Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Croppy Summer Link Added

Sorry, don't know what happened to the Linkz for the last assignment for Christmas in July - but it's been added now.

Remember everything for the Christmas in July portion is due tonight.

Friday, July 30, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #21 - Christmas in July

New Year's Eve (well, almost) is about remembering and looking forward - what every scrapbooker does. It's all out with the old and in with the new amidst glittery parties, multi-light balls dropping in Times Square, fireworks, and lots of champagne bubbles. For Christmas in July's final assignment use your oldest photos (they don't have to be Christmas, just whatever your oldest-waiting-to-be-scrapped photos are) with the newest Christmas colors of pink, apple green and white. And to capture that glittery New Year's Eve feel, incorporate bling, glittered elements or silvery tones. This is the last assignment of the Christmas in July portion of My Croppy Summer; all layouts are due on tomorrow evening. Oh, and check out the nice write-up for Apron Strings HERE

My Croppy Summer - Christmas in July - Due July 31st

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #20 - Christmas in July

Wreaths. Christmas Ornaments. Christmas Cookies. Christmas Dinner Ham. See anything in common? They're all round. Or round-ish anyway. Today's assignment is to incorporate at least three large round items (photos, paper, embellishments) on your layout. Remember this layout, along with all the Christmas in July's assignments are due on the 31st.

Short and sweet for today! Go. Crop. Play..

My Croppy Summer - Christmas in July - Due July 31st

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #19 - Christmas in July

We are a leave-the-tree-up-until-Epiphany family, though it still takes several days (ah-hem weeks) to get it down. I know there are folks out there that sweep away the tree with the wrapping paper shreds the day after Christmas; we have never been those most-organized souls.

Today, your assignment is to incorporate a tree or trees (doesn't have to be an Evergreen) on your layout and incorporate blue & white into your color scheme.

I'm heading back to my version of "the stacks" to find items for September kits.

Enjoy your day!

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #18 - Christmas in July

My intention was to take the "Full Moon Walk" (a great idea I got from Ali Edwards' guest blogger Suzanne Schoenfelder - 6/25/10 post) on the night of the actual full moon, Sunday, (or it wouldn't be the "Full Moon Walk"), along with walking the kids' school bazaar. For various reasons that just wasn't going to happen. So we did it last night instead. Got out and did the Day-After-the-Full-Moon Walk. On a walk through the neighborhood we spied: one dead Gardner snake, on dead crawdad - huge crawdad for these parts, six bunnies and a cell phone (whose owner we contacted.) The night was, well, not as hot as the day, but a nice little jaunt nonetheless. I'll be shooting for it again next month . . . on the actual day. :)

For today's assignment, scrapbook an everyday event or non-Christmas event of your choice, using traditional Christmas colors (green, red and white). This will be due July 31st, along with the rest of the Christmas in July assignments.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #17 - Christmas in July

Christmas Day. Regardless of when you open presents, by the end of the day there are boxes and wrapping paper and ribbon and all manner of those stupid little twist ties and plastic clips all over the house. And we won't mention those candy wrappers and flakes of sugar or slivers of candy canes on the floors as well. But there's also the fond memories of Christmases Past and the photos from the current day's activities. Today's Assignment, while it's not the 25th, I know the mess at my house can still be found on the 26th (sigh), is to use scraps only on your layout. Scraps of paper; no full sheets, since seldom can a full sheet of wrapping paper be found after a Christmas present unwrapping bonanza (unless you have one of those "this is too pretty to tear", kind of people), no length of ribbon longer than 12", mismatched buttons and brads, etc.; this is all about using some scraps. This along with all the rest of the Christmas in July layouts are due on the 31st.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #16 - Christmas in July

There is no rest during the Christmas season - so why break the tradition? I had wanted to post a Christmas layout (next group up in my crop bag) that I wanted to do last night, but . . . well, September kits are starting to chatter, so I worked on those instead. See no rest. :) Since it's Christmas in July Eve, we need to do an assignment based on "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." I love that story and have several different versions of it that make it to the coffee tables during the holidays. There are great pictures that pop out in the verses of that story, things like: dancing sugar plums, bowl full of jelly, cherry-red nose - they remind me of Christmas baking and the treats and the child-like anticipation for those yummies. So your assignment for today is to draw inspiration from any or all three of those phrases: dancing sugar plums, bowl full of jelly and cherry-red nose. Do dancing sugar plums remind you of recitals or sugared embellishments? Does bowl full of jelly make you think of creating a layout about canning up your grandmother's Strawberry Jam? Maybe cherry-red has you seeing, well, red. Whatever those phrases conjure up in your head, translate it to your next layout. This layout, along with all the other from the Christmas in July portion of My Croppy Summer will be due July 31st. Enjoy your Saturday!
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Friday, July 23, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #15 - Christmas in July

Just like the real days before Christmas, life was hectic today, though I'd be hard pressed to putt my finger on it. But I basically got nothing accomplished, but, for what it's worth, I felt like I was moving. I think it's just the 1 y.o. has been the crabbiest little butt for about a week!

I did stay up late last night - or early this morning creating the below pages. It's one of the few things I like about summer; I can stay up until 2 in the morning and not worry about having to be up at 6 a.m. to make lunches and get people moving. (The first one is a repeat, but now it's titled).

As soon as I find my missing Thickers - this one will be titled "Trooper-Treat"

I think this completes the photos I pulled and have carried around to several crops, in terms of the Halloween photos I pulled anyway (who else takes way more than they could ever complete to crop - raise your hand?) I'll be working on Christmas photos next - a lot of them! Huh, how ironic. Or is it? :D

So that's what I did yesterday AND they were also based on three assignments from my Big Picture class, and I also incorporated another chapter from a self-paced class I'm taking. Boom Baby! :)

Here's what YOU can do today: Select your oldest, un-scrapbooked Christmas photos - and scrap them! All layouts during this Christmas in July portion of My Croppy Summer will be due on, you guessed it, the 31st.

I'm off - we're heading out to a new candy/ice cream store in Old Town (I NEED some licorice - seriously). Remember to take the camera, remember to take the camera.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Croppy Summer Winners

A couple blog shouts:
  • Sous Chef Jennifer is deep into challenge mode, check out her great layouts as she continues on her quest to win the title. You can see here work HERE.
  • I know it's hot, too hot to be thinking about Christmas presents, but now's the perfect time to be thinking about them. Check out Melanie's blog post about creating a Present Closet - handcrafted goodies in stock at the drop of a hat. Read all about it HERE.
  • Finally, don't forget that Apron Strings is the month-long sponsor over at The Scappiest HERE. Liz has great sketches, if you need a jumping off space and a great Baby Spinach salad with Strawberries. I've make a version of this myself - add a little grilled chicken or turkey and you have a great meal for a hot day.

Starting on the 23rd the focus for "My Croppy Summer" is gonna change up, just a bit. It's high time (and high heat) to embrace some cool thoughts and memories and celebrate Christmas in July. Running from "Christmas Eve in July" through "New Year's Eve in July" the assignments will have a slant towards Christmas - with Christmas prizes :) Get your layouts in from the challenges for this week so you have a clean slate for the Christmas season!

Now - winners:

  • Winner from Week #3 (assignments #9 thru #11) is Nitasha! Nitasha, you're a member of Apron Strings, so I have your shipping info and will ship your goodies out with your August kit.
  • I also drew another name from among the followers. That lucky person is Linda B. Linda B. contact me at with your shipping information.

Okay - so that's it on this wrap up day - layouts due tonight, new assignment tomorrow.

Also, if you're a prayerful person, please keep Apron Strings designer, Gloria, in yours on the sudden death of her brother. My thoughts and prayers are with her.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #14

I finally got a few minutes to scrapbook yesterday. I've been itching to do so for over a week! Only problem is I just realized there isn't a title on it. Guess I need to fix that. That's what I get for starting at 11 PM; low brain function, so it's a good thing I based it on my sketch from the Big Picture class I've been taking. It, however, is in it's last days :(. I've gotten so much done in the class, I'm gonna miss it and having that daily challenge waiting for me in my in box.

So you aren't having withdrawl issues, here is your assignment for today. Quick and easy, before we end the week early to start something fun on the 23rd. Today, create a layout based on Gloria's sketch below. Check out Gloria's blog HERE. This and the other layouts from this week are due tomorrow evening.

Is it Wednesday? Yeah. Have a great Wednesday! ;)

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Croppy Summer #13

As I sat a few nights ago, in my magazine reading space, it occurred to me that I don't have a magazine that is in its original crisp, pristine state. It's one of my favorite things - a new, never opened magazine - all smooth and fresh and waiting to be curled up with. Yet they don't stay that way - crisp and smooth, that is. Instead, I have stacks that are warped. Splattered. Curled. Why? Because I read my magazines during tub-time; the only time I have to read.

So, what, do I splash a lot in my bath? Nope. And in one of life's exclamation points, as I sat reading the other night, a stream of water came flying over the edge of the tub; thin and high arching. Making a direct bee-line for my open, soon-to-be-once-pristine magazine. The stream hit smack in the middle of the pages and splattered like fireworks. Covering both pages. Little drops of water both soaking in and rolling off the pages. It was one of those slow motion things I saw coming out of the corner of my eye. For a split second, as I saw the liquid curl toward my new magazine, I thought, "that's not water." Luckily, it was. It was just a cup of water quickly flung by the 1 y.o., who is in the tub that is beside my magazine reading space. He swiveled around with a full cup of water - so goes another pristine magazine. The 1 y.o. total oblivious as he continues to frolic about in the water, finding amusement in the splashing, the cups overflowing as he pours water in them, and the drip of the faucet. And me and my poor, soaked magazine try to find our peace. And a towel.

So, for your challenge today: crumple, tear, antique or otherwise distress something on your layout. Remember, this is a short week, with items due on the 22nd.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #12

First HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both my little sister (whose birthday was actually yesterday) and my mom (whose birthday is today). You are both blessings in my life and I thank God for you everyday. We enjoyed pizza and cake with the birthday girls last night. Otherwise it was a hot weekend spent keeping cool and trying to get some things done.

This week will be a short week, challenge-wise, because I'm going to do something special starting on the 23rd. So, today create a layout that incorporates diecut paper, whether you cut it yourself or used some pre-cut paper. This and any other challenge will be due on Thursday, July 22nd.

Look for some super fun starting later this week. I'm off to the library and Hobby Lobby and then home to put the whiniest kid in the world to bed.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Vintage Flower Tutorial

Sous Chef Gloria (one of our amazing Card Kit Designers) has graciously provided the following tutorial on making the most adorable (and easy!!) layered flowers. If you purchase (or are on Autoship) for the July Card Kit, these instructions are included with your kit. Thanks, Gloria! 1. Cut 6-10 scallop circles from an old book or decorative paper. You can us an old textbook, dictionary, song book, etc. You can use any scallop punch or die to cut your scallops. I find that 8-10 scallops approx. 1 ¾” - 2” is the best number of circles

2. If your book was not quite vintage you can ink up your circles with some distress ink. I like to use Tim Holtz Old Paper. 3. Once you have all your circles cut, stack them together and punch a small hole in the middle. Secure your stack of scallop circles with a mini brad. 4. Starting with the first layer, crumple the circle. Continue to crumple each layer until you have finished the stack.

5. Gently begin to pull the circles apart a bit, shaping your flower.

6. Place your flowers in a “spray safe” area. I use an old box lined with paper towels. Then spray your flowers with glimmer mist. 7. Allow the flowers to dry, then attach your vintage flower to your project and enjoy!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #11

I am so sorry - I started this post yesterday; I was actually up to the "Here's your assignment for today. . ," when my 1 y.o. started throwing up - fast forward to 1:15 AM this morning I woke up on the floor of his room, with him curled next to me - I hate changing crib sheets, so we hung out on the floor. It'd been a couple puke-free hours, we fell asleep on the floor around 11, so I put him back in his crib and staggered to my bed. Today he was pretty clingy, didn't eat much, but napped well, though he was still off when he was awake. Unfortunately, the blog never crossed my mind. So for your assignment tonight: Use the following sketch from Nuts About Sketches, AND then create a card from the scraps BUT besides the paper, incorporate an element from the layout onto the card. Due Sunday evening.

Look for a great tutorial, tomorrow (Saturday) for some fun vintage flowers you can make yourself! Super simple, super cute.

Hope your weekend is good!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #10

I thought it was Wednesday all day yesterday; Wednesday's have become the "day off" during My Croppy Summer, which is why there was no Assignment, when there should have been. So, hope you enjoyed your free-day ;) Today it's a Use-Your-Stash challenge. All those lovely sheets of stickers with the Q's, V's and W's left, numbers, symbols and the one E left because you needed two. . .today use those scraps of alphas on your layout in a non-title, non-journaling way. This layout along with others will be due Sunday evening. I have plenty of things calling my name today - so you get this short and sweet. Enjoy your Thurs. . .er. . .Wednesday.
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Monday, July 12, 2010

My Croppy Summer Winners

First - layouts from last week's challenges - awesome! All of them are truly inspiring. Having those thumbnails is fantastic - if you haven't clicked for a bigger look - do! Leave a little love behind while you're at it. Melissa - you're welcome for the shout - even if it was on a day you had to share first layouts. :) Kathy - I don't know, when I think about soccer I often think of shoe-wearing dogs. ROFL!! Kai - posted this on your blog, but an awesome idea in photographing your child's room and creating a layout! It's a great way to document all your child's interests in a condensed way. So I have a couple lucky winners, I was feeling generous - ya'll have been working so hard:
  • First up, last week's winner: Maggie!! You know the drill; next kit = goodies
  • Next, I drew from all you who have linked up anything in the last two weeks - Francine! You'll need to contact me with your shipping information at
  • Finally, from the easiest way to win - be a follower: Louisa May! Louisa May contact me with your shipping information, as well, at

Congrats ladies and keep 'em coming!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #9

A nice productive cropping session produced these three layouts - all part of my assignments for my Big Picture Scrapbooking class I'm taking.

Where can you play and win for Apron Strings this week:

  • The Scrappiest Blog Apron Strings is the month-long sponsor over there. Super fun sketches, just pick one, complete and post. Be sure you check out the rules HERE.

Other Blog Shouts:

  • Check out these Sous Chefs' blogs this week for peeks into their creations for July's kits and other projects - they really knocked it out of the park this month: Amy (Scrapbook kits, plus her cards will give you great inspiration on what to do with those scraps), Gloria (Card Kits, more great ideas on what to do with your scraps, plus she's on the Graphic 45 team, and there was some of that in the July Smaller kit), Jennifer H. (scrapbook kits and trying out for Bo Bunny's DT and has made it to week two at Scrap-Tastic), Kristi (scrapbook kits, and she has lots - her peeks, her June journal is finished and an entry for a Page Maps contest)

Now, onward to today's challenge to kick off the week: using this PageMap Half Map, create a layout. Half Map? What the heck? Yes, a Half Map. Use it alone, mirror-image it to get a 12x12 size, turn it 90 degrees or use half and create the other half yourself. This, along with others from this week will be due on Sunday (I had my weeks off when I mentioned a short week. This is not a short week; stay tuned though for it!)

If you're an autoship member - your kits are on their way! If not, what are you waiting for? :)

Have a great Monday!

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Change the color of your embellishments!

Hey ladies, Maria here with a quick tutorial on alcohol inks. I've only recently begun to dabble with alcohol inks, and have found they are pretty neat to work with.
Ever had a metal or plastic embellishment that would look great on your layout - if it was a different color? Well, alcohol inks work well on these non-porous surfaces. Apply the inks with felt pads or cotton swabs, or even just drop them on for a splattered look. I used alcohol ink here to change my metal brad from gold to burgundy on this layout from June's Smaller than a Breadbox kit:
You can also color plastic - here I dyed some Maya Road stick pins:
The possibilities are endless! You can also pick up a blending solution to mix the colors together on surfaces. I hope you take the chance to try out alcohol inks. I'm slowly adding to my collection. :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #8

Apron Strings is happy to be the July sponsor over at The Scrappiest blog. If you haven't checked out Liz's sketches, you need to go. Now. Play. You could win! And who doesn't like free stuff? Today's assignment comes from Elizabeth Kartchner's "52 More Scrapbooking Challenges": Use Media to inspire your next layout; books, CD's, DVD's, movies. . . She has a couple great examples. Her layout drew the colors, a large circle from the front cover and the word "completely" from the title of her daughter's favorite book, "I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs." Another examples is from the art on the cover of a CD, "The Hotel Cafe Presents Winter Songs" (you can look up the cover). The designer used the tree on the cover as inspiration to create a large tree graphic on her layout - but in fall colors. Watch for a cool tutorial by Sous Chef Maria on Alcohol Inks coming up tomorrow - she says they're easy. I see money floating out of my pocket on my next trip the the local store. Thanks, Maria. Thanks a lot! ;)
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #7

First, I have been remiss-I had told longtime blog follower and Apron Strings recruiter that I would like share some of her layouts, after she sent me some photos of her work. Melissa is a relatively new member and has been a cropping fool, plus her layouts have inspired a couple colleagues to join Apron Strings. You can see Melissa's great work, inspired by kits and the challenges HERE. Scrolling down you'll not only enjoy her layouts, but see a few familiar kits. Thanks Melissa for sharing your work and story with me - it's always great to hear when people are enjoying their kits. Oh my, I'm starting to get peeks from manufacturers of their Summer CHA releases. Oh my! There are some great lines coming! Beware. :) Okay, the next few days of My Croppy Summer Assignments may be late - I'm hitting billing and shipping. Also, next week will be a shortened Assignment week, so that the following week can be a little longer - something special ;) So, today --- what to do today . . . I think it's time for a little inspiration gathered from previous work. But early work. No, earlier, than that. Like from among your first layouts. Select one of your first layouts and use something on it to inspire a new layout. Not redoing that layout, but creating a new one. Do you like the colors? Use them on today's layout. Did you use stickers? Maybe a lot, like sticker sneezed? Use stickers in a more tame way today. You'll need to link up both the inspiration layout and the one you do today (be sure to note the original and new). This like the others are due on Sunday evening. And ONE MORE THING. . .The Summer Slug. . .er. . .Follower winner :) Meaning you didn't have to do anything more than be a Follower of this blog: Congrats to Emilyt! Emily contact me at to get your prize.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #6

I took yesterday off, even though I shouldn't have, and played yesterday with my sister. I completed the two layouts below. Both are assignments from my Big Picture class - so I'm only two behind, which for me is great. Now there is something special about the second layout - at least for me the "safe-stay-on-the-page scrapper." One of the assignments was to basically "go arty" with paint -- SOOOO not my style, I can't even tell you. Paint is for chipboard buttons, not to be flicked on the page. But I liked the look and ease of what she talked about, but really didn't feel like messing with paint. But she said something about mists and I thought, "Hey, I have those and have never used them." And so here you go -- I misted the cardstock for both pages and built my layout on it. So totally easy I can't tell you. I really liked the look of it when it was all said and done, too. I also used the mist on the chip banners. I used Red Maya Mist, which is on the Apron Strings website. If you've never tried them, after using them myself, I have to say they are really fun, super easy (really, don't be intimidated) and they dry quickly, even the chipboard, so you're not waiting around with a half finished layout. No more excuses, if you're one of those scrappers like me who plays safe - it's time to break out, at least every once in a while; it's energizing. I mean, if I can. . .YOU can!

Today, incorporate the following PageMap onto your layout - betcha thought I was gonna say use paint! LOL. This layout, along with the others from this week are due Sunday evening.

Have a happy Tuesday.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #5

How was your fourth? Hot and dry? Cool and wet? Sticky and humid and hot? Whatever the weather, I hope you enjoyed are sparkler-y good time. Here? Woke up to clouds rolling in and some humidity that would only get worse. After church we headed out to a soccer game for my 11 y.o. son. Unfortunately this last of three games for the weekend was a blow-out. But he got to play a position he doesn't usually and seemed to enjoy himself (blisters and all.) I think he was more disappointed he wasn't selected for the All Star Team. And being the good mom, I was disappointed for him; I know what that would have meant to him. However, I looked up at the quickly graying skies and felt the humidity thicken on my skin and looked for the silver lining in the situation - we wouldn't be stuck out at the fields for another three hours and could go home to enjoy dinner and fireworks. We walked into a house that was filled with the smell of the BBQ sauce on the country ribs I'd tossed in the crock-pot before we left - on the chance that Tom could have had that last game and we wouldn't be home until after 6:30. But I had company coming at 5:00 and a house that looked like the people who live in it left in some sort of mad rush - dishes everywhere, toys strewn about like some mini tornado had touched down and a kitchen in grave disarray. But I pulled it together and we sat down and enjoyed the ribs, assorted sides and Apple Cobbler (I don't make pies) made by my daughter. Yum! Had a huge downpour just as company was leaving and the kids couldn't resist. Out they want to run like maniacs in the rain (and it was cold!) and splash in the gutters. What is it about a rain-filled gutter that's irresistible? You just gotta splash around, or at least walk in it. Got some great shots of the crazies enjoying their storm. Rounded them up to change into warm, dry clothes and loaded up in the car to head down to the fireworks. We had taken one of our cars down earlier to save a spot, but with the off and on rain storms that rolled through all afternoon, I don't know that we needed to do that his year. Everyone was warm and cozy in the car while we waited for the show to start and another rain storm rolled through. Got some great "car shots" of Tom & Jack playing tic-tac-toe on a giant beach towel (that is actually the tic-tac-toe board and has large plastic shapes) in the back of the mini van, Kallene and DH playing chess on her Nook and Matthew pretty much roaming around the confines of the car or hanging over the seat to watch his brothers. In those moments, where we're squished up together, nobody's fighting or complaining and we're tucked in cozy in the car - life is good. Started raining harder during the fireworks, but who cares by then. DH, Kallene and Tom stepped out of the car to watch, while Jack, Matt and I stayed in. Matt watched a few burst into the sky, stopped and looked around when the "Boom" came and said "uh-oh" but otherwise was more interested in sitting in the driver's seat and messing with the buttons on the dash. Came home to enjoy some ice cream treats DH had bought to take with us, but forgot at home. It was another one of those cozy moments. So now here we are at Monday - a day off for many :) I have today's challenge and last week's winner. First - the winner, right? I mean why put it off. You would like to know now, I'm sure. I do have to say, that I love the InLinkz (big THANKS to Melanie for her suggestion to use it!) and I understand that you all love it as well. HURRAY! Where was I? Oh, yes, the winner from last week is: Linda R. Congrats -your prize will be included with your next kit shipment. A note about prizes: if you're a member of Apron Strings Autoship I'll ship your prizes to-date with your kits, if you are not, I will be doing the mailings at the end of "My Croppy Summer." Okay, finally - if you've read this far you are hereby Knighted. Today's challenge is inspired by the basics of our craft - trimmer, scissors, adhesive and pens. Create a layout that only uses paper; patterned or cardstock or both. You can cut, shape, punch, stamp or emboss whatever you wish from your paper, but no other items are allowed. This is a great time to use up scraps or perhaps papers you keep passing over since there's no pressure to find embellishments to match. Deadline for links will, again be Sunday evening. Remember weekly drawings are based on getting all assignments for the week done. However, at the end of "My Croppy Summer" there will be a drawing done for all those who participated - one entry per challenge completed. Have a great start to your week!
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

A few little blog shout outs:
  • Check out Sous Chef Jennifer's blog HERE, one because she's got her layouts up on her blog and she's also participating in a blog hop, so you can jump around to get some more inspiration.
  • Sous Chef Amy fantastic cards, perfect for lifting and using your scraps from your layouts this week. Plus she also has her Cricut cartridge giveaway you can participate in. See her blog HERE and look for the link to her contest in the top post.
  • Need more card inspiration? Check out Sous Chef Laura's Blog HERE. Her great talent is not only found in the Apron Strings card kits, but also as part of the Stamps for Life kit club. Her designs are cute, quick and easy to lift. Perfect for those scraps.
  • Lastly, Sous Chef Gloria who Apron Strings shares with among others, Graphic 45's design team. Gloria's work is also seen in the Apron Strings card kit, as well as sketches posted monthly on this blog. Gloria has amazing cards on her blog, see them HERE, but she also has sneak peeks of upcoming Graphic 45 lines - love the Christmas one!

Go browse around, gather ideas and use those scraps. You want a clean workspace for the coming week's challenges, don't you?

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #4

I find it hilarious that of the answers on the poll on the blog (if you haven't cast a vote, go do so now) that of all the things to love about summer (those of you who actually have things you love) nobody finds having their kids home a good thing. The majority definitely love the longer days followed closely by mani's and pedi's. And what is up with only one person Screaming for Ice Cream?? We should all be screaming for that! So day two and no layout to share. :( Coming up on busy time, dangit. My son has a last minute soccer tourney on Saturday and Sunday, but I won't be able to see either of his Saturday games, much to my deep disappointment. You know, I may hate the running during the season, but I'm nuts (some would say fanatical, I think that's a bit strong) about being at their games. Sunday there's at least one game and so we have made only loose plans for the 4th. How 'bout you? BBQ's? Fireworks? Picnics? What's in your plans? In honor of the Red, White and Blue Day, today's challenge is to create a monochromatic layout using either Red, White OR Blue. If you've never created a monochromatic layout, here's your chance - one color though many textures and patterns. This, along with the other layouts needs to be linked through InLinkz (at the bottom of this, and each post) by Sunday evening. I'm looking for a nice summer prize pack and if the space-time-family continuum cooperates, I may get a photo uploaded for you. Now go, consume hot dogs, potato salad and apple pie! Have a happy and safe fourth.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Croppy Summer Assignment #3

My own scrapbooking inspiration is coming from the Big Picture class I'm taking and, unfortunately, I didn't get my Big Picture assignment done yesterday; but I have a good excuse. My family and I were at a local amusement park, enjoying the beautiful evening. In all the years I've lived here (which is a lot) I had never been to this park. Driven past it hundreds of times, but the other amusement park in town was my family's choice when we were little. So I had some preconceived ideas, that were very wrong. The park, which was built in the early 1900's was like stepping back in time. Art Deco architecture, original neon signs in those great 30's, 40's and 50's fonts (depending on when the ride was opened.) I could imagine the different decades' of people wandering through the park. It's a small park by today's enormous, overgrown standards, but that just added to the quaintness of it. The kids enjoyed everything from the roller coaster, to the Round-up, to some freakish free-fall thing, to the Kiddie Rides they helped the 1 y.o. stay seated on.

It'll be a kick to eventually scrapbook these photos and my own (and my sister's and husband's enlightenment about the park.) I'll see what I can get done tonight, scrappy-wise.

Today, however, brings YOU your next assignment which is: Create the tag using the map below and incorporate it onto your next layout. The Tag Map is from PageMaps.

This layout, along with the others from this week are due Sunday evening, linked through the new InLinkz feature found at the bottom of each post.
Have fun!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)