I have a couple of gallery walls in my house. The key to making them work is one common factor among the photos, like same color frame (they don't necessarily have to be identical frames, just the same color) and it unifies the layout. I have one wall in my living room that holds all the wedding party photos of my siblings, my parents, grandparents, and the same for my husband's side of the family. I have another that holds family photos of various kinds - some studio shots, some not. The one thing I want to add to these walls or any other gallery walls are "embellishments." A word plaque, an initial, a tiny shelf or some other small piece to help add interest.
This Pin is from Apron Strings' Home Sweet Home. . .Someday board. In this Pin-spiration I can translate it to a scrapbook layout by drawing an imaginary line down the center and layout my photos out according to the framed pieces (even shows me where to put embellishments.) I see adding mats to my photos to help them pop off my page (I rarely mat my photos anymore), or adding a super thick mat to a focal photo. The simple color palate - brown, black, white or cream would be great paired up with wedding photos I have waiting. Maybe it'll simply remind me to use a small grouping of flowers on my next layout or card.
I'm a single parent this week so there's a little more chaos to my days and evenings, but if the weather stays cool - which it should through mid-week, it'll be okay and my feelings of accomplishment may stay rolling along. Stay tuned and we'll see.
If you haven't played along. . .do! It only takes participating in one challenge during the week to enter you into the drawing for the prize. Who knows, once you get one card or layout under your belt you might get on a roll! :D This week's prize is Fancy Pants' Be You line of paper.
Happy Monday.

I logged on to Pintrest this weekend and completely got side tracked!
Rain is the best when you can stay home!
Send some of that rain our way! We really need it!
Cool inspiraton today!
I had layout three-fourths complete last week...I'm going to try again this week!
Trying to catchup a bit this week. Come play, everyone!
Added my link, "This Place Rocks"
I was inspired by the clustering effect in the image.
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