How is this possible. . .dang.
Yesterday, I started Ali Edwards' class 31 Days, over at Big Picture Classes. I wish I could say I was ready to start the class. You know, that I've read the pre-work, watched the info videos, shoot, even read the first email, but no. No I haven't. I'm actually listening to the prep video as I type this. I'm excited about the class as, next to the Week in the Life, it's the only scrapbook-y type thing I've done in a few months. I was on a roll and then, well, as you've read, I wasn't. I'm hoping this will help get my mojo back.
I know part of my mojo is buried in my studio space. I have a feeling it's wrinkled and smooshed down there. It's as surrounded by clutter, covered over with junk and buried, as I feel I am. I'm thinking of going into the lion's den this weekend; regular season soccer came to a close last night with the last game (a 2-2 final). We just have a tournament coming up over Memorial Day Weekend, so I want to take advantage of the opportunity I have with an un-scheduled Saturday. I'm also thinking I may need to report my progress, just to keep me going. If you follow me on Twitter, set your preferences to get Tweets on your phone or inbox as I will try to update there. So if you enjoy a saga, watching other people work and being thankful it's them not you, enjoy a good comedy, like horror-stories ('cause there's no telling what lies beneath, down there), are in need one of those, "well, at least my space isn't that bad!" moments, or just need a good laugh, then come join Apron Strings on Twitter and watch. I may be brave enough to include a photo - talk about just plain freaky!
Now, I know that Jennifer's space is less than optimal as well, LOL, however, she's still managing to scrapbook - of which I tip my hat to her! I also love that she used the oh-so-frilly Cosmo Cricket Tea for Two line to create this great layout about a soccer match! Jennifer used the Bigger than a Breadbox May kit, and it just goes to show you, that double-sided papers open up all kinds of options, you just have to think off the page a little.
Weather's moving in. The question is, will it blow over us, or will it hit? We need the rain, badly, but my basement isn't tornado warning ready.
Happy Friday!

1 comment:
Love this two page!
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