Monday was the first day of school for the three boys; my daughter's first day was Tuesday. My morning started with wrangling people up and down and out. First, drop the 14 y.o. boy off at High School (HIGH SCHOOL!) for his Freshman orientation at 7:25. Back across town to drop off the 12 y.o. at 8:00 for his first half day as a 7th grader. Squeezed in several errands until it was time to take the Kindergartner to school at 10:15. Another couple errands and back across town to grab the 12 y.o. and the 4 y.o. from their early release at noon. A few hours at home to get lunches and whatnot and back to the High School to get the 14 y.o. This schedule would repeat itself for the next two days, but include the 16 y.o. on Tuesday and this morning. Today was our first regular schedule for everyone - full days, lunches, regular class lengths. It seems so odd, to again, have all the kids in school - all day.
At the end of these last couple school days the 16 y.o. is taking her last driving classes in prep for her licensing test tomorrow. T.O.M.O.R.R.O.W! I expect I'll be sending her and her brother off next Monday to navigate the roads between home and school. Roads which are also filled with teen drivers trying to get to school. I think I need a heart pill.
Happy Wednesday,

great first day pics!!! sounds like a busy schedule forsure!!
Luckily (or not) it'll lighten up once regular schedules kick in and the 16 y.o. starts driving herself and her brother. EEEKKK!!!
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