It's kit billing and shipping time and thanks to some major shipping issues it's more chaotic than usual - but I will prevail! In messing around with the kits last night I noticed a couple fun things,
- The We R Memory Keepers in the Bigger kit and the Crate in the Smaller go together excellently. If you love mixing, matching and getting more out of your kits, pick-up a Second Helping of either of these to go with what you'll already be getting. If you want the embellies, grab a TV Dinner
- I've looked at the November kits A LOT over the past few weeks and while I can see they have an Autumn Feel to them, don't discount off-the-page ideas to use them up. I mean I love Autumn, but I'd be hard pressed to do that many pages about it: Crate's papers would be great with Summer activities - we headed out to the Strawberry Farm again this year, and this line would be totally cute for that trip. The colors in the We R Memory Keepers line are great for more masculine layouts - remember they're double-sided! Bo Bunny's rich color pallet would also work for Christmas-themed layouts.
- I love Elle's Studio tags and whatnot's. They're just so fun, but if the theme on the front doesn't suit your layouts or themes, they are blank on the back and thus become the perfect blank page for journaling blocks, stamped images or words. You can also tuck the "offending" words up behind other elements, cover them in lengths of ribbon or simply cut them off.
The Sous Chefs have been working their little butts off this month. Amy's always a font of inspiration, and her layout below is no exception. Love the little owls with the park theme. Amy's used the We R Memory Keepers line from the Bigger than a Breadbox November kit.
Happy Thursday!

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