Yeah, I know. . .Week in the Life was a couple weeks ago. But that whole motivation thing, or lack there of, well. . . . I struggled with documenting this one. I have pictures from four or five of the seven days and since I didn't post them during the week of, I'm hoping that posting them this week. Trying to get the ball rolling people.
So I shared some photos, then I got sick. . .I had to make an effort to not only remember my camera, but to take photos. It's funny how it's easier to do once you just do it!
These are from Friday of Week in the Life. The boys' school has an annual "Race for Education," a fund raiser where the kids run laps during a one hour time period. They can get donations for laps or flat amounts. Their uncle once, ONCE, did a pledge per lap. When the three of them told him they had run 24, 26 and 28 laps, he wrote the check and then went to a flat donation. LOL.
Here we have the start of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade wave. My 11 y.o. 5th grader is there, all in white. He and his buds had a plan to pace each other so they'd all finish first and thus all get the rewards and their names on the banner. I haven't heard the official ending, but there is trouble in the ranks that someone double-punched at the end of the race, thus putting himself above his pace-buddies. My 11 y.o. is up in arms.
There is a train that runs through Olde Town, just down the block from the school. My 3 y.o. loves to look for the train every day. E-V-E-R-Y DAY! Today, during the race he got lucky, heard the horn and watched "the dingers" come down. It was a perfect day. . .if you're 3 and love trains.
When you have two brothers running at separate times, it's tough to stay occupied for two hours, but he does amazingly well. Helps that grandma was here to watch the train with you and take you over to the playground.
Up next, 6th, 7th and 8th graders. . .aka the group that's too cool to run. Or they have been historically. Every now and then you get a few that dress up (we had caped 8th graders) and have some fun. Or in the case of my 7th grader, a challenge from one of your teachers to beat him and earn a reward. I figured they'd get an out of uniform pass, highly coveted when you're in a uniform five days a week. But it was better. . .pizza party.
Seriously, every time he and his pace-buddy passed me they were walking - naturally. I love coming out to watch my son walk. Then I glanced around and noticed he was running, after he passed me. They were coming out of the "punch station" and then picked up their jog when they reached the corner. I still figured he'd be doing good to get to 15 laps completed.
Imagine my utter surprise when he flashed me 28-laps, or 7 miles! Dang boy! Way to run for the pizza, Thomas.
Happy Tuesday,

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