My 3 y.o. started pre-school last week; a little more ahead of schedule than his siblings, or than I'd like, but it is what it is. Anyway, he brought home a lovely cold/croup that started Saturday night. I'd rather have gotten refridgerator-worthy artwork because that seal-like barking is the worst. So, today's been a lot of sitting and not so much doing, with tonight being a whole lot of running and not so much sitting.
First I want to mention True Scrap, because registration opens on March 1st. I've talked here about taking the LOAD (Layout a Day) classes/challenges and I know there are a few of you have taken part in LOAD yourselves. LOAD is lots of fun and a good way to mix things up. Well, take LOAD and multiply it by like 100 and you get True Scrap 3. The same woman, Lain Ehmann, produces both and she's gathered 15 industry designers to teach on a variety of topics. Ladies like: Becky Higgins (we love her sketches and her organization), Shimelle Laine (she does Journal Your Christmas, among several other classes), Nic Howard, Jennifer Gallacher and Katrina Kennedy to name just a few. True Scrap 3 is a LIVE event - two days filled with more than I could tell you quickly. Go check it out HERE, but don't let the "Live" part throw you, once you've registered, all the videos are yours to view whenever. . .so if you miss a segment because of a soccer game or sick kid, no worries, it'll be there! It's a couple of days filled with tons and tons of great ideas, virtual make 'n takes, information, techniques, projects, tips. . .really, you just need to go and sign-up.
Now, you need to get something done today, goodness knows it's not in the cards for me. Today, create a layout that incorporates canvas/fabric. I love the flat texture provided by either of these products. Remember, layouts are due Saturday evening and you're playing for a Scenic Route kit - which I was gonna go see the line, but haven't made it down to the store room. But it's cute, that much I know.
Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:
I haven't used fabric on my layouts in a long time, but looked in my stash and found some torn fabric strips and used it as a border.
"Christmas Tree"
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