My list continues to be long as I add new projects to it, but I'm also scratching off projects, which feels great!. I, alas, have done nothing for One Little Word for February Well, not nothing exactly. I did read the assignment and I pulled some pieces of the assignment together, but haven't completed it. I doesn't help that I really don't get it. I, however, didn't read the extended reading she provided for the month. . .maybe then it'll be clearer to me.
I'm also, how many weeks behind in Project Life? Four? Six? Including this current week? I continue to take photos. I have photos printed for two weeks. I have photos on my phone for two or three. Editing them in Instagram and then printing them takes really very little time, it's a matter of getting it done and hoping my ink holds out. I'm not stressing about this, though. . .I know I'll get them done. I could use a creative break this weekend anyway.
I also have my next knitting class starting on Saturday. I had hoped to work on my one lonely little sock last night, or at least do the cuff of sock number two. . .but exhaustion caught up with me and my knitting stayed in the bag. It's truly a sad little sock with just the foot needing to be finished on the one and, well, everything on sock number two. I need to get back to going to "free knit" on one night during the week. It was Thursday before the holidays and whether it stays that night or not doesn't matter, it just needs to get on the calendar.
Today we're saying goodbye to February and to the Love Your Stash challenges. For your finally challenge, dig into your stash, go as far back as you can, and pull out your oldest kit and combine it with something new. If you don't have a kit, simply pull out your oldest papers and a handful of coordinating embellishments. Mix up the old and new, say like drawing inspiration from Wendi Robinson's cute card from the February All Year Cheer Card kit. Like perhaps you add a new technique - misting, distressed edges, sewing or cutting/punching the hottest shapes like chevrons or the hexagons below. Freshen up the colors of the papers with a neutral background cardstock like Kraft.
Upload a link to your project in the comments section by Sunday evening to be eligible for the American Crafts pack . . . which dangit! I can't remember the name of again! SIGH.
Happy Thursday,