It was our last week on break. . .everyone home in full-on slug mode. We rang in the New Year with our traditional feast of seafood - the kids, as tradition dictates, received whatever from the restaurant of their choice. We had Chipolte, Wendy's and McDonald's. My 15 y.o. has discovered the yumminess that is crab legs. We, the three remaining up, flipped the channel to watch the ball drop.
We started the New Year right with an early morning run for bagels - well, my daughter and her friend did; I had no plans to leave the house.
One of my intentions for 2014 is to get back on track with my podcasts. I love them and have missed listening on my drives in the mornings and while doing housework. I was down to one working ear-bud, and even that one the wires were mangled; I had to shift them around 'til I got the sound on the one ear-bud and then freeze for the length of the podcast. Fun to do while driving. The one bud finally gave out and I mentioned it to hubby, who surprised me with a new, pre-Valentine's, set. :)
As I posted on Instagram, just because there's a blanket on the couch doesn't negate the "no dogs on the couch" rule. She's been eyeing the couch lately, which makes me think she's getting away with it when those who would shoo her off are not around (eye-brow-raise).
A late arriving Christmas present brought much joy. To me! Only one plate broke, which I need to get returned. I see more colors in the future to play with during the year. My sisters think I'm nuts and don't get it. Luckily, my cousin is right there with me. I'm currently sporting white, lapis and lemongrass in the cupboards for January. I've started sorting out the good, the bad and the ugly in my other sets in prep to either toss, giveaway or sell (depending on the market for them.)
We've had some spectacular sunsets (and sunrises, for that matter) lately. It's a nice 10 second pause in the day to enjoy one.
Finally, we closed out the Christmas season and my 5 y.o., who's been trying to see the creche since Christmas Eve, finally got there and snapped the shot. If he'd managed to crack the crowd around it on Christmas Eve he'd have missed the kings.
Happy Wednesday,

happy new years and stay warm!!!!
Thanks! And you as well. :)
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