We're also on the count-down to the end of summer break. All the kids go back in a couple weeks. All of them. All day. And the driving gods willing, one of them will have her license and will be driving herself and her brother this year. The great thing about having kids (or 3/4th's of them) with less than two years separating them is they are close in age. The bad thing is they are close in age and when they are older that's a whole mess of changes in a short time span. I could cry.
Let's change the subject before I get worse. I did finally succumb to the fact that I was not going to a get a non-blurred photo for my Phone Photography assignment for Day 9 - Jump. As I posted on Instagram, I'm still not sure which is worse - the fact that the 4 y.o. thinks he's Spiderman and is jumping on all the stuff he's not supposed to - like below - the fact that I photographed him doing the "no-no's," or the fact I had him do it two more times so I could try to capture it. I'm not gonna delve into that too much. . .moving on.
This was for the Summer Sky, Day 29. I love Colorado skies, and I'm a big sky-watcher. The blues are crazy blue. All velvety rich. Smooth. Deep blue to violet colors all in one swatch of sky. Plus, we don't usually have the haze or humidity watering down the colors.
Off to photograph today's assignment and yesterday and see what I may still need to get. It's been a great class, and if they offer it again, I would highly - HIGHLY - recommend it.
Happy Wednesday,