What a difference a week makes. A week with little going on. . .or rather, little that seems worthy of photographing. Well, at least not here at home, it was quite a hopping week for my daughter.
I've also discovered my 17 y.o does know he has a camera on that iPhone of his, and he knows how to use it. On Snapchat. Boom, now mama's following him and screen-shooting his pics - though I'm sure there's some other way of saving them, but this works. He doesn't post often, but it's a start!
WeThey are quite annoyed and now having to play Sherlock to find the Candy Bowl Snatcher.WeThey are happy to have had the bowl returned, along with a pumpkin as some form of restitution. Word on the floor is they are pretty sure they know who filched the bowl, but are letting it go, since it was returned. (My daughter's production of graphics and signs makes me wonder how much down time she has and whether it would be better spent studying. That or my Girlie needs to get out more.)- We are sending a big care package up to the Girlie, via hubby when he makes a trip north, to Cheyenne. (Her photo, because I didn't think to snap a pic before sending it off.)
- We are sending up some supplies for creating recipes I found that can be made in the microwave, mostly via a mug (gotta love that.) Who knew that would be such a challenge, though? I can give her all kinds of recipes on the cheap, but I'm limited because she has limited freezer/'fridge/storage space. Now it becomes crazy hard. I will not stop though, I will find more!!
- We are enjoying Illegal Burger (and their totally amazing fries!) Plus they put WikiSticks in their kids meals.
- We are getting out for a walk on a beautiful fall afternoon. It also confirms that there are some family-tradition things that are just as hard as I thought they'd be without her.
- We aren't having the Pumpkin Patch experience I wanted, or that we normally do, but it was a nice walk to the store bins and back home.
- We have proof of two things - we got the right costume for the 7 y.o., since he can't leave it alone and that the 17 y.o. does take photos!
Happy Wednesday.

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