Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #19

Leap Day.  A fun, kinda quirky day.  It's also the last day of the Birthday Party.  Thanks to all of you who have and are playing along with all the challenges.

I need to remind myself to finish my Card Class. . .in the craziness this week has become, well I knew it was coming, but still . . .I haven't even looked at my final week of cards.  But I have these from Week 3, less one.  I am determined to finish the class, and I have one more day to finish on time.  LOL. . .we'll see how that goes in reality.
If that's not enough to get the ideas percolating, how 'bout this layout, from Sous Chef Jennifer Halleck, using the Smaller than a Breadbox February kit, Basic Grey's Picadilly line.  Her title "Foxy Ladies" cracked me up - first for the cuteness of the title, but then I had flashes of Dana Carvey in "Wayne's World."

So, as we wrap up with the last challenge of the Birthday Party, with a Scenic Route kit up for a prize, and in honor of my own accomplishments, :D, create a layout and then create a card from your scraps.  Layouts and cards are due by Saturday evening.

Happy Wednesday,

Happy Birthday Day #19

1. Patchi  2. Deanna  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #18

My 3 y.o. started pre-school last week; a little more ahead of schedule than his siblings, or than I'd like, but it is what it is.  Anyway, he brought home a lovely cold/croup that started Saturday night.  I'd rather have gotten refridgerator-worthy artwork because that seal-like barking is the worst.  So, today's been a lot of sitting and not so much doing, with tonight being a whole lot of running and not so much sitting. 
First I want to mention True Scrap, because registration opens on March 1st.  I've talked here about taking the LOAD (Layout a Day) classes/challenges and I know there are a few of you have taken part in LOAD yourselves.  LOAD is lots of fun and a good way to mix things up.  Well, take LOAD and multiply it by like 100 and you get True Scrap 3.  The same woman, Lain Ehmann, produces both and she's gathered 15 industry designers to teach on a variety of topics.  Ladies like:  Becky Higgins (we love her sketches and her organization), Shimelle Laine (she does Journal Your Christmas, among several other classes), Nic Howard, Jennifer Gallacher and Katrina Kennedy to name just a few.  True Scrap 3 is a LIVE event - two days filled with more than I could tell you quickly.  Go check it out HERE, but don't let the "Live" part throw you, once you've registered, all the videos are yours to view whenever. . .so if you miss a segment because of a soccer game or sick kid, no worries, it'll be there!  It's a couple of days filled with tons and tons of great ideas, virtual make 'n takes, information, techniques, projects, tips. . .really, you just need to go and sign-up.

Oh, and Apron Strings is honored to be a sponsor :D!

Now, you need to get something done today, goodness knows it's not in the cards for me.   Today, create a layout that incorporates canvas/fabric.  I love the flat texture provided by either of these products.  Remember, layouts are due Saturday evening and you're playing for a Scenic Route kit - which I was gonna go see the line, but haven't made it down to the store room.  But it's cute, that much I know.
Happy Tuesday.

Happy Birthday Day #18

1. Deanna  

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #17

I'd like to have a good reason for not posting on Friday.  Like the wind blew the roof off.  Or we had six soccer games (wait, that's this weekend).  Or I spent the day at the salon and had 20 years peeled off.  But no.  No.  Though, I can't say for certain about the roof, I do know every one of my 40-odd years is clinging to me like white on rice.  Sigh.

Nope, I simply forgot.  Totally not on my radar.  I have a vague recollection of it crossing my mind as I fell asleep, but by morning it was gone.  So my apologies.

I did kick off my semi-productive weekend by heading out to Archiver's to crop. . .at the last minute.  Like I called at 2:30, pushed dinner up to 4:30 and was out the door by 5:30.  I completed 7 pages and 3 cards (I know!  Cards!  With Scraps!)  I can't remember (yes, sad I know) what exactly I managed to get done, but I have a menu planned for the week, my laundry is two loads from being done, I have several boxes cataloged and awaiting a donation pick-up, my kids have chores to do this week on their doors, and I got some small, annoying things-to-do done.  My calendar this week is jam-packed, and hubby will be unable to help with the majority of it, so it's good to know something got done.  When I lay, exhausted and dazed, later this weekend, I'll have that to look back on.
I can also look back on these, the pages I completed on Friday.

If you need more current inspiration, like someone who's using this month's kits, here's Sous Chef Kristin Perez's take on the February Bigger than a Breadbox kit, the October Afternoon Farmhouse line. Love the vintage feel that pairs so well with her photos.

So, last week of the Birthday Party here on the blog, hopefully, even if you're not sharing your wonderful layouts here, you're cranking out some pages.  Today, if you hold a Bingo Card, select the space of your choice.  If you don't have a Bingo Card, dig out a border punch, or find a pre-cut border to use on your layout today.  Layouts this week are due Saturday evening.  I have a Scenic Route (still one of my favorite manufacturers!) kit for a prize.

Happy Monday,

P.S.  There just might be some fun"Thank You Notes" as in Thanks for the Birthday Presents, or Thanks for coming to the party aka Journaling-like products, on sale today only.  Check them out HERE

Happy Birthday Day #17

1. Deanna  2. jengd  3. Patchi  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week # 2 Winner

Oh my.  Have ya'll followed the links to Week #2 layouts?  You have to, they are gorgeous, adorable and highly inspiring!!

I have the winner of the Jillibean Spotted Owl TV Dinner:  Sarah!  Sarah, I know you moved, can you please send me your new address and I'll get this ready for you.  I'm shipping all things out at the end of the month.


Happy Birthday Day #16

Did I mention that we have had some wind "events" here?  I think maybe, briefly, I did.  You know, wind that maybe blows over a small plastic table, or knocks down shovels leaning against the house, or kicks down trees, or heave-ho's a large flashing sign telling you about road construction (you know, those giant monstrosities), or blowing over semi-trucks, or blasting out the windows of cars - while they're driving.  Yes, Colorado gets wind - hurricane force.  Just five miles from our home it was clocked at 80 mph.  Last night I was lying in bed with the 3 y.o. watching "Up" for the 10,000th time and you could feel the bed shaking as the wind blew against the house.  He even commented on it, and I told him it was the wind.  Being the believing soul that he is, promptly jumped down to look under the bed for the cause of the shaking.

Driving the kids to school there was a decent amount of both snow, again, and damage.  It was like a game, "Who can find the biggest thing blown over."  So far I think it was the construction sign - though I saw a bunch of caution tape around an historic house, but didn't see what tree had toppled.

It was sort of quiet in basement last night (could hear the howling, but there was no shaking of walls) where I hunkered down to do all my cards from the week. . .yep, I think we can call that officially behind.  But, I turned on the TV and cranked out six of the seven cards in a couple hours.  I'll have photos tomorrow.

I was inspired, so now it's your turn.  For those with the Bake Your Cake selections, move on to your next choice and decode.  For those without, you'll be including at least three chipboard shapes on your layout; they can be naked or dressed - your choice. 
And of course some eye-candy to get you rolling.  This is again from Sous Chef Nancy, using the Smaller than a Breadbox February kit, the Pink Paislee line.

 Have a gust-free day.

Happy Thursday.

Happy Birthday Day #16

1. Deanna  4. Alison Day  7. Deanna  
2. jengd  5. Alison Day  
3. Sarah  6. jengd  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #15

Wind.  The wind.  GGAAAAAHHH. . .I can deal with pretty much any kind of weather, but the wind.  NO!  We're talking constant 20-30 mph "breezes" with gusts over 60 mph; for days.  Shakes the house.  Blows crap all over the neighborhood.  Makes driving really fun. . .let alone walking.  Wakes up Matthew - the 3 y.o. - so he sleeps in our bed and then all of us are tired, cranky and headachey.  Yeah, wind.  Go away.
My gripe for the day. . .on to more fun things. Like this bright tribute page, using different photos of she and her husband, created by Sous Chef Nancy Longo, using the Smaller than a Breadbox February kit (on sale now), theBasic Grey Picadilly line.  Besides the loving sentiment behind the page, it's a fun, bright layout.

If you're playing along with the Bake Your Cake week, go ahead and decode your next selection to include on your layout for today.  If you're not playing along with Bake Your Cake, your challenge for today is to create a layout using Cardstock only - you can use muliple sheets, but no patterned paper.

Happy Wednesday.

Happy Birthday Day #15

1. Deanna  3. Alison Day  
2. jengd  4. Charlene Becker  

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #14

Eek, I've fallen. . .but I will get up.  Yep, fallen behind on my cards for the week, again.  Not a one has been made.  I thought about it last night, but I was up for the driving kids this morning, so I opted to get six hours sleep instead of five.  I did use one, well I've used a couple, but it's been so nice to grab one, pop in a sentiment and be done!!  Now the question will be; how will I replenish my stash without a card class to poke me along, LOL.

On another topic, you'll find Apron Strings sponsoring over at the Paper Variety challenge blog.  The challenge Apron Strings is sponsoring is really fun - the movie and poster for Leap Year.  Check it out.  They have some great challenges if you need something fun to get you going. Today they have a super cute tutorial with Baker's Twine (love this stuff).

Hopefully, ya'll had an enjoyable 3-day weekend.  I was hoping to do more yesterday, but the dentist sucked up the morning and by the time I got home it was like, "Now where do I start?"  No matter whether you were very accomplished yesterday, or need a push, today's challenge is here to get you (or keep you) rolling.  Today, for those who didn't pre-select "Bake Your Cake" items, create a layout  that includes three sheets of patterned paper.  If you have your "Bake Your Cake" items selected, pick one and create :).  Layouts are due on Saturday evening and the prize is the My Mind's Eye Hip Hooray Boys kit.

And finally, I'll leave you with a little inspiration from your Fairy Godmother - so cute.  From Sous Chef Maria Swiatkowski, using the February Bigger than a Breadbox (which is on sale now) - the Lily Bee line - this line is so pretty in person.  As much as I love a traditional Disney layout, I've seen so many "no-ears" layouts that I just love!  Maria also used the Jenni Bowlin Dotted  alterable chipboard alphabet.

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Birthday Day #14

1. Deanna  3. jengd  
2. Charlene  4. Alison Day  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #13

Welcome to Monday.  Here we're spending the morning of our day off at the dentist's office.  We jam five of us in one group of appointments (we have to be in on a day they have two hygenists) so we aren't making six separate trips down.  It's a long time in the office, but then we're done.  The down side is I'm starting a day off getting up early and heading down to the dentist's office.

If you replied to the post on Saturday to "Bake Your Cake" and selected five of the eight listed items, you'll see your assignment for the week below.  Here were the ingredients:
  • Layer Cake
  • Cupcakes
  • Sheet Cake
  • Fruit Filling
  • Frosting
  • Fondant
  • Sprinkles
  • Candles
As with the Bingo Cards, if you left your comment listing your choices from the list you'll have your challenges for the week; once you read the "key" below that is.  For those who posted a comment with their selections, you'll receive an extra entry into this week's drawing for a My Mind's Eye Hip Hooray Boy's Collection Kit.  If you didn't leave a comment with your choices, you can still play along with this week's challenges to earn a chance at the kit, I'll be posting challenges as usual.

For those who left your choices, use the key below to create a layout a day using one item per layout from your choices.
  • Layer Cake = Use three sheets of patterned paper
  • Cupcakes = Use at least six Buttons
  • Sheet Cake = Use Cardstock only
  • Fruit Filling = Use Stickers
  • Frosting = Use two different kinds of ribbon
  • Fondant = Use three pieces of chipboard
  • Sprinkles = Use bling
  • Candles = Use rub-ons
For those who didn't pre-select items, today create a layout using rub-ons.  Post your layouts by Saturday evening.

Happy Monday.

Happy Birthday Day #13

1. Charlene Becker  3. Deanna  
2. jengd  4. Alison Day  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Birthday - Next Week Prep

I don't often post on the weekends, but we need to do a little prep for the Birthday challenges next week.

From the "Bake My Cake" list below, select any five ingredients, then leave a comment to this post as to your selections.  That's all you need to do before Monday.

Bake My Cake Ingredients - select any five:
  • Layer Cake
  • Cupcakes
  • Sheet Cake
  • Fondant
  • Frosting
  • Sprinkles
  • Fruit Filling
  • Candles
You'll be told next week how your selections translate into your challenges for the week.

Happy Saturday.

P.S.  Shhh. . .but if you go over to the Apron Strings website, you'll be able to pre-shop the Birthday Sunday Special (Confetti and Sprinkles) set to start on Sunday.  Shhhh. ;D

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #12

I'm so sorry to have missed yesterday. . .I started this post and then "it" hit the fan and I never got back to it.

But today, the sun is out.  The weekend is almost here.  I caught up on my BPC Card Class BEFORE the next set of assignments was released!  WooHoo.  Unfortunately with everything that happened yesterday, I didn't get my card done for the new week, but I will!  Here are the cards from last week's assignments.  This class has really been fun. 

Cards are super easy to complete and fast!! I don't know that I've spent more than 20 minutes on a card - even the ones I misted (I now better understand Maria's obsession :D) - and that includes picking out the kit to work with.  I'm plowing through really old kits or pieces from really old kits (these were kept before I knew what I would and wouldn't return to use) - I think my count is up around 10 kits that I've either used and tossed or used and kept out to use on another card.  Some of the card themes I don't use much, like baby cards - most of my friends and family are done with the baby-thing, so I created the card, but left the sentiment off.  Actually, outside of birthday sentiments, I like to have cards without sentiments.  It's easier for me to use them.  I grab a design based on the person and/or event and go from there.    If it comes around again, or one like it, and you've been wanting a stash of cards to pull from, I would highly recommend looking into the class yourself.

This class has also been great for my One Little Word, Permission.  Previously, my desire to make a card, let alone have a stash of cards, had to meet some pretty high standards as to what constituted a well-made handmade card.  This class helped me give myself Permission to just create.  To have fun in making cards.  To play on the small canvas.  To simply produce cute cards.  I didn't listen to the voice that tells me to layer, stamp, paint, color, cut, trim - I told it to take a hike.  ;D

Today's challenge is about permission too.  Today give yourself permission to do something you haven't.  A new technique.  A new style.  Paper you don't think is "you."  Those paper punches you have because they're "out."  Your own handwriting.  Whatever it is that you don't allow yourself to do on layouts - you're going to do today!  Tell that voice to take a hike!

Layouts are due Saturday evening.  And tell me what you granted yourself permission to do on your layout; I'd love to know.  Don't forget you're playing for the My Mind's Eye pack.  This pack is so pretty and glittery and the embellishments are just gorgeous!

Happy Friday.

Happy Birthday Day #12

1. Deanna  2. jengd  3. Sarah  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #11

Did everyone survive Valentine's Day?  Get anything fun?  Enjoy a evening as a family?  Or go out just you and the spouse?  Whatever you did I hope it was enjoyable. 

My evening seemed to fly by.  Probably because when I wasn't dashing to grab kids, or flying into the kitchen in an attempt to get dinner on the table before people had to leave (which failed, we had three separate dinner "seatings"), or zooming back out to get son #2 to soccer conditioning, I sat catatonic on the couch.  Do you have those moments where there's just too much to think about and/or do that you end up doing nothing?

That was my evening. . .unfortunately, that means I also didn't make more cards. . .which is starting to bug me.  But here is the one from a couple nights ago; it needs to become my spring board.  I am determined to not head into week three with cards left to make from week two.  LOL, this is why exercise doesn't stick with me either. . .miss a day and it all falls apart.

I had a question yesterday for Bingo Card holders - this week you won't be using your Bingo Card.  We will use them again before the end of the month.  Today's challenge is to create a floral embellishment for your page.  There are tons of adorable floral tutorials out there:  swirls, layers, felt, paper.  Find one, or if you already have some, create one.  A quick search on Pinterest found THESE (I may need to start a new Pin Board), but I know YouTube has some as well. 

Go learn something new.

Happy Wednesday.

Happy Birthday Day #11

1. Sarah  2. Deanna  3. Alison Day  

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #10

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Hopefully you don't reserve one day a year to tell those you love, and that love you, what they mean to you.  I admit it's a totally Hallmark Holiday, but I love getting my Jelly Cherry Hearts - well documented here - and my bouquet of Gerbera Daises.  Gone are the mornings of kids, sleepy-eyed though excited, opening little treats.  Now they're still sleepy-eyed but they're dragging their unhappy faces out the door.  I had one out just before 7:00 this morning, one ready for his field trip to Fun City and excited to give a special Valentine, one dressed up, wearing the tie he learned to tie the night before, ready for his dance this afternoon and one happy little face who only wanted to dig into the chocolate covered marshmallow hearts at 6:30 in the morning.  Ah. . .no.

What better way to showcase Valentine's Day than with the following lovey-pinky-hearty layout by Nancy Longo using the Smaller than a Breadbox February kit, the Jillibean Soup line - it's on sale now, so come grab one if you're not on autoship.  I love the way the white gown just pops off the page.

Today's challenge is to use the layout above as inspiration - the color combo, the subject, the cute embellishments (love those layered and stitched hearts) - whatever it is.  Layouts are due Saturday evening, for a chance at the My Mind's Eye Lost & Found Madison Avenue pack.

Don't forget about joining Apron Strings autoship this month, or referring a friend to do so - you'll both get love back in the form of gift cards to Apron Strings.

Happy Tuesday.

P.S.  I did manage to make one card - last night.  Photo will have to come tomorrow :)

Happy Birthday Day #10

1. Deanna  

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Happy Birthday Day #9

Technically, I have 15 minutes before it is no longer Monday.  I'll make it quick because I still have laundry, a lot of laundry, that needs folding before tomorrow, which is again, 15 minutes from now. . .nope 13 minutes.  I don't have any cards, I've officially fallen behind :(  I will catch up though.

I do have this fun layout from Kristin Perez, using the February Bigger than a Breadbox kit (which is on sale now), the October Afternoon Farmhouse line.  And if I recall, she created this for one in response to one of the first challenges this month, to pull inspiration from Tomi Ann's card.  Nice job!

11 minutes.  Today's challenge is about time, as well and from the time you select the kit and the photos you have an hour to finish.  Worried I was gonna say 15 minutes?  Do your best to not agonize over photo and kit selection - take your first picks and run with it.  Honor system, tell me how long it really took you to complete your layout.  You won't lose points, or be excluded from this week's drawing, which is for a My Mind's Eye Lost and Found Madison Avenue collection. . .yes the entire collection.  Go tell your friends because this is the week to play along!!  Well, play along all month, but I admit, it's a fab line, so . . .

And with two minutes to spare!

Happy Monday.

Happy Birthday Day #9

1. Deanna  3. jengd  
2. Alison Day  4. Sarah  

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Week #1 Winner

Short and sweet Winner Post - have Pizza Rolls to make.  Find them on Pinterest, kids have been begging for a couple weeks.

Great layouts from last week's challenges.  If you haven't looked, do so you'll be inspired.  Keep 'em coming ladies. selected Alison Day as the winner of the 10-sheet Pack of Patterned Paper.  Alison, just drop me a note before the end of the month with your info (

Have a good weekend!

Happy Birthday Day #8

Is it Friday?  I seemed to have gotten lost somewhere after Monday and those days were lost in a blur. 

I believe I neglected to wish my daughter Happy Birthday on Monday, well neglected to do so here.  My sweet little girl is now 15!  Fifteen.  Quince.  Fourteen + One.  Quinze.  Yeah, no matter how I look at it, or spell it, it's still impossible to wrap my head around.  Our first born, our sugar and spice, our I-don'-t-do-pink girl is growing up.  I still remember clearly that first time I looked at her, with her bent button of a nose and rose-petal mouth, she was perfect and would bring us joy, laughter and consternation (that came later).  Happy Birthday, SweetPea! (My favorite picture of her; her's . . . .not so much, even at five she demanded a retake.)
I also believe I neglected to mention the prize for this week's challenges.  I mentioned it last night on Facebook, if you're following over there - Jillibean's Spotted Owl TV Dinner.  You've got plenty of time to catch up or get started to be eligible.  Layouts are due Sunday evening.  Today's challenge for non-Bingo Card holders is to incorporate an oversized and embellished photo mat or frame - make it and embellish it yourself or use a premade and decorate away.
Week 2 in my 28 Cards class started yesterday and, yep, staying true to form (so far) I completed my eighth card.  Eight cards - stamping, stitching. . .it's card mania over here.  Not really, but it is more cards than I've made in years and years.
And because it's Friday, and there's a party going on here - inspiration should be abundant.  We have Sous Chef Jennifer's layout using the February Smaller than a Breadbox, using the Pink Paislee line.  This line was almost made for her daughter's dress!

Happy Friday!

Happy Birthday Day #8

1. Sarah  3. jengd  5. Alison Day  
2. jengd  4. Deanna D.  6. Sarah  

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #7

"Oh no she di'nt!"  Oh, yes I did.  I not only stayed on task with my BPC Class (you're gonna be real tired of my talking about it by the time I'm done), but I completed all the assignments on the day they were assigned within the week they were assigned, while the class was actually going on!

Note the use of stamps AND STITCHING!!!  Used the We R Memory Keepers Sew Easy Tool!  OMGoodness, what is going on in the universe?

I have used up five kits as well!

Now it's your turn.  For the non-Bingo Card holders, your challenge for today is to use Non-Alphabet Stickers on your layout.  Layouts are due Sunday evening.

Happy Thursday,

Happy Birthday Day #7

1. Patchi  2. Sarah  3. Deanna D  

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #6

I've rambled on enough in the past couple posts, so we'll make today short and sweet.  I did complete my card for yesterday, I'll share tomorrow.  Today you get to enjoy these adorable cards from Sous Chef Nancy Longo, using scraps from the February Smaller than a Breadbox kit.  The cards themselves are from the Jillibean Soup line, she's mixed her leftover embellishments.  These cards are the right size to tuck into school lunches, stick to a rearview mirror or plop on someone's pillow for Valentine's Day.  So sweet.

For those without Bingo Cards, today's challenge is to use and envelope on your layout.  Layouts are due Sunday evening.

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Birthday, Day #6

1. Deanna D.  2. Patchi  3. Sarah  

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Day #5

First let's start with a little clarification for those with Bingo Cards.  I can't count, nor apparently do I understand the basics behind the Bingo game, because the Cards I created aren't square.  Somewhere during my editing I neglected to remove a row, so there are six rows and five columns.
For those of you who asked, you will work one square a day, for a layout or card, using whatever the item is in column/row you chose.  For example, the first column starts with "Stamps."  To meet that challenge, simply use a stamp on your layout.  From the "Stamps" column you can go across and complete four more, or go down and complete five more.  If you choose to go down a column you have the choice to stop at five, or do all six.  If you complete all six, you'll get a bonus entry for the week (this is where my not knowing the need for a square or being able to count works for you.)  It's a layout a day using a square a day.  It works out the same if I were posting without Bingo Cards - you'd get a challenge a day, the difference is you can work ahead if you have the time.  All layouts from this week will be due Sunday evening.
Today's challenge, for those without a Bingo Card, is to incorporate three tags on your layout.

And finally, the first five cards from the class I've mentioned just a few times at BPC.  I'm pretty happy that 1) I actually am participating in the class 2) my participation coincided when the class started and 3) that I'm still keeping up with it almost a week into it.  I love the fact that the cards are easy; seriously, they've taken me about 20 minutes tops, even the one I misted!  I'm using really old kits, well leftovers from kits that I re-kitted, and I've gone through three and a half.  Once I've used what I use the kits are gone - tossed; I know a couple people would be horrified by what I throw away.  They've been sitting for years, so I'm okay with tossing the leftovers or passing the larger sized papers into my giveaway box.

Happy Tuesday.

Happy Birthday, Day #5

1. jengd  3. Deanna D.  5. Alison Day  
2. Sarah  4. Patchi  

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