Yesterday was a beautiful Colorado Spring day. Temps were in the 70's, there was a breeze and if you were in a shady spot it was great! Out running around on field day. . .yeah, you probably got a little hot. Our 6th grader's field day festivities (he's there in the green) included several heats of foot races, some sort of team flag-tag (my boy was the last one standing on his team - though his "take down" reminded me of a video of a gazelle being chased by lions; he was a marked man,) and a pickle/gummy bear eating contest. Of which he declined to participate because he wanted to run the races. Good choice.
As I watched him, I realized it was not a typical field day for the school - less carnival like games and more actual competition (outside the pickle-gummy bear thing.) I was reminded of the field days I had growing up; games of fitness - push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups. Games of speed - 50 and 100 yard dashes and relay races. Not everyone won then and not everyone won yesterday. Something that the PE teacher actually pointed out, while congratulating everyone on their participation and good sportsmanship. Nice!
Then just a few hours later, storms started rolling in over the foothills. I had dropped off the 6th grader at soccer and was making a run to Kohl's with my daughter, when we came out and I saw the clouds building. I ran her home and headed back to the fields. The clouds said, "lightening" and had that ominous green-tint to them. I saw lightening as I was coming up the drive to the fields and was annoyed to find teams still practicing. They continued to practice another 30 minutes with the flashes getting closer and you could hear the thunder. I get so annoyed - wide open fields with super tall, metal lights for the fields - can you say lightening rods?
This morning as I was dropping off my 4 y.o. I saw there was some additions to the art in the hallway. I had found my son's yesterday so I was interested to see what the "addition" to the drawings were. They had dictated to their teacher things about the pictures- which turned out to be us moms. They were hilarious (I should have taken more photos) - things like, "My mom's favorite thing is texting." or "She makes good Ramon Noodles and Cereal." or "My mom likes adult parties (and I get to stay with Grandma and Grandpa.)" My own little tag included my enjoyment of my computer, printing things downstairs, my ability to whip up good cheeseburgers and salami and helping him with his tracks. It's funny, and enlightening, how they see their world and what we are doing in it.
Today's inspiration from the Color Theory board over on Pinterest is crisp and bright and works for a variety of topics.
And using this month's Bigger than a Breadbox kit is Maria Swiatkowski - this is the Jillibean Irish Farm House line, which is actually very multi-colored, but she's pulled the color pallet to ground some photos of outside play.
The Smaller than a Breadbox May kit also contains this color pallet - the Pebbles Family Ties line is all about greens and blues. Here Kristin Perez used it to highlight a trip to the mountains. I know this park, it's in our backyard ;D
One more major item to cross off my list today, just in time for that spare moment to be filled with a dinner gathering with my out-of-state-visiting-this-week-sister and then jump right on into graduation and soccer tourney. Sigh.
Happy Thursday.

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