Part of the joy of school uniforms is that you don't have the hassle, pleading, head-shaking and outright confusion of the choices made by kids who should know their mother enough to know that's not gonna fly in this house. At the very least, the though of their father's aghast look, and subsequently having to explain why he should let them wear that, should stop them, even if my own you've-got-to-be-kidding-me look does not.
Of the four kids, only one of them is currently in a uniform; the Kindergartner is not required to wear a uniform until 1st grade and the 16 and 14 y.o. are in public high school where apparently there are few rules to govern clothing choices (yes, there are days where I sit and think, "How do you drop off your daughter wearing THAT?!)
Coming from the world of school uniforms the only "personality" that was allowed was in their shoe choices - usually sneakers. Sneakers have been inching farther and farther way from the black and white world. This year, the colors literally exploded into mind-boggling combinations of colors and shades. My 14 y.o. has always preferred bright colors in his apparel, and he looks good in them. My 12 y.o. has always just thrown on whatever works, or more like whatever he grabs. He cares not about colors and patterns and combinations thereof (for him, this is where uniforms are a good thing.)
After looking at a couple stores at the brightest shoes available these were the boys' selections. It's funny, in this photo, if I didn't know who got what shoes, I'd be hard pressed to tell them apart. In the sea of uniforms leaving school in the afternoon, all I have to do is look at the feet for my 12 y.o. to track him down. And when my 14 y.o. stepped out of the car on his first day, his shoes practically glowed - and I'm pretty sure he was happy about that.
Oh, and their choices passed dad with praises, even, on the "cool" colors.
Happy Thursday,

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