Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day

I hope you have plans to enjoy your long weekend with good food and a relaxing day.  We have lunch plans, but after that we're open.  There was much going on this past weekend:  a major garage clean out - hubby is trying to take his workshop back, with the help of his sons.  I started sorting through the boys' closet.  Pulled down a box from the 3 y.o.'s room that has been collecting out-grown clothes for the better part of a year or more.  I finessed the tomato sauce recipe and I think I have a winner.  Baked up a storm in Hell's kitchen, and probably did more slacking than I should have.  Have a broken hand to deal with this week as we look to have it set - swelling kept it from being done sooner.  Soccer will be off the map for my 13 y.o. - hopefully he'll be able to participate in practices after a few weeks, but games will be out for sometime because of the nature of both the bone and the break.  I'm spinning this morning with the amount of things I want and would like to do versus what I should be doing.  We'll see where I end up. . .probably doing the need-to-do stuff.
If you've got a choice in the matter and get the chance to scrapbook this holiday, I'll try hard here to share inspiration from the August kits without duplication. . .unlike a previous post. The card here was created by Tomi Ann Hill using the August All Year Cheer Card Kit.
The following cards were created using scraps from their August kits:  Jennifer Halleck (Smaller than a Breadbox - Cake Walk papers), Kristin Perez (Bigger than a Breadbox - Paradise Beach line) and Maria Swiatkowski (Bigger than a Breadbox).

Go and play.
Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Kristin - The Fifth Sparrow No More said...

A broken hand????

How did I miss that?

Ouch ....