Well, not normally. Monday's are usually filled with the drudgery of life -- back to work, back to chores, back to gettin' things done.
Unless, like me, you've become the "Queen of Gettin' Nothin' Done." Oh, I keep up on various things: laundry, daily cleaning, feeding the family - stuff like that. But there's the other side, the NEED to be creative again. My Project 365 was sort of filling that gap; I was doing awesome at it. Staying on top of it. But I've fallen behind -- since about three weeks before school let out I haven't gotten anything done (I have the pictures, unprinted, and no journaling to speak of.) You know that time; the chaos of picnics, parties, programs and projects fill the end-of-year school calendar. There barely seems to be time to breathe let alone do much else. The momentum of getting all that done has you flying into summer break without, well, breaks. You feel like a rider being dragged by a runaway horse, until you say ENOUGH, I want some time for ME!
Well, I'm there. Even though I want to get something done, I still need the shove in the right direction. I need something to get me going. I could do some purging, that usually gets the inspiration bubbling away, but so not in the mood. I could browse a magazine or two, but it's been so long since I put photo to paper, that the magazines are a tad intimidating. The next best thing is a good sketch (I
love sketches), a kit and some pictures. So here we go, the sketch is from Becky Fleck (
http://www.pagemaps.com/) and is one of her new June sketches.

If, like me, you just need something to get you going. Something to make you take a bit of time for yourself, follow along with me. Use the sketch to create a quick page, then leave a comment with a link to your layout and I'll draw a name for a Cookie Jar Treat. Guess I should add a deadline -- by Friday, June 12th.
I know I'm waiting for nap time here, but what are you waiting for?