If you love peaches - and I do, my second favorite fruit next to cherries - then you wait all year for the peaches to come to town. In a vain attempt to grab that flavor you try to buy the ones at the grocery store, but you're disappointed every time. The closest you get is white nectarines. But when you bite that first fresh Colorado peach you realize there is no substitute. Trucked down from Palisades, on the Western Slope, the size of soft balls (seriously, soft balls), filled with such juicy goodness they melt in your mouth. And sun ripened sweetness...Oh my.
We picked up two flats - we pretty much ate one whole flat. The other I tried my best to save that late summer sweetness by canning up four quarts for when the winter wind comes rolling in and I want that "the peaches are here" memory. I've never canned peaches, I usually just slice and freeze, so it'll be interesting to see how they taste.
I also cooked up a small batch of Peach Freezer Jam. Another no frill recipe that hopefully captures the paradise flavor.
Happy Wednesday,

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