Okay, I can do this. I mean it is her birthday after all. I now have a 15 y.o. soon-to-be-driving girl in my house. There are so many things in that sentence that scare the bejeezus out of me if I think about it too long, I can't tell you. So, I text her back, I'll pick her up about noon, which gives me time to finish her cupcakes (Butter Cream Frosted Cupcakes with Lime Curd filling. Oh. My.) and still get her back to school, while making a quick run to the grocery store to get the remaining piece for the cupcakes and a few things for dinner (Sesame Chicken - the one on my Pinterest board is amazing - even though I did it wrong.) Somewhere in here it would go downhill. I came home to rush and make the Lime Curd and get the chicken marinating. My 3 y.o. had made a couple comments about his neck, but he was still running around so I didn't think anything of it - off we went to do pick-ups. The complaints about the neck increased, the whining increased, the wails when he moved his head wrong. . .We think at some point while playing with the dog he pinched a nerve. Fun.
So this post is a little late and the holy moly, four - YES FOUR - cards I did over the weekend for the BPC 28 Cards in 4 Weeks class, will have to wait until tomorrow. If I'm lucky, I'll have five to show you and I'll remain current with the class WOOHOO!
This week we're using the Bingo Card. I know several of you have a copy of it; if you still want one just email me and I'll send it out to you (lori@apronstringsdesigns.com). There are two things going on this week with the Bingo Card - for those of you with the Card you will select a row; horizontal or vertical. You'll work your challenges from the blocks in the row you select, in whatever order you wish, so long as you complete the row by Sunday evening. All Bingo Cards are the same, so start where you want in the row, but work the row over the course of the week.
For those of you without a Bingo Card, I'll be selecting random blocks from the Bingo Card and you'll complete the challenges as they are posted, as usual, and upload your layout to the corresponding post. Because the cards have six blocks a row, layouts will be due on Sunday evening. Today's challenge for those without a Bingo Card is include a self-altered piece of chipboard.
I've got a few things to do since I sat most of the evening after dinner with my 3 y.o. Good night.
Happy Monday.

Ugh! It sounds like you had a lot on your plate and the plate got a bit off-kilter. :( Happy birthday to your daughter (I'm having enough problems handling that mine is nearly 5!) and I hope your son is feeling better soon!
? about the Bingo card. Essentially, there should be 6 projects per row or column? Definitely all layouts? Thanks!
Oh, dangit! What the heck? Square, Lori, Square cards! Even rows. Shoot!
Okay, so I'll amend it the post tomorrow, but if you pick a row with six, pick five - if you do the sixth you'll earn a bonus in the drawing.
Not sure where my head was when I was doing the card. . .
Still trying to figure out the bingo card. So, we are to pick one row to use for the entire week. Then each layout should have all the items listed in the row or just select one item per layout?
Ok, I'm a little bit confused about the bingo card too... chalk it up to being stuck in the house with 4 small kids all day, but my brain doesn't always work so well these days...
Are we supposed to pick one square per day and complete the whole row by the end of the week? Because there is no way in the world that I am going to be able to get 5 or 6 projects done this week... Does it count if I use six items from the same row on ONE layout?
I'll be working on Row #4 horizontally this week. Using alphabets on this page.
Added my Link....
Where is my mind! I forgot to link this... My card has the self-altered chipboard, but I'm going for the first column of the bingo card: stamps.
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