Saturday we are helping my parents move into their new home; it's going to be a new beginning for them with my dad retiring at the end of the year. There's joining hubby, who is hosting his district's picnic/outing/gathering, church and a birthday party.
Sunday will dawn bright and early with Girlie's Rock 'n Roll half marathon run down in Denver, the postponed Boy Scout Rocket Launch has been reschedules for Sunday, getting Girlie back up to school, homework, and the two older want to go to a Youth Group bowling outing. It's looking like this year's pumpkins will come out of the bin at the grocery store.
Monday . . . well . . .we'll all be useless on Monday.
It's weekends like this I wish I planned a menu - though I'm not sure when I'd be home to cook. However, weeknights can be just as crazy. It was this week, with all the Homecoming activities the boys attended, plus some church-related events they are both involved with, and an unplanned drive up to Greeley on Tuesday. My planned menu was shuffled with an impromtu dinner out on Monday and Wednesday I couldn't deal so I went for pizza. I have two recipes that remained on the plan but neither of which are easily shareable - they are locked to non-subscribers of Taste of Home. I can't see them online because I don't know my member number to complete my registration. Boo!
Buuttt. . .they are on Pinterest (though you can't follow the link, same non-member/register issue) but there are ingredient lists on Pinterest, just not instructions. If nothing else, you can check out recipes I've cooked and we've like on my Cooked That board.
Beef Tortellini Skillet - This was okay. A different take, for sure. It wasn't very saucy, so the meat crumbles didn't "stick" with the tortellini. I'm not sure how I'd fix this. . .maybe stir in the cheese when there's still a bit of liquid in the pan, instead of just topping the skillet. Maybe add a bit more liquid at the end of the cook time and then add the cheese and stir to get a bit of "sauce" going. Italian Sausage would be a good substitute, it wouldn't get as crumbly; I'd just drop the seasoning. You can find the ingredient list with the Pin. Instructions: brown the meat; stir in the seasoning. Then add the water, bouillon and tortellini. Stir, cover and cook about 3 or 4 minutes until the tortellini is done. Top with cheese.
Weeknight Ravioli Lasagna - This was great! I love lasagna, but it can be a tad time consuming, so this is a great alternative. I don't buy bottled sauce anymore, opting to use this Quick Marinara Sauce (I use tomato sauce instead of crushed tomatoes, depending on the season will sub in dried basil for the fresh, and I mince my garlic instead of smashing it.) You can find the ingredient list on the Pin. Instructions: Spread 1/2 c sauce in a greased 11x7 pan. Layer half the ravioli, top with half the chopped spinach, 1/2 c cheese and a cup of sauce - repeat layer. Top with remaining sauce and remaining 1/2 c cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350 for 45 minutes.
I also wanted to thank Ruth, who commented yesterday about my mom-scrapper-fail with my 17 y.o., aka the non-picture-taker. She said: Thanks for sharing! I feel for you about getting your kids to document their lives (especially the boys!) I wasn't good about documenting when I was a kid and find myself wishing that I had a photo of what my room looked like or more of my adventures when I was in band or speech team in high school...Sadly, all we can do is share with our kids that when they get older they might want to remember some of the details of life when they were younger and hope they try and capture some of it. I know it's so painful as a scrapper to not have any pictures to work with - I wonder if we challenge them to share one picture a day with you while they are away if that would work? Well, best of luck!
Her suggestion of challenging them to take a photo a day is awesome. My 15 y.o. needs no challenge, he's pretty good if I ask for a photo he'll get me one. With my 17 y.o. I may have to break him in with one photo a week, though, LOL. We were talking about it last night. I said, "just group your friends behind you and do a group shot." He said, "Mom, that's not me." I told him it's just a group shot and he said he see. I know his other friends are snapping shots, so I'm not sure what his challenge is. But I thank you, Ruth, for the suggestion.
I'm off to tackle my list for today. It's long and there's a lot of kitchen time on it. Should I go for music or DVR to keep me company?
Happy Friday,

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