Cotton Candy Pink clouds to start the day (and week) off.
Remembering, last minute, that the 6 y.o. is up for afternoon snack. Mind you I recalled this two days ago, and the day before, but did not act and thus, necessitated the early morning stop and dash on the way to school.
Finally, FINALLY, deciding to deal with the stacks and stacks of recipes from Pinterest. I have a plan and I made the smallest of dents in the stack. It was something.
A prompt from Big Picture Classes Instagramer suggesting taking a photo of what we're reading. I even got a like from the Midwest Living people. :)
The 6 y.o. harvested ripe tomatoes over the weekend and it was time to roast them, along with oregano from the garden, and get them into the freezer.
My evening consisted of pouring over all the we want your money Graduation information brought home the 17 y.o. Her cap and gown are now ordered, along with announcements. Cap and gown??
Unfortunately, being lost in the multitude of choices, options and pricing the night before, morning came far too early after remembering at 9:00 pm that I neglected to make some bread-thing for my 14 y.o.'s Spanish class - bed found me at 1:30 am. Pretty sunrise though.
Next up on the "my daughter is graduating" list - Senior Yearbook Ad. She was born at the end of the film era. I love film, until I have a project like this. Digital is much easier when compiling photos for graduation posters, about me pages and Yearbook Ads. I'd have loved a baby picture, but the scanner was down. Figures. But it's submitted.
I post some of my photos from the day to Instagram; follow me. If you're playing along with Week in the Life, I'd love to see your life. :)
Go. Capture life.

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