Wednesday, March 14, 2018

We Are

It's been a quiet week.  Quieter than it should be given there are things to do.  Spring Break is looming, with the 19 y.o. coming home at the end of this week.  Then next week, the 17 y.o. leaves for Spain for his Spring Break, which is the following week.  Then we have the 9 y.o.'s Break the week after that.  Nice that they can all be at the same time, you know, so we could maybe do something.  As a family.  

  • Daylight Savings Time kicks us all, but I have to say I love the longer light.  Even if it means summer will be here soon.  #ihatesummer
  • This pup celebrated her 7th birthday with a scoop of peanut butter.  We get asked how old she is because she's already going white in the face, but it's a breed thing to whiten early.
  • Nope, not me on the sewing machine.  Girlie is taking it over this week.
  • I love that she just goes for it.
  • Her finished piece is amazing.  You'd think she screen printed it, but she hand drew it.  I'll need to get a pic when it's all finished.
  • The Girlie and The Boy - she's found someone to hold her hand. 
  • Given she's in health care, and she's on a difficult floor, I think it looks pretty good.  I've seen worse.
  • The skies are pretty, but the wind was ridiculous.  Half way into the walk, I wished I'd stayed home and done laps in the house.  For the record, I've been logging steps and meals for over 139 days now.  I'm impressed.  
Happy Wednesday,


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