in-take of his breath, a little bounce on the bed, and. . ."Is it Christmas?" This time I can tell him, "Soon, baby. . .just a few more days."
Today's Wrap It Up inspiration is found on Scrapbooks Etc. site (via Pinterest of course) for this super easy card. I mean, look how cute. I love the popped up circles of snowflakes, but make it even easier by doing away with the circles and just stamp away, or use felt flakes, chip flakes or buttons. Shoot mix it up and use some stash! This could also be done on a layout as a border or cutting across the page under or around the photos.
Load your completed page, card or other item by Sunday evening to be eligible for this week's prize. . .which I need to find.
Nancy Longo brings some great color with her layout using the December Smaller than a Breadbox kit. I love how her layout documents her holiday decor; a great way to use random shots I take throughout the season.
The snow continues to fall - blizzard like - and we could see anything from 3 to 6" before it blows itself east. . .my toasty little monkey will be beside himself. I have to be out in it, so I need to get out and get back. I love the snow, so long as I don't have to share the road with people who haven't a clue how to drive in it. Happy Wednesday.
Good afternoon to all! I had fun playing with my Smaller than a Breadbox December kit! I wanted to share the fun papers and embellishments with others so I created a gift for a friend who's birthday is VERY close to Christmas. Therefore a Christmas/Birthday present!
I am an avid Pinterest fan and got the idea for my gift from there - especially the punny sentiment - "For Your Mistletoes". I made another water bottle hanger but increased the measurements to create a box for all the goodies.
For Your MistleToes Gift Set Supplies: 5 1/2" x 11" piece of cardstockPaper cutter with scoring blade or a bone folder and ruler Corner rounder Circle Punch (I used a scallop circle punch) Two Sided Tape Additional cardstock / Pattern Paper Ink Embellishments Step 1Turn 5 1/2" x 11" piece of cardstock sideways and score at 4" and 4 1/2". Step 2Turn the cardstock lengthwise and score at 1/2", 1", 4 1/2", and 5".
Step 3Cut away sections of cardstock as shown in the photo.
Step 4
Cut a slit on both sides as shown so the squares become small tabs.
Step 5
Prefold all score lines.
Step 6
Round the corners of the long back panel.
Step 7
Punch a circle so the pouch can be slipped over a bottle. Here a scallop circle punch was used.
Step 8
Fold to create box and attach tabs to back with two sided tape or other strong adhesive.
Step 9 Decorate with cardstock, paper and embellishments from your December kit! Fill your hanger with nail polish, a nail file, and toe separators. Hang on a bottle of nail polish remover.
Thank you for stopping by and enjoy making gifts for others and layouts for you and yours!
We're under a winter storm watch starting tonight. Sounds promising but it would figure to hit on a day I have to be out in it. Yuck. But, if I'm a good girl I'll get to spend a portion of the day home, looking out at it.
Wrap It Up today with a little color inspiration. Traditional to be sure. But, what the heck, Christmas is a week away! EEEKKK. . .a week. Another good reason to just stick with a simple color scheme to work with today.
Speaking of simple, yet cute and effective is this card created by Tomi Ann Hill using the December All Year Cheer Card Kit - of which there is only one left! Better get it today, before it's gone!
With snow on the brain and Christmas prep before me. . . Happy Tuesday.
Well, no snow. Sounds like the mountains are getting some, which is good since the drought continues - our snow pack is 50% of what is should be. These weather geniuses are saying tomorrow night. I continue to be optimistic.
I had a semi-productive weekend. Got some pressing things off my to-do list, but naturally more fill in the blank spots. I have one gift ordered for my husband. Need to take time today to do a little more shopping for him. I started reading through the Journal Your Christmas, followed a couple prompts for writing snapped a few of the suggested photos. Nothing is in an album, yet. I did clear off my desk and work table, so I have the space. Family starts arriving this week, presents need wrapping, school is still in for my kids with a half day on Friday for my boys and finals week for my daughter. I'm hoping I can pace myself and enjoy some of the holidays lights, sights and smells.
You know, sometimes you just need something quick, but homemade: hostess gift, teacher gift, a brunch contribution or when family is coming into town and you need a munchie to catch up over. As much as I love baking, I'm not a "fussy" baker - I have no time or focus for those adorable desserts that take more time to assemble than a scrapbook page. Don't get me wrong, I'll admire and eat them, but I'm not going to be the one making them. Case in point, I love Bakerella and her cake pops are adorable beyond words - we've made pops, but they get sprinkles and I'm done; you're lucky if they're on a stick. Sticks just slow you down anyway - my cake pops are "poppable." I'm a bar, simple cookie and quick bread kinda gal. Like this Cranberry Almond Bread I pinned. I see it making it to my table sometime this week.
Did you know besides good for eating, it's good for your inspiration for Wrap it Up? The embossing on the platter could be embossing on the background of your card or borders on your page. The swirls on the platter - reach for rhinestone or pearl swirls. The glaze (yummy orange glaze) could be paint - either whitewash your background or customize a chipboard piece. The rich dots of cranberries have me thinking of white on white with pops of red, or looking for round red objects.
These little tags made by Maria Swiatkowski using the scraps from her December Bigger than a Breadbox kit could have been inspired by the quick bread. The red and white color scheme. The circle tags and buttons. Even her music note paper has a certain tie back to the scroll work on the platter. How cute would these cards be on your packages or boxes of treats you share with those in your world?
Time to hit the grocery store for the week. I need fresh cranberries.
Ah-huh. On tap? December Daily? No. I'm taking pictures, or I should say I have a couple pictures. I've read one journaling prompt from Journal Your Christmas and have an topic I'm mulling in my head, but that's as far as I've come. So once again, my inspiration for the post is zilch.
BUT. . .this is the weekend I plan to take back my studio. It's a disaster. I know what's new, huh? My hope is my family will go along with this plan. . .no whining people to yell at, no fighting to break up and the ability to forage for food, decent food, on their own. I'll cover dinner, but I'd really love to dig in for the weekend.
I have some Christmas shopping - online to do or I'm gonna be paying some serious shipping fees. But otherwise. . .I'm hoping. . . it's me and my studio.
So what do I give you for inspiration for Wrap it Up? This bright, cheerful, Sugar Plum Fairy-ish wreath. It's things like this wreath that confuse my holiday style. I love the colors, they speak to me and they make me want to change my "scheme" until I see the next Christmas-y thing that will make me want to do a 180. But it inspires nonetheless. . .the colors, the neutral white, the swirls of the candy, even the cellophane wrappied the candies.
What inspiration will you use? Put it into action by Sunday evening when you upload your project: layout, card or some other paper craft to be eligible for this week's prize.
I've done a fair share of work this morning - emptied the last box of ornaments on the tree, vacuumed my studio in the hopes a clean, scrap-free floor will somehow transfer to my work surfaces. It's the season of elves, a scrapper can wish. I've tracked down a Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe for tonight, need to make some bread to go with it - and hit the store for ingredients. And onward down my list we go.
Snow in the forecast . . . twice! What the heck? We'll see if it really blows in and dance a jig if it does. Today your Wrap it Up inspiration comes from PageMaps; one layout with room for lots of photos and a card sketch. PageMaps is my favorite place for sketches and inspiration. If you need a little more inspiration, check out what the designers did with the sketches - fun, bright, festive!
Remember layouts, cards or other projects are due Sunday evening to be eligible for this week's drawing.
Today, there's also a little something from Tomi Ann Hill using the December All Year Cheer Card kit. Doncha just love her handwriting, and she uses it a lot on her cards. I love that! The card is just right; super simple, super cute and would come together in just a couple minutes for those "shoot, I need a card" moments.
More so than Thanksgiving, this seems to be the eating time of year. It's all the baked goods. All the scrumptious, butter-based baked goods: cookies, cakes, tarts, candies, fudges, pastries and all.
Today's Wrap It Up inspiration comes from such a place - this sweet place - with this Snowflake Mix. This is one of those yummy little mixes (that comes together quickly) that are perfect for your neighbors or teachers. Mix up some for yourself, then grab a handful and sit down with your layout, card or holiday decor and create.
What inspires you - the traditional colors? The polka dots (both the M&M's and the paper the box is sitting on.) The striped ribbon? The texture of the Chex is like burlap or canvas. It could remind you of plaid or checked papers. That yummy white chocolate coating everything like a brush stroke of pain or a mist over embellishments.
Who knew you could be inspired by a treat to scrapbook? Now, once you've create your card, layout or holiday item, upload it to be eligible for this week's goodie: DreamStreet's Winterland paper line. 'Tis the season of sharing, so inspire others with your work and in turn you could win a little something. And just so you know that Snowflake Mix can inspire a layout, check out Maria Swiatkowski's layout using the December Smaller than a Breadbox kit. See the red and green? See the stripe? See the M&M-like circles? And you thought it couldn't be done. Silly!
More cold. More snow - well more dusting actually. There certainly is nothing much to measure - unless you look at the ice on my windshield. All of this is to my 4 y.o.'s dismay - he wants to build in the white stuff. He asked, "Is it Christmas?" We just have to shake our heads and say, "Not yet."
If we had any berries left on our bushes - I think the squirrels and rabbits ate them - they'd certainly be glazed in ice. Today's Wrap It Up inspiration comes from Apron Strings' Color Theory Pinterest board. I'm not sure which I enjoy more, the photo or the colors - it's just all good! The frost on the berries make me think of glazed embellishments or papers. Shimmer mists, Diamond Glaze and all things sparkly.
Whether you're creating a layout, a card or some other holiday project, upload it to share by Sunday evening to be eligible for this week's drawing for DreamStreet's Winterland papers. Before I prance off in search of enough focus to tackle my ever growing to-do list, I leave you with this super cute card, created by Tomi Ann Hill, using the December All Year Cheer Card kit.
So the weekend was about as unproductive list-wise as the previous week. However, we enjoyed a nice dinner with my parents on Sunday evening. I handed over the shopping list to DH, and he's already made more progress than I did since I wrote up the stupid thing. DH and the kids put up more outside lights in the frigid temps. Looks like hubby is the one who got stuff done! We got a dusting, though it's hard to even call it that, of snow and the temps are still cold-cold!
Oh, and I finished my first knitting project!!
Knitted his body, and embroidered his face. Hard to tell in the pick but his arms are beaded. He stands about 7 1/2" tall and occupies a shelf in our kitchen. He needs his hat and scarf, but he's a snowman, what's he want to be warm for anyway? I'll work more on finishing my hat this Thursday with the knitting group and work on his later.
Hopefully you all managed to stock up during the sale over the weekend and are looking forward to your kits rolling out later this week. With temps dipping low, it's time to snuggle in and do some serious crafting to escape the chaos that can sometime surround us this time of year.
Speaking of crafting. . .Wrap It Up Day #6 is, naturally, from my Pinterest Boards - this one is from Home for the Holidays. While the Christmas cards we receive has dwindled as we've not sent them ourselves on a regular basis, that doesn't diminish the adorable-factor or the fact that this would probably fit the number of cards we do receive. So today you can actually take the inspiration to create a holiday card holder, or you can use the inspiration found on it. The red ribbons - extra wide. The wooden shutter - something old, or distressed, or maybe using paint. White-wash something that's too bright. Maybe the graphics on the card - the tree, the stamped car, the snowflake.
Whatever your inspiration, run with it, craft with it and then upload it by Sunday evening to be eligible for this week's prize: a paper pack from the Winterland line by DreamStreet. I don't have a shot of the entire set, but this will give you the color scheme.
It's North Pole cold here.
A perfect day for hunkering down and being crafty. These are the days
when being well stocked makes creating a piece of cake. When is the
perfect time to stock up? During a sale! Today is the FINAL
day of Apron Strings Christmas Clearance sale!
There's plenty of selection and the savings are chesnuts-roasting-on-an-open-fire HOT!
With savings starting at 30% and going up to 75% you'll be one happy
little elf.
The Pantry alone is like a trip to Christmas Town,
holding enough treats to make a crafter happy. Bundle up and wander
down Paper Avenue, down Embellishments Way, and turn left down TV Dinners Lane.
If your December kit is shipping soon, be sure to check out this Month's
Add-ons, including an add-on cardstock pack and ribbon bundle. Shoot
even if you're not getting this month's kits, you can shop happily in there.
SPECIAL - shop today (Sunday, December 9th)
and when you purchase any monthly kit (Bigger
or Smaller than a Breadbox kit or Card
Kit ) you'll receive a FREE Alphabet set.
Today is the final day of the sale, but you'll find plenty of
treats to stack under your tree, in your stocking and, because of the
savings, you can stack a few items under scrappy-friends' trees, too.
Did you get your fill yesterday? No? Well, there's always room for seconds, right? If you didn't get your firsts, don't worry there are plenty of treats and plenty of savings left for you. Start in the Pantry by skipping - with the savings you'll find, you won't be able to help yourself - down through the Paper then hit the Embellishments , only to end up in front of all those tasty TV Dinners - savings-wise you'll find up to 50%.
There's also deals to be had in this Month's Add-ons, which is all about December and documenting it. Oh, and you'll find savings there too!
Day Two SPECIAL - shop today (Saturday, December 8th) and when you purchase four or more Second Helpings of Paper, you'll receive a FREE 10-Sheet Cardstock Pack.
The sale continues through the weekend, and even as we head into Day Two of the sale, there's still a great selection.
It's that cheery time of year.
Twinkly lights. Warm, tasty drinks. Festive presents. And an
Apron Strings Sale that'll save you a sack full of cash.
You'll find great prices all over, down every virtual
aisle. In the Pantry stroll through Second Helpings of Paper and Embellishments and TV Dinners and you'll discover savings of up
to 50%. . .which is nothing to shake a candy cane at.
Wander down the Table Scraps aisles for Past Kits or Other Scraps to find even better savings
- like up to 75% better. There's also deals to be had in this Month's
Add-ons, including an add-on cardstock pack and ribbon bundle to go with
the soon-to-ship December kits.
Snag yourself past Bigger
than a Breadbox kits that are priced at or below the regular cost of
Smaller kits. And that means the deals on Smaller than a Breadbox kits are
equally awesome. If you're of the card-making persuasion, or it's a 2013
goal, slide down the Card
Kit aisle for stock-up savings. Past kits will wrap up savings of 30
to 50%.
SPECIAL - shop today (Friday December 7th) and when you
purchase three or more TV Dinners, you'll receive a FREE
TV Dinner.
The sale continues through the weekend, but shop early to get
the best selection.
So today the plan was to show you my progress with December Daily. . .ready for it?
And, ah, yeah. . .great, huh? I have no progress. Nothing to show. Not a photo snapped - well maybe some I could use, but nothing from the prompts over at Journal Your Christmas. It's been one of the weeks, where there's lots of thoughts but no so much on the actual activities.
On to Plan B. Today's Wrap It Up inspiration/challenge comes from Midwest Living's Pinterest boards. I'm sure part of the appeal. . . okay. . . 95% of the appeal is the colors. That red and white gets me every time. That icing is amazing, the swirls and whatnot. Plus how cute of a way to give cookies or candies for the holidays. Glass (I would probably go the Mason Jar route), filled with the treat, a little Baker's Twine and hang the cookies on the glass. Done. If you're looking for card or layout ideas - the lace on the napkin, the clear glass equals "look for acrylic," striped papers, papers with intricate designs, round and star shapes.
Whatever you choose, remember to upload your items by Sunday evening to be eligible for the My Mind's Eye Union Square pack. This weekend is off to a slow start - with a trip to the doctor for my 14 y.o. son and his knee. Lots going on tonight - Mass, weekly Friday night dinner with the in-laws, daughter is off with friends at the zoo's Wild Lights. Hopefully tomorrow will allow me time to finish the tree that still needs one more box of ornaments dumped on it, a list longer than my arm of business stuff, a craft to-do list that I just want to dig into and ignore all the rest! Oh, and I need to finish my knitting project that is due Sunday afternoon. Crap.