While they were tackling the games and the drive, I gave myself PERMISSION to take the weekend off and dig into several organizing projects. First. . .why is organizing so chaotic? Isn't that counter productive? I feel like I move one pile to a new room, only to break it into smaller piles and move it to new rooms. Anyway, I need to organize my pantry - actually, it goes farther than that, I need some room in my cupboards. But I need room in my pantry to get things out of the cupboards. So, naturally I start with cupboards above the desk in the kitchen - logical right? I cleared out the cupboard above the desk, as well as two of the drawers of the desk. Feels good to open them and have space and new homes for a few things from the pantry. I decided to wait on the pantry while I look for new homes for some other things now in the pantry. Instead I moved down to the hall closet. I pulled out snow boots that no longer fit any of the kids, a couple snow bibs, a half dozen fishing hats and three bowling balls. Now there's room on the shelf and room on the floor. It, too, is sooo nice to look into.
Movin' on to the basement where hubby surprised me with two IKEA shelves. There were just too many boxes, bins and stacked things that held all things kids that I've pondered for a long time on how to deal with it all: Lego's, play dishes, Lego's, Duplos, Lego's, Little People, Lego's, Matchbox cars. Did I mention we have Lego's. I went from Lego's stored in one three drawer unit, one 64 quart container AND one 100+ quart container to three bins in the IKEA unit. Crazy! Most of the things I planned and expected would go in the IKEA shelves are there. I'm so happy!! I'm left with the mess on my half of the room and just one-too-many dressers. What to do? After working through different scenarios, I now have a plan that I can hopefully execute over the course of the week to complete the space. Or at least complete the organizing and move on to getting some decor in place.
There are just a few more days of Love Your Stash. As much as I have a collection of flowers, I also have an abundance of floral papers - it's that too many boys in this household syndrome. Today take a cue from Jennifer Halleck, using the Bigger than a Breadbox February kit and round up some of whatever papers you collect too much of and use them.
Upload your project for today in the comments and become eligible for this week's drawing.
Happy Monday.

Eesh! Sounds like some officials need to get their priorities straight. Glad it worked out the way it all did in the end though. I'm looking forward to a trip to IKEA this weekend- it's been a while and I need a fix! :)
Yeah, I'll bite my tongue on the organizers of this tourney...LOL...oww!!
I could use one more Expedit unit, the four-cube one, but since hubby gave me these as a surprise, I'll wait. It's all working for now. I'll focus now on dealing with decor, window coverings and making it more adult than kid-play-area. Have fun!!
I tend to collect Basic Grey and have several of their lines presently. They are one of the lines I like to grab the whole collection of and I've been trying hard lately to just buy 3 sheets of any 1 line.
"Best Day Ever"
I have WAY too much pattern papers in general; but specifically, I have a ton of these die-cut papers; so I used both and lots of layering! Thanks for another great challenge.
my poison...err...ah...papers of choice trend to be October Afternoon. So I get it. If you saw my stockpile, I mean collection, you'd see. :D
Deanna, there's no "just one" for me and OA. Outside of the kits, it's almost always all or nothing. Yes, I may need an intervention.
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